102 afleveringen

Your dog has separation anxiety. Whines, and cries every time you pick up your keys.
Your new cat is fighting with your older cat, and one of them is not using the litter box.
Your horse is shying at the mounting block when she used to stand like a statue.
Living with animals enriches our lives in so many ways, yet when they are confused or unwell, their behaviors become our concern.

The truth is, in order to make themselves known, our animals express themselves through quirky, and sometimes undesired behaviors. When their communications fail to reach us they have to resort to demonstrative behaviors.
When our animals “speak” to us we are given a choice: we can dismiss them as silly and goofy or we can choose to stop… and listen.
By knowing how to listen to your pet, you will solve problems and be shown a world that is nothing short of miraculous.
In this podcast, "Let's have a Chat," you will discover the secret to communicating with animals successfully.
If your animal is your soul-mate, then listen in as Nicole Birkholzer, animal communication expert, author, and storyteller provides you with ideas to have a mindful and meaningful chat with your own animal to resolve quirky and undesired behaviors.
Connect with Nicole at mindful-connections.com

Let's Have A Chat‪!‬ Nicole Birkholzer

    • Kind en gezin

Your dog has separation anxiety. Whines, and cries every time you pick up your keys.
Your new cat is fighting with your older cat, and one of them is not using the litter box.
Your horse is shying at the mounting block when she used to stand like a statue.
Living with animals enriches our lives in so many ways, yet when they are confused or unwell, their behaviors become our concern.

The truth is, in order to make themselves known, our animals express themselves through quirky, and sometimes undesired behaviors. When their communications fail to reach us they have to resort to demonstrative behaviors.
When our animals “speak” to us we are given a choice: we can dismiss them as silly and goofy or we can choose to stop… and listen.
By knowing how to listen to your pet, you will solve problems and be shown a world that is nothing short of miraculous.
In this podcast, "Let's have a Chat," you will discover the secret to communicating with animals successfully.
If your animal is your soul-mate, then listen in as Nicole Birkholzer, animal communication expert, author, and storyteller provides you with ideas to have a mindful and meaningful chat with your own animal to resolve quirky and undesired behaviors.
Connect with Nicole at mindful-connections.com

    Welcome Episode: A Rescue Story

    Welcome Episode: A Rescue Story

    :: Every day in my work as an interspecies communicator I connect with animals who were neglected, kicked around, and abandoned.
    Some have found their family on the first try, others have been shuffled from family to shelter and back for years. Because of an unexpected or undesired behavior.
    :: I will show you what it means to see the world through your animal’s eyes and guide you on how to connect with your furry or feathery companion in fun and meaningful ways. 
    :: You get some papers that describe your dog, but do you really know if the new dog is genetically a hunter, a herder, a watchdog? Will s/he like children, other dogs, be ok being left alone?
    :: You are most likely a bit anxious yourself bringing a new being into your life. You being calm and grounded is the most important thing you can do.
    Inhale through the nose, let the air settle into your belly and exhale through the mouth.
    Three deep breaths settle your mind and your body so you can receive the new member with open arms.
    :: On your first day, have a chat and introduce yourself.

    • 17 min.
    Once Upon a Time

    Once Upon a Time

    :: We can look at two categories that have a significant presence in our animal lover world. One is the communication with animals telepathically, connecting telepathically with your animal means you send visuals or messages to your animal and then feel, see, hear, or sense their reply. 
    :: And there is the category of training our animals, which is also a way of communicating, mostly with short commands and by using our body.  These how-to books are usually based on leadership, more accurately on dominance. 
    :: In my experience, this type of leadership or dominance training doesn't take into account that our animal is also OUR teacher. For me that is the best part about being with animals. We can learn from and through them.
    :: Connecting with your animal in mindful and meaningful ways can have remarkable side effects. The more I chatted with my animals the more I remembered the innate tools I used when I connected with animals as a child in Germany. My body and my intuition.
    :: Animals, just like us, want to be seen and heard. Totally true. 
    :: Within three weeks I had written the manuscript this podcast is based on. It’s a script about living a meaningful and mindful life with your animal! I will share the secret to communicating with animals, successfully in this podcast. 
    :: If you’d love to learn to see the world - truly- through your animal's eyes so that you too can get a glimpse into the animal kingdom, a world that provides us with so much valuable information and precious wisdom, then stick around. 
    :: Together we will explore how you can hone your senses and how you can use them to connect with your animal, your herd, or pack in ways you’ve never connected before. I will remind you to listen to your body, your precious compass, who can guide your journey in magical ways.

