NXT Takeover 31 Five Star Pod Splash

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Download This Episode The first of our 2 episodes this month, we’re getting back into the NXT fracas with a detailed breakdown of NXT Takeover 31. We’re breaking down the first of what is sure to be many matches between Damien Priest and Johnny Gargano, Kushida’s new ruthless streak, Io and Candice tearing the houseContinue reading "NXT Takeover 31"

Download This Episode The first of our 2 episodes this month, we’re getting back into the NXT fracas with a detailed breakdown of NXT Takeover 31. We’re breaking down the first of what is sure to be many matches between Damien Priest and Johnny Gargano, Kushida’s new ruthless streak, Io and Candice tearing the houseContinue reading "NXT Takeover 31"