768 episodes

This podcast is for aspiring entrepreneurs and technologists as well as those that want to become a designer and implementors of great software solutions. That includes solving problems through technology. We look at the whole skill set that makes a great developer. This includes tech skills, business and entrepreneurial skills, and life-hacking, so you have the time to get the job done while still enjoying life.

Develpreneur: Become a Better Developer and Entrepreneur Rob Broadhead

    • Teknologi

This podcast is for aspiring entrepreneurs and technologists as well as those that want to become a designer and implementors of great software solutions. That includes solving problems through technology. We look at the whole skill set that makes a great developer. This includes tech skills, business and entrepreneurial skills, and life-hacking, so you have the time to get the job done while still enjoying life.

    Managing Hardware Resource Issues in Software Development

    Managing Hardware Resource Issues in Software Development

    Welcome back to another episode of Building Better Developers, where we dive into essential aspects of software development. Today, we're delving into "Managing Hardware Resource Issues in Software Development: Best Practices and Real-World Examples." In this episode, we'll explore the often-overlooked yet critical area of hardware resource challenges and their impact on software performance. From memory and storage constraints to processing limitations, we'll navigate through common issues developers face and provide insights into effective debugging strategies and optimization techniques. Let's embark on this journey to understand and address hardware resource issues in software development.

    Listen to Host Rob and Michael discuss how they Manage Hardware Resource Issues:

    The Intersection of Hardware Resource Issues and Software Development

    Debugging isn't just about finding and fixing code errors; it's also about understanding hardware limitations. As developers, we might face memory, processing, and storage issues, particularly when dealing with large-scale applications, big data, or heavy user loads.

    Memory and Storage Issues: One of the biggest hurdles is managing memory and storage efficiently. For instance, when physical memory is exceeded, systems start caching to disk, significantly slowing down processing. This is especially true with older, disk-driven storage, where processing speeds can drop from microseconds to several seconds. Modern SSDs mitigate this to some extent, but challenges remain.

    Real-world Example: Imagine an application running smoothly until it hits a memory limit. Suddenly, it starts swapping data to disk, slowing down operations. Users, noticing the delay, might re-trigger processes, compounding the issue. A simple solution like adding more memory might seem tempting, but a more robust fix involves optimizing the software to handle resources better.

    Debugging Beyond Code: Addressing Hardware Resource Issues

    Deeper issues might be at play when software behaves unpredictably despite no code changes. These situations necessitate detailed logging and monitoring of the operating system and platform to identify the root cause.

    Example of Debugging Approach: A developer might initially write code that handles small datasets well but faces performance issues with larger datasets. Switching from processing entire files in memory to processing them line-by-line can help, but a complete paradigm shift is sometimes necessary. Using a relational database for complex operations instead of in-memory processing can drastically improve performance.

    Distributed Systems and Microservices: Managing Hardware Resource Issues

    Microservices and APIs are prevalent in today's distributed computing landscape. These systems can mask underlying problems as they scale up.

    Healthcare Application Case Study: An application was crashing due to a combination of insufficient processing power, memory, and disk space. The initial fix involved moving processes to different servers, but persistent issues led to a comprehensive hardware upgrade and better load management strategies.

    Tips for Better Resource Management to Avoid Hardware Resource Issues

    Understand Resource Utilization: Developers must understand how their code impacts system resources. Tools like profilers can help monitor CPU and memory usage, identifying leaks and bottlenecks.

    Optimize Data Storage and Retrieval: It is crucial to use databases and in-memory data stores. Techniques like indexing and temporary tables can drastically reduce processing times.

    Avoid Overloading Systems: Ensure that applications don't unnecessarily burden the system. Log files, for example, should be managed to prevent them from consuming excessive disk space.

