The Courage To BE….

Who AM I?  

Am I Brave?

Am I Beautiful?

Am I Enough?

Am I ever going to lose those last 10lbs? 

As women, we continuously question our I AM and often find it challenging to embrace our BEING. We often put our trauma and pain on the shelf and abandon our mental wellness for the sake of the misguided programming of our youth that taught us that honoring our strength made us boastful and sacred self-care was selfish. 

When we are very young, each of us is programmed with beliefs about our worth, potential, and identity. These beliefs form our self-image.

Our self-image is simply the image we hold of ourselves. If we view ourselves highly and healthily, we're more likely to believe we can be, do, and have more in our lives.

And consequently, those beliefs translate into our actions. And our results.

In other words, people who have a healthy self-image end up being, doing, and having more in their lives.

On the other hand, if we have a low view of ourselves, we might think of ourselves as simply victims of our circumstances.

So, here we are, looking outside of ourselves for the answers that are found within.

So, here we are, looking for the Courage to BE, the best version of ourselves. 

So here we are, wondering HOW to make the SHIFT … Let's Talk.

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