21 min.

Why Save‪?‬ Revolutionary Stewardship Podcast with Jay Dee Schurz

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Why Save?

I have discussed the topic of the need to save money for 25 years. I see the problems people face when they have no savings and get into a “tight spot”. What prevents us from saving money? The worldview ways of handling money is the culprit. Many people are buried in debt and have nothing left to tithe or save. House payments, car payments, credit card payments, medical payments, etc. all are hurdles in our quest to be good savers. Scripture is very clear on the need to save money and how to do it. As a financial planner, I am telling you, debt is your biggest enemy. Let’s look at what scripture says about saving.

Proverbs 6:6-8:

“Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.”

Proverbs 13:16:

“Every prudent man acts with knowledge, but a fool flaunts his folly.”

Proverbs 21:5:

“The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.”

Proverbs 24:27:

“Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that build your house.”

Luke 14:28:

“For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?”

Proverbs 10:4-5:

“A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes the rich . He who gathers in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps in harvest is a son who brings shame.”

Proverbs 21:5:

“The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.”

Proverbs 13:11:

“Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.”

1 Corinthians 16:2

“On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper, so that there will be no collecting when I come.”

Why Save?

I have discussed the topic of the need to save money for 25 years. I see the problems people face when they have no savings and get into a “tight spot”. What prevents us from saving money? The worldview ways of handling money is the culprit. Many people are buried in debt and have nothing left to tithe or save. House payments, car payments, credit card payments, medical payments, etc. all are hurdles in our quest to be good savers. Scripture is very clear on the need to save money and how to do it. As a financial planner, I am telling you, debt is your biggest enemy. Let’s look at what scripture says about saving.

Proverbs 6:6-8:

“Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.”

Proverbs 13:16:

“Every prudent man acts with knowledge, but a fool flaunts his folly.”

Proverbs 21:5:

“The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.”

Proverbs 24:27:

“Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that build your house.”

Luke 14:28:

“For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?”

Proverbs 10:4-5:

“A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes the rich . He who gathers in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps in harvest is a son who brings shame.”

Proverbs 21:5:

“The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.”

Proverbs 13:11:

“Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.”

1 Corinthians 16:2

“On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper, so that there will be no collecting when I come.”

21 min.