    Prepare for Scalability: Design applications to scale efficiently, balancing the load across distributed systems and ensuring that containers or

    • 23 min
    Successful Presentation Tips for Developers: Effective Demo Strategies

    Successful Presentation Tips for Developers: Effective Demo Strategies

    Welcome back to Building Better Developers, your go-to podcast for Becoming a Better Developer. In this episode, "Successful Presentation Tips for Developers: Effective Demo Strategies," we explore the nuances of delivering presentations and demos, focusing on non-technical aspects that can significantly impact your performance. We also explore how to set yourself up for success and avoid common pitfalls that can undermine your credibility and effectiveness.

    Listen to the Podcast Successful Presentation Tips for Developers: Effective Demo Strategies

    Preparation: The Key to Successful Presentation Tips for Developers

    Arrive Early: The importance of arriving early cannot be overstated. Aim to be at the venue at least 30 to 45 minutes before your scheduled time. This cushion allows you to handle any unforeseen issues, like a missing cable or dead batteries in your remote. Imagine the stress of realizing you need an essential item just minutes before you’re supposed to start. Early arrival gives you time to troubleshoot and procure any missing components.

    Bring Your Equipment: Always bring all the equipment you will need. Do not assume that the venue will have everything. This includes adapters, cables, and a backup device. One real-world example highlighted in the podcast was an event where the DJ did not have the correct adapter for an iPhone, resulting in a last-minute scramble to find a solution. The lesson? Bring your own gear and backups to avoid such scenarios.

    Backup Your Files: Have multiple copies of your presentation. Store them on your laptop, a USB drive, and in the cloud. This redundancy ensures that you can still deliver your presentation even if one source fails. Additionally, carry a printed version for absolute emergencies.

    Technical Setup: Ensuring Smooth Execution with Effective Demo Strategies

    Test Your Equipment: Before starting, test your microphone, video connections, and software settings. Use the built-in testing tools available in platforms like Zoom to ensure your audio and video are functioning correctly. Verify that your hardware and software configurations are optimal and consistent with your presentation needs.

    Plan for the Worst: Prepare for potential equipment failures. Carry a universal adapter kit and familiarize yourself with the available AV equipment at the venue. Knowing how to quickly switch to a backup plan can save your presentation from unexpected technical glitches.

    Simplify Your Setup: If your demo involves code, consider using screenshots or mockups instead of live coding. This approach minimizes the risk of typos and other errors that can occur under pressure. You can create an interactive presentation that simulates the live demo experience without the associated risks.

    Effective Presentation Techniques for Developers

    Stick to the Script: Avoid deviating from your planned demo. Live audiences may request unplanned actions, but unless you have thoroughly tested these, politely decline or offer to explore them offline. Going off-script increases the risk of errors and can derail your presentation.

    Highlight Key Points: Ensure that your slides are well-organized and free of errors. Use clear, concise language and avoid clutter. Each slide should support your narrative and be easy for the audience to follow.

    Interactive Demos: For interactive elements, pre-prepare clickable demos using HTML pages or PowerPoint slides with hyperlinks. This method allows you to control the flow of the demo and ensures that the audience sees exactly what you intend to show.

    Handling Code Demos: Essential Strategies for Developers

    Pre-Written Code: When demonstrating code, use pre-written and tested code snippets. Copy and paste these snippets into your development environment during the demo. This approach avoids live coding errors and keeps the demo flowing smoothly.

    Commented Code: Organize your code with comments

    • 21 min
    Boost Your Developer Efficiency: Automation Tips for Developers

    Boost Your Developer Efficiency: Automation Tips for Developers

    Welcome back to Season 21 of the "Building Better Developers" podcast! In this episode, "Boost Your Developer Efficiency: Automation Tips for Developers," we explore strategies to enhance productivity. As developers, we often focus on optimizing processes for clients but neglect to apply the same principles to our own work. This episode aims to change that by identifying repetitive tasks in our daily routines and exploring ways to automate and streamline them. Join us as we share insights and practical tips to help you become a more efficient and effective developer.

