Naming Names: Priscilla & Aquila Redeemer Church of South Hills

    • Christendom

This couple served as excellent examples of dedication to the gospel and commitment to Christ. They were highly valued for their willingness to help and were always a refreshing source of support to those around them. Their cooperative and low-maintenance attitude made them exceptional fellow workers in Christ Jesus. Their lives were a testimony to […]

The post Naming Names: Priscilla & Aquila first appeared on Redeemer Church of South Hills.

The post Naming Names: Priscilla & Aquila appeared first on Redeemer Church of South Hills.

This couple served as excellent examples of dedication to the gospel and commitment to Christ. They were highly valued for their willingness to help and were always a refreshing source of support to those around them. Their cooperative and low-maintenance attitude made them exceptional fellow workers in Christ Jesus. Their lives were a testimony to […]

The post Naming Names: Priscilla & Aquila first appeared on Redeemer Church of South Hills.

The post Naming Names: Priscilla & Aquila appeared first on Redeemer Church of South Hills.