20 episodes

DharmaMind Buddhist Group Podcasts

DharmaMind Buddhist Group Āloka David Smith

    • Religion & Spirituality

DharmaMind Buddhist Group Podcasts

    Breaking out of Your Conditioned Bubble

    Breaking out of Your Conditioned Bubble

    In our quest to be free we have to look and discover that part of ourselves that isn't. We discover with investigation that so much of our thinking and functioning in life is simply following what we are familiar with, like a machine that we hide behind because we feel we are safe and unchallenged. What we need is to bring natural spontaneity into these situations and so step beyond that safety bubble out into the unknown. This is the path of the unconditioned and the chance to break the shackles that cause us to experience all of our suffering.

    • 57 min
    The Importance of Silence

    The Importance of Silence

    This talk given at the London Buddhist Society focuses on an issue that could be said to be the most important feature of dharma training but also the most important feature of all spiritual training that all religions, indeed all spiritual aspirants pursue. Without it access to the source of your quest is not possible, and this is the cultivation of silence of mind supported by physical stillness. This is a major challenge that demands we examine the reasons why we can't pull this off. Discover that a busy life without seeking precious spacious moments to relax and do nothing thus to become the master of your life, rather that its victim, is a major impediment in finding the mental platform to developing silence of mind on the meditation cushion, and discovering liberation from suffering.

    • 1 hr 11 min
    Silent-Illumination Unpacked

    Silent-Illumination Unpacked

    Silent- Illumination is an ancient Chan practice that can be difficult to understand and put into practice. This talk attempts to unpack this ancient practice and make it accessible to us here in the west so we can identify with it and take it not just to our meditation, but crucially also into our everyday ordinary life. Discover how to grow into this profound form that will not just awaken us to our habits and attachments that create the suffering of samsara, but open the door beyond this self-made creation into the uncreated, and return us to our true nature and liberation.

    • 52 min
    Taming the Noise

    Taming the Noise

    In the last talk the subject of finding your natural stillness and where the dharma abides was discussed, it is for us to now acknowledge this truth and take to the centre of our training. This talk focuses more specifically on how we go about bringing about that stillness that paradoxically is always with us anyway. The need to fulfill this aspiration can only be pulled off when we learn to take this training into our everyday lives and to all the ordinary mundane activities most of us engage with. When we do begin to tame that restless mind through committed training in this way, we can then bring that new familiarity to the cushion and so open ourselves to where the dharma is waiting to rise and transform.

    • 57 min
    The Unifying Principle of all Buddhism

    The Unifying Principle of all Buddhism

    Buddhism is a vast and expansive religion created by traditions and cultures that stretch back 2500 years to the time of Shakyamuni buddha. If you wish to study it you could easily spend your life exploring its philosophy, history and its many teachings. But if you are someone who wants to get to the bottom of your suffering and extinguish it you have to be very careful you don't get lost in its perfusion of endless concepts. However attractive these teachings are you need to focus and find the central principle that unites them all, and that is creating a still, empty and silent mind. For it is from this experience can you truly begin the journey with all the techniques on offer to understand and go beyond your suffering. Without making this your primary focus your desire to be free that is the promise of all schools will not be fulfilled.

    • 55 min
    Questions on Spiritual Practice Part 2

    Questions on Spiritual Practice Part 2

    The second day of questions focus on the remainder of the principles covered in the talks. After comments on how the dharma subtily changes the personality when you commit to practice. The questions focus on service, which many of us find challenging to our sense of self. The virtue of forgiveness can be the great healer both for yourself and others. Learning to let go of negative emotions is to become human, and rise to the challenge of not to taking ourselves so seriously. Finally, finding your inner guru.

    • 1 hr 20 min

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