    Listen to the podcast and Boost Your Developer Efficiency

    Identifying Opportunities for Developer Efficiency

    The first step in enhancing productivity is taking inventory of daily repetitive tasks. Whether it's managing emails or routine development activities, there's always room for improvement. For instance, using email filters, labels, and rules can significantly reduce the time spent sorting through emails. If you don't use these tools, start today by setting up a few simple rules that will organize your inbox and save you time in the long run.

    Automating Development Tasks for Greater Efficiency

    Many routine development tasks can be automated to save time and reduce errors. Consider common activities like status reporting, version control, branch creation, and code merging. Automating these tasks can streamline your workflow and free up time for more critical activities.

    Version Control and Branch Management: If you create multiple branches daily, consider scripting the branch creation process. This can include automating the naming conventions and ensuring consistency across your projects.

    Build and Deployment Automation: Setting up Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines can automate the build and deployment process. If a full CI/CD setup isn't feasible, simple scripts can still automate tasks like compiling code, copying files to servers, and packaging applications.

    Database Management: For projects involving databases, having a set of SQL scripts to create users, tables, and other necessary elements can save significant time. Automating these foundational tasks ensures consistency and reduces the potential for errors.

    Enhancing Developer Efficiency with Shell Scripts and Scripting Languages

    Shell scripts and other scripting tools are invaluable for automating repetitive tasks. Whether you're using shell scripts on a Unix system or PowerShell on Windows, these tools can significantly enhance productivity.

    File Operations: Automating file movements, backups, and log management can save time and ensure accuracy. For example, you can write a script to handle directory crawling, file copying, and log parsing, which you might frequently perform.

    Environment Setup: Setting up development environments can be tedious, especially when dealing with multiple projects or clients. Interactive shell scripts can automate the installation and configuration of required software, making it easier to start new projects.

    Boosting Efficiency with Macros and IDE Features

    Most Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) offer features like macros and code snippets that can automate repetitive coding tasks. By setting up templates and custom shortcuts, you can reduce the time spent writing boilerplate code.

    Code Snippets: Define code snippets for commonly used blocks of code. This not only speeds up coding but also ensures consistency across your projects.

    IDE Plugins: Explore plugins that enhance your IDE's functionality. Tools like SonarLint can help you write cleaner code by highlighting potential issues as you type.

    Improving Developer Efficiency with Automated Testing and Quality Assurance

    Automated testing is another area where you can save time and ensure code quality. Writing unit tests for your code allows you to quickly verify functionality without manu

    • 20 min
    Building a Portable Development Environment That is OS-agnostic

    Building a Portable Development Environment That is OS-agnostic

    This podcast episode delves into the compelling discussion on why building a portable development environment is essential. Imagine a development environment where code knows no boundaries. Michael and Rob explore the art of crafting a coding haven that seamlessly adapts to any device or location. In an era where remote work has become the norm, they underscore the paramount significance of untethered productivity. Prepare to embark on a journey through practical strategies and ingenious solutions that empower developers to thrive, regardless of the ever-changing environments they encounter. Whether coding from a cozy home office or a secluded beachside retreat, this episode promises to equip you with the tools and insights to create a genuinely mobile development sanctuary.

    Listen to the Podcast on how to Build a Portable Development Environment

    The Value of a Portable Development Environment

    The conversation kicks off with a riveting tale that resonates with every developer's worst nightmare – a laptop casualty during the throes of travel. However, this particular developer had the foresight to curate a portable oasis, meticulously crafted with a suite of nomadic applications residing on an external hard drive. This clever contingency plan allowed them to seamlessly plug their digital lifeline into a business center PC, continuing their workflow with minimal disruption. This anecdote serves as a resounding testament to the indispensable value of cultivating a truly mobile development ecosystem that can be rapidly resurrected and thrive on any hardware it encounters.

    Tools for a Portable Development Environment

    The podcast outlines several tools and strategies to build a portable development environment:

    Portable Apps: Originally designed for Windows, portable apps allow developers to carry their essential tools on an external drive and run them without installation. This is especially useful when dealing with limited or restricted environments.

