21 min.

THE INVISIBLE COLLEGE: James Joyce's Dubliners Grand Podcast Abyss

    • Boeken

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit grandhotelabyss.substack.com

Welcome back to The Invisible College, my series of literature courses for paid subscribers. The 2024 syllabus can be found here. This lecture is the first in an eight-week sequence on James Joyce. I begin with some advice for reading Ulysses, which we will begin in two weeks. Mainly, however, this episode covers Joyce’s first major work, the short story collection Dubliners. I briefly discuss Joyce’s life. Then I explain the censorship troubles Dubliners faced, the influential theory of the “epiphany” informing its composition, and its structure as the bildungsroman of a city. I also consider the history and theory of the short story as a form. Finally, I examine select stories from the collection for their stylistic and thematic significance, from the decadent minimalism of “The Sisters” to the universal vision of “The Dead,” with comments on Joyce’s religion, politics, and sexuality. Next week, we will turn to Joyce’s autobiographical novel, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. The first 20 minutes are free to all; please offer a paid subscription for the full episode. Please like, share, and comment—and please enjoy. The slideshow corresponding to the lecture is below the paywall.

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit grandhotelabyss.substack.com

Welcome back to The Invisible College, my series of literature courses for paid subscribers. The 2024 syllabus can be found here. This lecture is the first in an eight-week sequence on James Joyce. I begin with some advice for reading Ulysses, which we will begin in two weeks. Mainly, however, this episode covers Joyce’s first major work, the short story collection Dubliners. I briefly discuss Joyce’s life. Then I explain the censorship troubles Dubliners faced, the influential theory of the “epiphany” informing its composition, and its structure as the bildungsroman of a city. I also consider the history and theory of the short story as a form. Finally, I examine select stories from the collection for their stylistic and thematic significance, from the decadent minimalism of “The Sisters” to the universal vision of “The Dead,” with comments on Joyce’s religion, politics, and sexuality. Next week, we will turn to Joyce’s autobiographical novel, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. The first 20 minutes are free to all; please offer a paid subscription for the full episode. Please like, share, and comment—and please enjoy. The slideshow corresponding to the lecture is below the paywall.

21 min.