    • 16 min.
    Let's Meet In The Now

    Let's Meet In The Now

    :: Growing up in Germany, our neighbor's horses were my playmates, my confidantes, and my peers. And though I didn't have pets, I pretended my grandparents' German Shepherd was mine.
     :: I definitely felt more like myself in the company of an animal than with most human beings.
    :: As I grew up and learned how to work with horses and train my dog and run a farm and teach students, the way I communicated with animals changed. 
    I lost my heart connection. At times I forced when I should have felt, I pushed when I could have yielded, and I struggled when I could have partnered. 
    :: My horse Okie's image popped into my mind and with it a message. "Don't ask how I can come to you. Ask how you can come to me." With this statement came the understanding: the animals were not my problem—I was. 
    :: And, as I breathed a lot and was more present, I could suddenly hear and feel more consistently what the animals around me expressed. 
    :: You, too, can return to that place of deep, meaningful relationships with your animals and with yourself. When you meet your animals where they live, in the now, you will find what you have been seeking: a deep and magical bond that surpasses any other relationship. 
    It is so easy. No training is needed.
    :: On average, you take 20,00 breaths a day. Let's be more specific, except for the occasional sigh so loud that you make yourself aware of your breath; you unconsciously breathe 20,000 times a day. Here is one secret: Just one conscious breath puts you right into the present moment. 
    :: When your cat traipses over your keyboard she says … your head is buzzing and it is time for you to stop and take a breath. Chances are you have been sitting bent over your laptop for hours, your breath has gotten shallow, and your brain is getting fried. Your cat is looking out for you because she wants you to be more present and at ease. Hence the visit. 
    :: You’re always only one breath away from genuinely connecting with your animal … in the now.
    Show Notes available here:

    • 18 min.
    Come To Your Senses

    Come To Your Senses

    :: When you are in tune with your senses you can feel, see, sense, smell and experience the world through your animal's experience and senses. For us to actually tune into our senses we need to be present. 
    :: Good news, “We are never not present, we are just present with something else.”
    :: Compared to us, our animals have superior senses.
    :: Our animals have such marvelous skills to read the energies and frequencies put forth from the world around them. Meeting your animals in the now gives you a chance to become more aware and tuned in to your senses and theirs.
    :: As you take a breath or two to become present, your mind automatically slows down and becomes more perceptive. The same is true for your body. As you are more connected to your body, consciously, your senses wake up/get activated and provide a lot of information. 
    :: Whenever I notice one of our furry family members look at something intently, my eyes immediately start searching for what they might be looking at. My ears stretch to pick up any sound that could reveal what's in the bushes. And my body feels alerted to take action if required. 
    :: Raising your awareness and tuning in to your senses will shift your relationship with your animal and people to new heights.
    :: Give your animals a chance to guide you back to your senses. The more aware you are, the better you will be at the next thing I want to talk about timing, good timing. 
    :: When you spend more time in the present moment and utilize your senses, you will see more opportunities to respond more timely when communicating with your animal, and that will make it more effective.
    Show notes available here:

    • 16 min.
    Quirky or Undesired Behavior? There is a Reason.

    Quirky or Undesired Behavior? There is a Reason.