    External USB Drives: The hosts recommend using high-speed, large-capacity USB drives to store essential development tools and environments, such as IDEs, development frameworks, databases, and build tools.

    Cloud Storage: Services like One Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Box are essential for syncing development environments and files. Regular backups to these services ensure the development environment can be restored quickly if a local machine fails.

    Version Control: Regularly committing code to a version control system like Git is crucial. This practice ensures that code changes are continuously saved and can be retrieved from any machine.

    Leveraging Virtualization and Containerization

    The podcast also explores more advanced solutions like virtualization and containerization:

    Virtual Machines (VMs): VMs, such as those provided by VMware and Virtual Box, allow developers to create fully configured environments that can be easily cloned and deployed across different machines. This method has been around for a while and offers a robust way to manage development environments.

    Containers: Technologies like Docker and Kubernetes offer a modern approach to virtualization. Containers allow developers to package their applications and environments into lightweight, portable units. These can be run on any machine with a container runtime, providing consistency across different development setups.

    Cloud-based IDEs: Tools like Cloud9 provide cloud-first development environments that can be accessed from anywhere. These IDEs offer the flexibility of working from various devices without worrying about local setup issues.

    Practical Tips for Developers

    The hosts provide several practical tips for maintaining a portable development environment:

    Consistent Backups: Regularly back up development environments to both local and cloud storage. This ensures that all tools, configurations, and code

    • 23 min
    Software Development Requirements: Staying True to Specifications

    Software Development Requirements: Staying True to Specifications

    Welcome to another captivating episode of "Building Better Developers." Join your hosts, Rob Broadhead and Michael Meloche, as they delve into the intricate world of software development and share their hard-earned wisdom from the frontlines. Today's topic is a familiar challenge that developers often face: the delicate balance between adhering strictly to software development requirements and unleashing one's creative prowess.

    Navigating Software Development Requirements

    In our ever-evolving journey as developers, we frequently encounter projects where our innate creativity and problem-solving abilities must temporarily yield to the rigors of predetermined requirements. While this constraint may not be the most conducive environment for fostering unbridled innovation, it is sometimes unavoidable – particularly in fixed-bid projects or highly regulated domains such as government contracts, where adherence to stringent guidelines is paramount.

    The Challenge of Strict Software Development Requirements

    One of the most frustrating experiences in software development involves projects where clients demand only minimal changes to existing code. Often, the codebase is riddled with inconsistencies that make it a nightmare to read and maintain. Despite knowing the code could be vastly improved, rigid requirements prevent significant modifications.

    This scenario is common in environments where developers lack direct access to the end customer. Instead, they work in silos, writing code strictly to the documented software development requirements. This can feel like working with blinders on, unable to see the broader vision or potential improvements.

    The Importance of Clarifying Software Development Requirements

    Understanding software development requirements thoroughly is crucial. Developers must ask questions and seek clarification to ensure they're on the right track. Misunderstanding or making assumptions about the requirements can lead to wasted time and effort, producing a solution that doesn't meet the client's needs.

    One effective approach is to restate the requirements in your own words and seek confirmation. This could be through an email or a quick meeting, ensuring both parties have a clear and shared understanding. Doing this prevents unnecessary rework and aligns your work with the client's expectations.

    A Cautionary Tale: The Pop-Up Window Incident

    A cautionary tale illustrates the pitfalls of deviating from software development requirements. A young, enthusiastic developer once worked on a project requiring a simple confirmation message. Instead of a straightforward status bar update, he created a flashy pop-up window with blinking text that disappeared after a few seconds.

    The client hated it. The blinking text was distracting, and the auto-dismissing message often went unnoticed by users. This deviation from the requirements wasted the developer's time and frustrated the client, who expected a simple and functional solution. The lesson here is clear: stick to the software development requirements unless you have explicit approval to innovate.

