26 afleveringen

Have you ever put together an outfit that was just right, making you feel amazing from head to toe? It takes thought, planning and effort to create that perfect look. In life and in our relationships it's the same. It's like a unique puzzle with individual pieces that we must pay attention to in order for everything to work together. If something is missing it's like walking out of the house with no pants on. Are you ready to piece together your puzzle of life? Let's go...

The Coaching Closet Richele Batt

    • Maatschappij en cultuur

Have you ever put together an outfit that was just right, making you feel amazing from head to toe? It takes thought, planning and effort to create that perfect look. In life and in our relationships it's the same. It's like a unique puzzle with individual pieces that we must pay attention to in order for everything to work together. If something is missing it's like walking out of the house with no pants on. Are you ready to piece together your puzzle of life? Let's go...

    Victoria Alexander - Red Flags in Dating and Relationships

    Victoria Alexander - Red Flags in Dating and Relationships

    Episode #26: Welcome to the Coaching Closet, I'm your host Richele, thank you so much for joining me. Today I am so excited because I'm bringing back my bestie Victoria Alexander to talk about red flags in dating and relationships. We talk about addressing the issues that you know are there, and then when they come up, seeing what the response from the other person is, and if it gets addressed by them. If they care to change something, or maybe if you're just not a match, and trusting your intuition, yourself and your gut feeling.

    Ready? Listen in...

    • 37 min.
    Signs That You're Being Love-Bombed

    Signs That You're Being Love-Bombed

    Episode #25: Welcome to the Coaching Closet, I'm your host Richele. Today I'm going to begin a series of episodes on relationships that has to do with dating, and it's going to be about toxic symptoms, or red flags that you may not know about or you might have heard about. I'm going to break them down for you into different categories, and it's going to be things you can see in other people when you are dating, and also things you can see in yourself. The topic for this episode is about love-bombing, an overly intense attention when you first meet somebody, it's over the top, it's excessive everything. It becomes so over the top to the point where you feel like you can't really even get anything else done, you can't think about anything else, it can be completely toxic.

    Ready to learn more about love-bombing? Listen in...

    • 10 min.
    Revisiting My Weight Loss Journey (Replay)

    Revisiting My Weight Loss Journey (Replay)

    Episode #24: Welcome to the Coaching Closet, I'm your host Richele. Today I wanted to get a new episode out to you, but I'm in the process of moving and will be back next week with a new episode. For now, since it's still the beginning of the year and people are looking at starting fresh, losing weight and feeling better about themselves, I thought I would replay my 5th episode, which is on my weight loss journey. I talk about how my weight was affecting my health and had gotten out of control.

    So most of my life I was in great health and I really did not struggle with my weight very much. Honestly, I grew up, I was, you know, one of those kids that I was very involved in dance and sports and very, very active. And so I was fortunate, I have great genetics and between that, and being really active and having a Mom who was really blessed to stay home with us and cooked great meals, healthy meals I learned to eat pretty well. But when I got divorced in 2017, I got in some really unhealthy habits. I was 40 plus pounds overweight over what I had been. While I was at a networking event, I ran into a health coach and she was explaining what she did. I was like, I need you please help me. And I signed up for a program that night. That started my health journey in mid September of 2020. Six months later, I had dropped 40 pounds. And now I integrated the health coaching program that I lost weight on into my coaching practice so that I can help people that are struggling with their health.

    Ready to hear more? Let's go...

    • 11 min.
    Breakups: Learn. Grow. Start Again.

    Breakups: Learn. Grow. Start Again.

    Episode 23: Welcome to the Coaching Closet, I'm your host Richele Batt. Let's talk about break-ups. They're not easy. None of us usually you see them coming... Not from the beginning, at least. If we did, why would we ever start a relationship? We don't start out in a relationship or a marriage thinking, well, one day this is gonna end... No, definitely not. But break-ups, they don't have to ruin our lives or define our future, and they don't have to be negative, they can be an opportunity for growth and opportunity for a spiritual awakening. Katherine Woodward Thomas came up with the term Conscious Uncoupling, and this is an amazing program that is coached all over the world. Here's a quote from her: "In a nutshell, a break up is nothing short of a once in a lifetime opportunity to have a complete spiritual awakening, one that catapults you to a whole new level of authenticity, compassion, wisdom, depth, and—dare I say it?—even joy.” So breakups are opportunities for growth.

    Ready to dive into this? Let's go...

    • 10 min.
    New Year, New You, New Love

    New Year, New You, New Love

    Episode 22: Welcome to the Coaching Closet, I'm your host Richele Batt. Happy New Year, I'm really excited about what is in store for you in 2022! I've seen a lot of people express to me personally and on social media that the last couple of years have been particularly trying and difficult in so many ways. But with this New Year, I believe it's a time for a renewed sense of hope and purpose, opening up something fresh and something new. In the last couple of years I have picked a word for the new year, my word this year is 'honor'. With that word, I want to really honor everything in my life, beginning with myself. I've talked a lot about self-love on this podcast and about loving yourself first, because out of that is how you will overflow and love others around you.

    Ready? Let's get started...

    • 9 min.
    Rex Romander - Improve Yourself and Your Relationships in 2022

    Rex Romander - Improve Yourself and Your Relationships in 2022

    Episode 21: Welcome back to the Coaching Closet, I'm your host Richele Batt. We are here again with my friend, Rex Romander. Rex has been with us before, he's a coach and a dating coach. Today we are going to be talking about dating and what plans you may have for your life, and we are excited to announce our collaboration to do a group coaching class for you in January.

    Ready to hear more? Let's go...

    • 19 min.

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