164 afleveringen

Tips & tricks on writing your business's greatest lead generation tool.
Join Stuart Bell, Dean Jackson, and Betsey Vaughn as we look at how writing a book can get you more leads, more call, more business.

The Book More Show: More Leads, More Calls, More Business 90-Minute Books

    • Zaken en persoonlijke financiën

Tips & tricks on writing your business's greatest lead generation tool.
Join Stuart Bell, Dean Jackson, and Betsey Vaughn as we look at how writing a book can get you more leads, more call, more business.

    Ep164: Providing Value with Trisha Talbot

    Ep164: Providing Value with Trisha Talbot


    Today on the Book More Show, we're talking with Trisha Talbot of Doc Properties to explore the synergies of healthcare and property investment and how she's using her book 'Essential' to start a conversation with the investors she can best serve.

    With over two decades of experience, Tricia shares the field's potential for both returns and social impact through facilities that elevate care optimized by telemedicine trends, and we cover why the asset class attracts stakeholders seeking stability and community benefit.

    Trisha's book is an invaluable resource to the investors she works with, outlining the benefits of these opportunities, such as long-term leases and triple net arrangements.

    It's a great example of understanding your clients' motivations and creating a book that provides value to start the relationship.



    Stuart introduces Trisha Talbot from Doc Properties, highlighting her expertise in healthcare real estate investment and the purpose-driven opportunities it presents.
    Trisha discusses the critical role of healthcare properties in society and how impact investing in this sector can benefit both society and investors.
    We examine the effects of telemedicine on healthcare, noting the potential for specialized facilities to provide improved patient care and efficiencies.
    Stuart shares insights into the medical office asset class, emphasizing its stability and the deeper connection investors can have with their investments due to social benefits.
    Trisha explains the advantages of long-term leases and triple net arrangements in medical office buildings for landlords and tenants.
    The importance of educating potential investors about the value of medical office assets is highlighted, along with Tricia's book as a foundation for understanding this asset class.
    We delve into the importance of personalizing investment strategies to individual needs and market conditions, using education as a starting point for engagement.
    Trisha outlines the characteristics of the ideal clients for medical real estate investments, primarily accredited investors with a vision for tangible assets.
    The discipline required to write a book is explored, including the process of planning and writing, as well as the importance of resonating with the audience.
    Stuart and Trisha wrap up with a promise to reconnect in a few months to follow up on progress and encourage listeners to check the show notes for further information on obtaining her book.

    Show notes & video: 90minutebooks.com/podcast/164
    How does your book idea score against the 8 book building blocks we use here all the time: Book Blueprint Scorecard
    Titles & Outline Workshops: 90MinuteBooks.com/Workshops
    Ready to get started: 90MinuteBooks.com

    Trisha Talbot Contact Information:
    Website:Doc Properties
    Email: ttalbot@docproperties.com
    LinkedIn:LinkedIn Profile

    Questions/Feedback: Send us an email
    Extra Credit Listening: MoreCheeseLessWhiskers.com


    (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors)

    Trisha: I wrote the book to sort of to provide it from an investment angle of this is how the asset class, like, this is kind of an overall description of the asset classes is why it's important.

    And these are the mechanisms, the financial mechanisms of why it can be so successful. And the long term leases are are the primary. Um, reason why this asset class is so successful

    Stuart: eHy everyone, welcome back to another episode of the book more show. It's stewart bell here, and today I'm joined by Trisha talbot. Trisha, how you doing? I'm doing well, thank you. Thanks for having me. pleasure, I'm excited to share this journey with people.

    As we get a chance to share author stories with people, I think it does a couple of hopefully it does a couple of services for people. One, it kind of reminds them that, hey, this is something that they should do as well. But two, it really kind of highlights t

    • 37 min.
    Ep163: Clarity and Credibility with Mitchell Levy

    Ep163: Clarity and Credibility with Mitchell Levy


    Today on the Book More Show, I dive into the art of messaging with Global Credibility Expert Mitchell Levy.