    Understanding Scope and Effort in Software Development

    Another critical aspect is understanding the scope and effort required for a task. If a task is expected to take a short amount of time, spending excessive hours adding unnecessary features is inefficient and costly. Always communicate with your client or project manager if you encounter unexpected challenges that might extend the timeframe.

    Agile methodologies, such as daily standups, are designed to catch these issues early. If a task is taking longer than anticipated, raise it promptly. This transparency helps manage expectations and allows for re-prioritization if necessary.

    Team Dynamics and Collaboration

    In team environments, your work often impacts others. Delays or deviations can cascade, affecting the entire project's timeline. Thi

    • 20 min
    Handling Software Delivery Panic: Strategies for Developers

    Handling Software Delivery Panic: Strategies for Developers

    Welcome back to another episode of Building Better Developers. Today, we’re tackling an issue that every developer faces at some point: panic during software delivery. Whether it’s a critical bug or a new feature that isn’t functioning as expected, panic can strike anytime your software fails in the hands of a user. Rob and Michael cover handling software delivery panic with practical tips and real-life examples.

    Listen to the Podcast on Handling Software Delivery Panic

    The Inevitable Bug: Why Panic Happens

    Delivering software is a delicate process. Even when you’ve thoroughly tested your code and believe it to be bulletproof, something can always go wrong. Often, the panic ensues because:

    Unexpected User Behavior: Users may interact with the software in ways you didn’t anticipate. This is particularly common in beta tests or early releases where feedback is crucial.

    Overlooked Bugs: Some users have a knack for breaking things. These users often find bugs that slipped through your QA processes.

    Critical Stakeholders: When a manager, CEO, or client encounters a problem, the stakes feel much higher. Their frustration can quickly escalate to panic.

    Real-Life Panic: A Case Study on Handling Software Delivery Panic

    Recently, Rob faced this scenario with a technically knowledgeable customer. Despite understanding the development process, the customer encountered a show-stopping bug in an alpha version. Their immediate reaction was that the project was nowhere near completion, creating a sense of panic.

    During our call, he expressed concerns that none of the features seemed to work. He acknowledged that bugs and design flaws were expected at this stage, but the issue was so severe that it led to a dramatic loss of confidence in the project.

    Handling Software Delivery Panic

    Step 1: Stay Calm and Analyze

    The first and most crucial step when faced with panic is to stay calm. Take a deep breath and focus on understanding the situation:

    Reproduce the Issue: Identify the user's steps to encounter the bug. Sometimes, it’s as simple as a permission issue or an unanticipated input.

    Prioritize Fixes: Address the most critical issues first, especially those that block user progress.

    Step 2: Effective Communication

    Reassure the stakeholders that you’re on top of the situation:

    Acknowledge the Problem: Validate their concerns and show you understand the impact.

    Outline the Next Steps: Explain how you plan to fix the issue and provide a realistic timeline.

    Step 3: Learn and Improve

    Use this experience to strengthen your development and testing processes:

    Enhance Testing: Incorporate the steps that led to the bug into your testing scenarios. Automated tests can help catch these issues earlier.

    Add Logging: Improve logging to gather more information if a similar problem arises in the future.

    Real-Life Tips from Experience

    Michael shares an insightful story about a shared work experience. Despite rigorous testing, their boss would find bugs within minutes of a release. This constant scrutiny drove home the importance of thorough testing and the psychological pressure of delivering seemingly flawless code.

    One key takeaway from Michael’s story is the value of Test-Driven Development (TDD). By writing tests before the actual code, you ensure that each function meets the specified requirements. This approach not only catches potential issues early but also clarifies the expected behavior for each part of your application.

    Practical Advice for Developers

    Before starting on a new feature or bug fix, consider the following:

    Clarify Requirements: Ensure you have detailed requirements, including user input constraints and expected outputs.

    Define Acceptance Criteria: Clearly outline what constitutes a successful implementation.

    Implement Robust Logging: Log critical operations to s

    • 19 min

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