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Monkey King: Hero is Back 西游记之大圣归‪来‬ Join Mandarin

    • Taalonderwijs

上映三天破亿,五天登顶单日票房冠军,7月14日《西游记之大圣归来》以超5300万的单日票房成绩,成为了中国电影史上单日票房最高的国产动画片。  Just three days after hitting the screen across China, the Chinese animated film "Monkey King: Hero is Back" has evoked enthusiasm among its audiences, and box office sales have exceeded 100 million yuan. It made a box-office record of 53 million yuan on July 14th, 2015, the highest one-day value in Chinese animation history. 孙悟空不仅是中国古代文学四大名著之一《西游记》中的主人公,更是每个中国人童年的英雄。各种版本的《西游记》故事影视作品层出不穷,其中最为深入人心的当属1986年的电视剧版和伴随90后成长的央视动画版,而《大圣归来》的导演田晓鹏就曾是央视动画版的主创之一。Monkey King is not only the hero of “Journey to the West”----one of the four most famous ancient Chinese stories, it’s also the hero of every Chinese child. There are lots of films and TV programs based on this book; the most well known of which are the CCTV TV series from 1986 and the animated one from1999. Every child from that 80&`&s and 90&`&s grew up with the story deeply rooted in their minds. Coincidentally, the director of “Monkey King” Tian Xiaopeng was a member of the animated TV series’s production team. 据《华尔街日报》发布的新闻,除了大赞《大圣归来》的票房外,更关注到整个中国动漫产业的发展。除了特效与画面的出彩,其更在原有的故事框架上创造出全新的主角形象,将老题材饱满化,生动化。且熟悉的情节让许多观众表示“回到了童年”。According to The Wall Street Journal, "Monkey King" has surprisingly won a rare wave of positive reviews from industry professionals, and has definitely made an impact on the development of the Chinese domestic animation industry. Other than the outstanding visual effects, the movie has created a new image for the Monkey. This transforms the story and adds new life to the classic story. Many members of the first-week audience said they felt like went back to the childhood time.我们的微信Wechat:JoinMandarinLet&`&s learn Mandarin!

上映三天破亿,五天登顶单日票房冠军,7月14日《西游记之大圣归来》以超5300万的单日票房成绩,成为了中国电影史上单日票房最高的国产动画片。  Just three days after hitting the screen across China, the Chinese animated film "Monkey King: Hero is Back" has evoked enthusiasm among its audiences, and box office sales have exceeded 100 million yuan. It made a box-office record of 53 million yuan on July 14th, 2015, the highest one-day value in Chinese animation history. 孙悟空不仅是中国古代文学四大名著之一《西游记》中的主人公,更是每个中国人童年的英雄。各种版本的《西游记》故事影视作品层出不穷,其中最为深入人心的当属1986年的电视剧版和伴随90后成长的央视动画版,而《大圣归来》的导演田晓鹏就曾是央视动画版的主创之一。Monkey King is not only the hero of “Journey to the West”----one of the four most famous ancient Chinese stories, it’s also the hero of every Chinese child. There are lots of films and TV programs based on this book; the most well known of which are the CCTV TV series from 1986 and the animated one from1999. Every child from that 80&`&s and 90&`&s grew up with the story deeply rooted in their minds. Coincidentally, the director of “Monkey King” Tian Xiaopeng was a member of the animated TV series’s production team. 据《华尔街日报》发布的新闻,除了大赞《大圣归来》的票房外,更关注到整个中国动漫产业的发展。除了特效与画面的出彩,其更在原有的故事框架上创造出全新的主角形象,将老题材饱满化,生动化。且熟悉的情节让许多观众表示“回到了童年”。According to The Wall Street Journal, "Monkey King" has surprisingly won a rare wave of positive reviews from industry professionals, and has definitely made an impact on the development of the Chinese domestic animation industry. Other than the outstanding visual effects, the movie has created a new image for the Monkey. This transforms the story and adds new life to the classic story. Many members of the first-week audience said they felt like went back to the childhood time.我们的微信Wechat:JoinMandarinLet&`&s learn Mandarin!

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