    Mitchell and I were introduced earlier this year, and in talking to him, I really connected his work with our approach to helping business owners start conversations with clients and customers.

    In the show, we dissect the struggles professionals face in articulating their value and unique position in the marketplace and the power clarity and credibility have in personal and business branding. A challenge that could become harder in an AI-powered world, but where an abundance mindset means AI becomes a huge advantage in leveraging leadership.

    We discuss the strategic use of books as credibility tools and the importance of an authentic presence, and I share my journey of dialing in the message and determining who we can best help.

    Finally, we highlight Mitchell's upcoming, free CoachingFest event, which will bring together 14 leading speakers to help professionals grow their influence and define their message.

    Though it's called CoachingFest, this event is relevant to everyone listening, not just coaches, as we're all here to refine our message and get more clients. It's well worth checking out the link above.



    Mitchell shares his insights on the importance of clarity and credibility in personal and business branding, noting that 98% of professionals struggle to articulate their value proposition succinctly.
    We focus on the shift from a scarcity to an abundance mindset, discussing how AI is democratizing thought leadership and the importance of experience and capability in this new landscape.
    The concept of Customer Point of Possibilities (CPOP) is introduced, which helps articulate one's core message succinctly, highlighting the discovery that clarity precedes credibility.
    My personal journey toward identifying my core customer pain point (CPOP) led to narrowing my target audience, which I discuss in relation to executive coaching and business development.
    We explore the synergy between different coaching services and partnerships, reflecting on the psychological barriers to specializing and the success that comes with a narrowed focus.
    The necessity of articulating a clear message or CPOP within eight to ten words is emphasized, especially for authors and marketers looking to engage their target audience effectively.
    I introduce the concept of a micro-commitment—a low-risk offer to captivate potential clients—and propose clarity sessions as a strategic starting point before engaging in book creation or marketing efforts.
    We guide listeners through the process of becoming a community superhero, leveraging books as conversation starters and knowing one's CPOP to attract the right audience and establish credibility.
    The upcoming Coaching Fest is highlighted as a valuable opportunity for growth and learning from leading industry voices, aimed at helping listeners enjoy playing in their community's playground every day.
    The strategic timing for book opportunities is explored, stressing the importance of clarity in messaging before writing a book or enhancing one's online presence to enhance credibility and leverage knowledge.

    Show notes & video: 90minutebooks.com/podcast/163
    How does your book idea score against the 8 book building blocks we use here all the time: Book Blueprint Scorecard
    Titles & Outline Workshops: 90MinuteBooks.com/Workshops
    Ready to get started: 90MinuteBooks.com
    Mitchell Levy:Mitchell's Website
    CoachingFest:Registration Link

    Questions/Feedback: Send us an email
    Extra Credit Listening: MoreCheeseLessWhiskers.com


    (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors)

    Mitchell: So, given the CPOP I plan, it made a lot of sense to pull some of the best coaching voices in the industry to be able to have a two-day summit. So it's a free event. It's called coachingfestcom. Stuart, put in your link in the not

    • 44 min.
    Ep162: Words Matter

    Ep162: Words Matter


    Today on the Book More Show, Betsey and I discuss the unexpected longevity business owners can experience through book publishing. We share client success stories of doors kept open years later through meaningful connections fostered. Betsey emphasizes genuinely engaging audiences to elevate your expertise.

    Our conversation also reveals the personalized approach we take with each author. While some thrive on meticulous planning, others appreciate creative freedom - our process caters to everyones needs.

    We talk about book titles and first impressions. We explore choosing impactful words through various lens and learning from others' input. Betsy draws parallels to historical warning systems and titles' role signaling treasures within.

    Overall, our discussion illuminated tangible ways publishing can continuously attract opportunities through meaningful human connections and insight-sharing, not just short-term sales metrics.



