1 min.

One Minute at Boxcar Comedy daneallred

    • Filosofie

Dane Allred stand-up One minute at Boxcar Comedy Club right now.
Right now, give it up for Dane Allred.
He's so funny, he gets one minute, man.
Yeah, I teach BYU.
I'm in the wrong place.
I can't wait to tell these jokes to my students.
Especially the jiggly bits.
You're gonna have to explain that to me, Jiffy...
What's it called? Daniel, What was it?
Jiggly puff.
I'm excited to tell that.
Yeah, I'm gonna blame this on Michael.
I'm hoping to meet Helen Keller when I go to heaven.
Do you think people told her the Helen Keller jokes when she was alive?
If they didn't, I'm going to. And then she'll shoot me.
Because they'll be guns in heaven, right?
Most people in Utah aren't going to go to heaven if there aren't guns.
I want to meet Abraham Lincoln, too, because he said "The ballot is stronger than the bullet".
And I want to ask him if he still thinks that.
And then he'll shoot me.
I'm Dane Allred.
Dane Allred! That's how you do it, all right.

Dane Allred stand-up One minute at Boxcar Comedy Club right now.
Right now, give it up for Dane Allred.
He's so funny, he gets one minute, man.
Yeah, I teach BYU.
I'm in the wrong place.
I can't wait to tell these jokes to my students.
Especially the jiggly bits.
You're gonna have to explain that to me, Jiffy...
What's it called? Daniel, What was it?
Jiggly puff.
I'm excited to tell that.
Yeah, I'm gonna blame this on Michael.
I'm hoping to meet Helen Keller when I go to heaven.
Do you think people told her the Helen Keller jokes when she was alive?
If they didn't, I'm going to. And then she'll shoot me.
Because they'll be guns in heaven, right?
Most people in Utah aren't going to go to heaven if there aren't guns.
I want to meet Abraham Lincoln, too, because he said "The ballot is stronger than the bullet".
And I want to ask him if he still thinks that.
And then he'll shoot me.
I'm Dane Allred.
Dane Allred! That's how you do it, all right.

1 min.