Shared Worldview

Alexander Karlsson
Shared Worldview

I meet a lot of people along my travels and in this podcast we explore their worldview together. Every conversation is different and it's impossible to say what this series is really about. We're talking about everything form our guests life story to spiritual philosophies and theories about how the world is organised. What happens when we die? What is meaning? Is everything made up? What privileges do we have? What stories do we tell our selves? We will touch on a lot of subjects in this series and at the end we will probably have more questions than answers. Enjoy the ride!



I meet a lot of people along my travels and in this podcast we explore their worldview together. Every conversation is different and it's impossible to say what this series is really about. We're talking about everything form our guests life story to spiritual philosophies and theories about how the world is organised. What happens when we die? What is meaning? Is everything made up? What privileges do we have? What stories do we tell our selves? We will touch on a lot of subjects in this series and at the end we will probably have more questions than answers. Enjoy the ride!

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