    Stuart and Betsey discuss the long-term benefits of book publishing for business growth, noting that the goal is to engage the right audience rather than just sell copies.
    We explore the simplicity and personal touch of our bookmaking process, appealing to both detail-oriented individuals and visionaries.
    The importance of word choice in all forms of communication, including book titles, emails, and other marketing materials, is emphasized as key to connecting with the audience.
    Betsey and I delve into the significance of book titles and subtitles in attracting readers and accurately conveying the book's content.
    We share insights on the collaborative process of selecting a book title, considering various viewpoints to ensure it resonates with potential readers.
    The episode draws an analogy between the role of a book title and the canary in the coal mine, serving as an early signal to readers of what to expect.
    Stuart and Betsey highlight the power of a strong title paired with an amplifying subtitle to start meaningful conversations and transform readers into clients.
    Stuart discusses a LinkedIn post he made about the importance of language, illustrating with an example of a political email's unintended connotations.
    We touch on common title selection challenges that authors face, and the importance of clarity and context in book titles, especially for conversation-starting books.
    The conversation wraps up with the acknowledgment that time can be an ally in the writing process, allowing for revisions and improvements to ensure the message aligns with the author's intent.

    Show notes & video: 90minutebooks.com/podcast/162
    How does your book idea score against the 8 book building blocks we use here all the time: Book Blueprint Scorecard
    Titles & Outline Workshops: 90MinuteBooks.com/Workshops
    Ready to get started: 90MinuteBooks.com

    Questions/Feedback: Send us an email
    Extra Credit Listening: MoreCheeseLessWhiskers.com


    (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors)

    Stuart: Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode of the Bookmore Show, stuart Bell. Here and today we are joined by Betsy Vaughan. Betsy, how are you doing.

    Betsey: I'm great, stuart. Good to be here with you.

    Stuart: I know it's been a little while we used to do every week. But I hope people don't think that you're replaced by other guests, but we just figured collectively.

    Betsey: Oh, we've got some really great guests though, so you know I love to hear what the guests are saying and listen to those podcasts, you know more than listening to myself well, definitely about time that we were back on talking about things, because it gives us the opportunity just to tap through a few ideas for people who aren't familiar.

    Stuart: You're obviously running the book business for us day-to-day, so dealing with a lot of clients and potential clients, so run through a lot of those common questions. So

    • 21 min.
    Ep161: Unlocking the secrets to wealth with Chuck DeLadurantey

    Ep161: Unlocking the secrets to wealth with Chuck DeLadurantey


    Today on the Book More show, we're talking with Chuck DeLadurantey, financial advisor, private family banking expert based in South Texas, and author of Protect Your Money Now.

    His business is not unique; other people are doing similar work, but his approach and work style are unique to him.

    We spoke about the opportunity to differentiate yourself in a crowded market, and Chuck shared his focus on strategies for building generational wealth, debt elimination, and retirement planning.

    Chuck also stresses the importance of truly understanding what clients want and need and building trust through real conversations—conversations that start with his book.

    He has some great insights into how writing books and using social media can help you connect with people while amplifying your expertise.



    Chuck discusses his journey in financial coaching and private banking, highlighting the importance of targeting a specific market for business growth.
    We delve into strategies for intergenerational wealth management and the significance of creating a stable financial foundation for young families.
    The episode emphasizes the role of modified snowball techniques for debt reduction and the importance of safeguards for retirement plans against market volatility.
    We explore the synergy between authorship, a strong social media presence, and the ability to build trust through storytelling to foster client relationships.
    Chuck shares how writing a book served as a contextual tool for his services and how it has contributed to a fivefold revenue increase.
    We discuss the modified approach to client acquisition and engagement, including the strategic placement of ads and the effectiveness of offering a free book to gather emails for follow-ups.
    A personal anecdote highlights the unpredictability of marketing channels and the potential for significant deals arising from varied outreach methods.
    The conversation covers the educational process for clients, acknowledging that while they may understand their financial problems, they often lack knowledge of the solutions.
    Chuck emphasizes the importance of passion in any field, sharing his belief that excitement about one's work is key to maintaining momentum and success.
    We touch on the art of questioning to deepen client engagement and the potential for future work centered around this skill.