    To see things through my animals’ eyes means not putting my own experience, feelings, and beliefs onto them.
    - Nicole Birkholzer
    :: Projection often means that we're doing something to the animal while seeing the world through our animal's eyes allows us to do something with our animal.
    :: When our animals speak to us, be aware, that type of behavior is their way of expressing themselves, we have a choice. We can either dismiss them as quirky or annoying or get frustrated with them, or we can choose to stop and listen. Because these furry and feathery guides of ours as simply reflecting back on what's going on in our life and in their life.
    :: When we run on autopilot. When we’re not tuned in. When we are not present, they see it often as their job to trip us up, or lie on our keyboard, or become a no-show at the fence. They make us aware that we're physically there but not available. Therefore, quirky or unexpected behaviors are really your animal's way of asking you to come back into balance. Their quirky behavior is their a way to wake you up.
    :: Living with animals enriches our lives in many ways. But when the behavior is suddenly unexpected even dangerous their actions become our concern. If your dog has separation anxiety and whines and cries every time you pick up your keys that's an undesired behavior.
    Or, if your new cat is fighting with your older cat and one of them is not using the litter box, well that's a problem. Or, if you're fostering three bunny sisters and one of the bunnies charges you keeping you away from bonding with the other two, that's not fun. Because you expected a snuggly bunny situation. Or, why does your horse suddenly not step up to the mountain block when usually she stands like a statue?
    What is going on?
    :: In these situations, you often reach out to your veterinarian or your trainer. Wondering if there is something physically, wrong. If there is a training issue? You might bring the bunnies back because the one that charges you is just not manageable. Often the vet or trainer can't find a solution because it is not necessarily a training or health issue that's going on most often it's a behavior issue that can't be fixed with treats or medicine. So what is really going on in those situations?
    :: In most cases, the quirky or undesired behavior relates to some type of unease. Be it unease within you, because you're not breathing, or too occupied. Or, something brings them unease in their environment. I discovered that there are five areas that can influence our life either with ease or unease.
    :: The five areas are, the people we're surrounding ourselves with can bring ease or unease to us. Our purpose, fulfilling our purpose or feeling we have not yet fulfilled our purpose is something that can bring ease or unease into our life. Our environment, if we love where we live, if we love how we surround ourselves, can bring a lot of ease. But, it can also bring unease if we're not happy in our environment. Then there are the peers, the connection we have to others outside our world. That, of course, can bring a lot of ease or unease into our lives. And the fifth category or area is our health. Because being healthy usually means are at ease, but if we have aches or pains we feel unease.
    :: If the animal is consistently feeling unease from the first four categories, people, purpose, environment, pack, or herd, the unease can eventually lead to dis-ease. And with that, we came full circle. Unease leads to dis-ease which leads to health issues.
    :: With this episode, I invite you to start paying attention to your projections. When do you project your own feelings onto the animal and when you're truly feeling your animal is informing you?
    :: And, start looking into some of the animal behaviors you notice. Are they quirky? Is your animal simply trying to give you a chance to tune in and com

    • 21 min.
    It’s All Good Until It's Not

    It’s All Good Until It's Not

    Animals, just like us, crave ease. Because when at ease, the nervous system is relaxed, which means the body and mind are calm.
    :: When we or our animals feel our life is on the line, we instinctively go into survival mode.
    :: What does survival mode look like? We contract. We pull all the energies into our core, rush adrenaline through our veins so we are ready to take flight or fight or freeze. Our mind moves frantically through the option available to get back to safety.
    :: Under natural circumstances, fight, flee, freeze episodes are short. As soon as we realize the threat is over, the body takes a deep breath and the mind calms.
    For example, the car in front hits the brakes. Reflexively you do too. The adrenaline surge rushes through your body. Once you come to a stop an inch away from the other car’s bumper, your body takes a deep breath. Your extremities tingle as adrenalin recedes. Within moments your system relaxes.
    :: Ideally, like a pendulum, the body naturally goes back and forth between arousal and relaxation.
    :: In our domestic world, the nervous system is often over-aroused. We are hooked into so many stressors that the nervous system has not enough time and space to go back into a relaxed state.
    :: If you feel more uneasy than at ease, if you are stuck in contraction, it is time to heed long-term physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual issues.
    :: How does this tie back to your relationship with your animal? Let's go back to the quirky behavior your animal displays by tripping or cheering you up.
    Let’s say you carry tension in your neck and shoulders. You might be aware of it, or not. Take a little inventory right now, are you tense anywhere in your body? Are you holding your breath, pulling your shoulders to the ear lopes, clenching your teeth or your toes? I bet you are able to find some unconscious tension. Your animal is always conscious of that tension because s/he is in tune with the five areas. The people ... being one. Because there is tension in the people area your animal wants to fix it, a.k.a. Trip you up so you take a deep breath. Remember, animals, just like us, crave ease. Ease means all is well and safe.
    :: When your dog trips you up – literally – as you rush to get out of the house, don't push her aside. Instead, stop in mid-stride, take a deep breath, and thank her for looking out for you.

    :: And, if your kitten acts really goofy in the most unfitting moment ... take a breath and then observe yourself and the circumstance. Is your kitten alerting you to something about you - are you stressed, concerned, need some cheering up?
    :: When you are physically at ease you are more willing and able to engage with your body and be present with it. And that is important because your body is your biggest sensing tool.
    :: Animals are keen observers not just with their eyes, but they observe an energetic change with their entire body.
    :: When our animals "speak" to us, we are given a choice: we can dismiss them as silly and goofy, or we can choose to stop... and listen.

    • 21 min.

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