4 min.

Season 8 | Short Series | Colossians 1 :16 Renewed To Honor

    • Christendom

Colossians chapter 1:16. For by him, all things were created in heaven and on earth. Visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things were created through him and for him. Last time we saw, the Jesus is the image the exact image of the invisible.

God, the first born of all creation saying that there was no one to create him. He is worthy of all praise and the supremacy of God supremacy of Jesus is exalted in the verse 16 that we are looking today. He says, all things that were created in heaven and on earth that means what it was here around us and all what are the things that are in this space

And way beyond in the farway galaxies were created by him. But it doesn't stop there. All things were created through him. That means he was the one who created, it was his voice that when he created, when you look at Genesis chapter 1, we see that it says God said, let there be light.

That means when protons were blasting, through the entire universe giving light, it was his voice that said, let it be light. All things are created through him and now all things were created for him. They are created to give him glory. They are created to give him praise. But wait.

Is it praise from our lips? No, all things that are visible and invisible. There are billions of massive galaxies and whirlpools of stars and black hole setup, massively huge, which our eyes will never see; on a smaller scale that are nanoparticles, atoms and molecules and electrons and protons, and neutrons, which our eyes cannot see.

There are even subatomic particles that we can only postulate about. We don't see those things. Then who is praising him. All things that were created to give him glory. Do you see that they were not for us to give him glory? All things are created to give him glory, because It speaks of a massive marvellous

awesome God whether our lips take to praise him or not. All things were created for him, and for his glory, for his rule, for his majesty. And he doesn't end there. He says whether thrones, dominions, rulers& authorities. That is a very important call that Paul is doing here. He's saying no to emperor worship

that is going on there. No, to dominions and fear of the evil one. No-to anything that is created not to angelic praise; No one is going to pray to angels because Jesus is beyond that, more powerful than angels. You say no to any authority, that is standing against God.

You say no, you were created Oh Kings- By Jesus and for Jesus &through Jesus's Word. Therefore you are not as big as Jesus. That is our pray today. In-all things, he is supreme. All things were created for him, through him by him. To display his majesty. Things that are alive.

Things that are oppressive, things that are kind things that are cute, things that are dangerous and deadly, things that a loud like waterfalls, things that are silent, like the quietness at night, things that are burning hot, like, the centres of stars and things that are freezing cold in the depths of ice.

All things: are-created to reflect his majesty. Let us, PraiseHim


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Colossians chapter 1:16. For by him, all things were created in heaven and on earth. Visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things were created through him and for him. Last time we saw, the Jesus is the image the exact image of the invisible.

God, the first born of all creation saying that there was no one to create him. He is worthy of all praise and the supremacy of God supremacy of Jesus is exalted in the verse 16 that we are looking today. He says, all things that were created in heaven and on earth that means what it was here around us and all what are the things that are in this space

And way beyond in the farway galaxies were created by him. But it doesn't stop there. All things were created through him. That means he was the one who created, it was his voice that when he created, when you look at Genesis chapter 1, we see that it says God said, let there be light.

That means when protons were blasting, through the entire universe giving light, it was his voice that said, let it be light. All things are created through him and now all things were created for him. They are created to give him glory. They are created to give him praise. But wait.

Is it praise from our lips? No, all things that are visible and invisible. There are billions of massive galaxies and whirlpools of stars and black hole setup, massively huge, which our eyes will never see; on a smaller scale that are nanoparticles, atoms and molecules and electrons and protons, and neutrons, which our eyes cannot see.

There are even subatomic particles that we can only postulate about. We don't see those things. Then who is praising him. All things that were created to give him glory. Do you see that they were not for us to give him glory? All things are created to give him glory, because It speaks of a massive marvellous

awesome God whether our lips take to praise him or not. All things were created for him, and for his glory, for his rule, for his majesty. And he doesn't end there. He says whether thrones, dominions, rulers& authorities. That is a very important call that Paul is doing here. He's saying no to emperor worship

that is going on there. No, to dominions and fear of the evil one. No-to anything that is created not to angelic praise; No one is going to pray to angels because Jesus is beyond that, more powerful than angels. You say no to any authority, that is standing against God.

You say no, you were created Oh Kings- By Jesus and for Jesus &through Jesus's Word. Therefore you are not as big as Jesus. That is our pray today. In-all things, he is supreme. All things were created for him, through him by him. To display his majesty. Things that are alive.

Things that are oppressive, things that are kind things that are cute, things that are dangerous and deadly, things that a loud like waterfalls, things that are silent, like the quietness at night, things that are burning hot, like, the centres of stars and things that are freezing cold in the depths of ice.

All things: are-created to reflect his majesty. Let us, PraiseHim


Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/renewedtohonor/message

4 min.