    Chuck DeLadurantey - LinkedIn
    Private Family Banking

    Show notes & video: 90minutebooks.com/podcast/161
    How does your book idea score against the 8 book building blocks we use here all the time: Book Blueprint Scorecard
    Titles & Outline Workshops: 90MinuteBooks.com/Workshops
    Ready to get started: 90MinuteBooks.com

    Questions/Feedback: Send us an email
    Extra Credit Listening: MoreCheeseLessWhiskers.com


    (0:00:01) - Unique Approach to Private Family Banking
    (0:08:11) - Multi-Generational Wealth and Financial Planning
    (0:11:37) - Building Trust Through Conversations
    (0:21:35) - Financial Education and Client Engagement


    (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors)

    Stuart: Hey everyone, welcome back to the Bookmore show. It's Stuart Bell here, and today joined by Charles. I was just reading the background. I know you as Chuck Chuck.

    Chuck: Yes, chuck is great. Yeah, yeah, chuck works.

    Stuart: It's one of those things that I was looking at the screen, the background, I kind of saw the word and read the word instead of the word that was in my head, which is always a problem on the podcast.

    We know each other from a little bit from before you started writing a book. We had a couple of conversations before then, obviously, we were able to help you go through the process and now that's wrapping up. What I really thought would be a great opportunity would be to share your story with people so kind of the business that you're in. It's not a unique business in the se

    • 31 min.
    Ep160: Making Emotional Connections with Grant Gooding

    Ep160: Making Emotional Connections with Grant Gooding


    Today on the Book More Show, I'm talking with Grant Gooding of Proof Positioning about the secrets of market research for small businesses.

    Starting his career in mergers and acquisitions, Grant was a customer of market research provided by some large organizations. Realizing they were great at providing data but not insights into what the data practically meant, Grant started Proof to bridge that gap and provide actionable market-driven intelligence.

    We focused our conversation on how market research can help small and medium-sized companies determine what questions matter when growing their business.

    Having personally had preconceived ideas that market research was only an option for big companies with significant budgets, it was revealing to see just how accessible it is and how Proof's methodology marries with our approach to creating books.

    Both aim to answer potential clients' most pressing questions and start a conversation.

    There are a lot of valuable ideas here as you look to use a book to build your business.



    Stuart and discuss the accessibility and utility of market research for small to medium-sized businesses.
    Grant shares his transition from consuming market research for mergers and acquisitions to founding Proof Positioning to demystify complex data for entrepreneurs.
    We highlight the importance of asking 'burning questions' to help businesses overcome barriers and propel growth.
    The conversation addresses the misconceptions surrounding market research and the value of an abductive approach over traditional inductive methods.
    Grant emphasizes the significance of emotionally charged messaging in influencing consumer choices and driving customer behavior.
    We explore the concept that emotional influence often outweighs logical reasoning in decision-making processes.
    The episode discusses how simplifying communication and resonating with customers on an emotional level can transform business strategies.
    Stuart talks about the counterintuitive discovery that clients using multiple solution providers can indicate the value of a business's niche expertise.
    We reflect on a real-life lesson from a business that failed after ignoring expert advice, stressing the importance of informed analysis and listening to research.
    The episode concludes with an invitation for audience engagement and a look at the resources provided for businesses to maximize their market research efforts.

    Grant Gooding - LinkedIn
    Proof Positioning
    Insights from Proof

    Show notes & video: 90minutebooks.com/podcast/160
    How does your book idea score against the 8 book building blocks we use here all the time: Book Blueprint Scorecard
    Titles & Outline Workshops: 90MinuteBooks.com/Workshops
    Ready to get started: 90MinuteBooks.com

    Questions/Feedback: Send us an email
    Extra Credit Listening: MoreCheeseLessWhiskers.com

    (0:00:01) - Market Research for Small Businesses
    (0:07:23) - Simplifying Market Research Strategies
    (0:16:58) - Understanding Emotional Decision Making in Business
    (0:29:02) - Leveraging Market Research for Business Success
    (0:34:40) - Understanding Customer Behavior and Decision-Making
    (0:43:00) - Podcast Follow-Up and Future Plans


    (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors)

    Stuart: Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode of the Book More show. It's Stuart Bell here, and today joined by Grant Gooding. Grant, how you doing, buddy?

