2 min

Introduction to the management podcast This is Management with Norbert BM

    • Ledelse

In this episode I will do e brief introduction to the concept of the podcast, what is stands for and what is to be expected from it. Thees podcast is dedicated to all you managers out there and also al of you who are struggling with managing certen aspects of your life, whether it is personal relationships, diet, or your job, I am certen that together we will find a anceer to it.

In this episode I will do e brief introduction to the concept of the podcast, what is stands for and what is to be expected from it. Thees podcast is dedicated to all you managers out there and also al of you who are struggling with managing certen aspects of your life, whether it is personal relationships, diet, or your job, I am certen that together we will find a anceer to it.

2 min