    Grant: Very good how you doing bud.

    Stuart: Good, good, okay, this one's going to be an interesting one. So we are usually talking with authors about their book and kind of frame and get around that. Grant and I were introduced through someone else on LinkedIn I think it was originally. I'll get Grant to do a proper introduction in a second, but I went into the conversation with the expectation that this would be an interesting con

    • 44 min.
    Ep159: Your Next AI Assistant with Aalok Y Shukla

    Ep159: Your Next AI Assistant with Aalok Y Shukla


    Today on the Book More Show, I'm joined by my good friend Aalok Y Shukla, Cofounder at Implement AI, as we discover the potential of voice AI.

    I've known Aalok for more than a decade. He's always been fast to adopt new technologies, so it was no surprise to see him, along with his cofounder Piers Linney, launch Implement AI, an organization dedicated to helping companies adapt to the new AI world.

    They have just launched an amazing interactive voice agent, and our discussion traces its evolution into empathetic systems, exploring tone, accent, and personalized experiences.

    We talked about Aalok's mother's encounter with their AI agent, and we shared my interaction and how impressed I was at the AI's seamless conversation skills.

    Wrapping up, we examine Agents role in redefining lead capture and management through fast follow-up tailored to each customer and reshaping customer service, sales and personalized outreach.

    Early in the show I've inserted my audio with the AI. The recording is from the server side, and it's amazing to hear how conversational the AI is, even with my bad cell phone connection. It's well worth a listen.



    Aalok Y Shukla from Implement AI and discuss the evolution of voice AI into empathetic, human-like systems that enhance customer interactions.
    Aalok describes a voice AI agent's warm and intuitive interaction through a personal anecdote involving his mother, highlighting the system's empathetic nature.
    We touch on the importance of tone and accent in voice AI to create engaging experiences, even when the accent is not localized.
    I share my experience with an AI call system, noting its human-like interaction and its ability to handle complex responses during conversation.
    We examine the potential of AI in the sales funnel, from improving customer touchpoints to aiding in ideation and transforming the sales process.
    The episode explores the use of AI for immediate follow-up in digital marketing, capturing emotional responses, and identifying highly motivated clients.
    We discuss setting parameters for AI to ensure recommendations stay within legal and ethical boundaries, like a pharmacy AI giving over-the-counter advice.
    Aalok talks about AI's role as a strategic partner in analyzing conversations, refining sales approaches, and allowing for reallocation of focus to high-value tasks.
    I highlight how AI can optimize lead flow, manage routine tasks, and offer solutions for post-pandemic business challenges, such as staffing issues.
    We discuss the customization of AI voice agents to match customer demographics, enhancing trust and credibility in customer relationships.

    Aalok Y Shukla - LinkedIn

    Show notes & video: 90minutebooks.com/podcast/159
    How does your book idea score against the 8 book building blocks we use here all the time: Book Blueprint Scorecard
    Titles & Outline Workshops: 90MinuteBooks.com/Workshops
    Ready to get started: 90MinuteBooks.com

    Questions/Feedback: Send us an email
    Extra Credit Listening: MoreCheeseLessWhiskers.com


    (0:00:01) - Amplified Expert Podcast and Voice AI
    (0:03:07) - AI's Potential in Business Exploration
    (0:13:44) - Using AI for Lead Capture and Conversion
    (0:17:08) - AI-Assisted Conversational Analysis and Personalized Services
    (0:20:32) - Optimizing Lead Flow With AI Support
    (0:27:48) - AI Voice Customization and Implementation
    (0:34:30) - Amplifying Your Message and Feedback


    (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors)

    Stuart: Anyone welcome to what I think I've just decided I'm going to call the amplified expert podcast. Not, this is important enough for a new show all by itself, so I'm going to put this in the normal 90 minute books feed. So hide all the 90 minute books crowd. But I think this, where we're going, is worthwhile to create a whole new show by itself. So I look at Shukla Great to see you

    • 34 min.

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