50 episodes

Life On Pause is a podcast for and by young adults living with cancer. Each month, young adult cancer patients from Penn State Health share honestly about their cancer diagnosis, treatment and life afterwards. As cancer causes the group to reflect on issues both large and small, surprisingly relatable stories and themes emerge. From relationships to body functions, nothing is off the table.

Life on Pause Penn State Health

    • Society & Culture

Life On Pause is a podcast for and by young adults living with cancer. Each month, young adult cancer patients from Penn State Health share honestly about their cancer diagnosis, treatment and life afterwards. As cancer causes the group to reflect on issues both large and small, surprisingly relatable stories and themes emerge. From relationships to body functions, nothing is off the table.

    Lessons Learned

    Lessons Learned

    People experience many impactful lessons throughout young adulthood. Although a cancer diagnosis can change a young adult's life trajectory, it also provides learning opportunities and influential experiences. These lessons learned throughout a young adult's cancer experience can contribute to shaping their life journey and forming the person they become. 
    Life on Pause is a podcast created by and for young adults living with cancer. In this episode, our speakers discuss the lessons learned from their cancer experience and their experiences as members of the Life on Pause community. Together, they share their thoughts and memories about the lessons learned from having cancer and the lessons they continue to learn today. 
    Lessons Learned from Life On Pause (0:08)
    On this episode of Life On Pause, our hosts and guest speakers share their thoughts regarding lessons learned from participating in the podcast and experiencing the cancer journey as a whole. The show begins with an email written by recurring guest Taylor sharing her experience with the podcast, followed by the episode’s present speakers introducing themselves and weighing in with their thoughts about how the series has impacted them.
    First lessons from a cancer diagnosis (10:08)
    The cancer journey begins with a diagnosis, followed by many different experiences of cancer treatments, symptoms, and other health events. From coping with humor to expecting the unexpected, today's guest speakers share the first lessons they learned as their cancer stories began and how they carried it with them throughout their treatment and until now.
    Learning, Kicking, and Screaming (16:35)
    The next theme of the episode surrounds the cancer lessons our guests learned while kicking and screaming. Today's speakers share the tough lessons that made them miserable -- but were a necessary or unavoidable part of their cancer journeys. Listen as they describe experiences that taught them appreciation, humility, and patience during difficult hours.
    Constant Journeys and Lessons (19:04)
    Even when treatment is over, cancer can continue to teach lessons. Today's speakers share the cancer lessons that they are still learning today. Together they share some of their own stories about the lessons learned and relearned regarding themes like accepting things they cannot change, relinquishing control, and pondering the universal meaning of life.
    The Social Strangeness of Cancer (26:04)
    Cancer becomes a regular part of life for those who experience it. But for others, the topic of cancer can still be a touchy one. Throughout both childhood and adulthood, conversations about cancer still carry heaviness and can be challenging to handle. The episode's speakers share their thoughts on the social awkwardness surrounding the subject of cancer and how they navigate conversations and interactions where cancer is discussed. 
    The Life On Pause Community (34:03)
    Life On Pause started as a project to help young adults with cancer interact, share their stories, and form impactful memories. Although the podcast's speakers came together throughout different stages of their cancer journeys, the show became a helpful resource to those experiencing cancer and everything that comes with it. The show concludes with guests sharing their appreciation for the Life On Pause hosts as well as the podcast's community as a whole.

    • 39 min
    Forced Realities and Choices

    Forced Realities and Choices

    Experiencing a serious health event, like a cancer diagnosis, can change a person's priorities, decisions, and overall life path. Young adults with cancer experience different obstacles as they undergo uncontrollable life changes due to their diagnosis and treatment. So how can young adults continue to move forward with cancer influencing their decisions and life trajectory?
    Life on Pause is a podcast created by and for young adults living with cancer. In this episode, our speakers discuss the forced realities and changes that come with cancer. Together, they speak on their encounters dealing with the inevitable aspects of their cancer experiences and how those factors continue to influence them today. Listen in to hear these young adults share stories about living and coping with the parts of the cancer journey that were beyond their control.
    The forced realities of cancer treatment (0:08) 
    When people are diagnosed with cancer, their lives can change significantly. Suddenly health becomes your top priority above all else, and you must live your life around the purpose of getting better. This episode of Life on Pause begins with a discussion of the forced realities that cancer patients must accept when in treatment. The special guests introduce themselves and share their experiences with the forced realities of cancer treatment and the things they have lost control over due to their cancer diagnosis.
    Advice vs. Choice (9:42)
    Young adulthood can be an exciting time for people to venture out into the world and take the reins of life into their own hands. But, of course, this can mean choosing not to listen to or follow guidance from authority figures. Within this segment of the show, our speakers share their examples and insight on how this applies to their lives as young adults with cancer. 
    Privacy and treatment (14:47)
    Cancer can bring many changes to people's physical appearance that are hard to ignore. While some friends and relatives may wish to ask about these health changes out of concern, it can feel like a loss of privacy for cancer treatment patients. Handling unsolicited comments and questions about personal health matters can be uncomfortable, but for our guest speakers, it is just another part of life brought on by their diagnosis. Listen as they share their thoughts on how the loss of privacy is a new forced feature of their lives throughout their cancer journey.
    Feeling obligated to share your story (24:57)
    Experiencing a significant health event can attract attention and curiosity from others. But with health being such a personal subject, questions and discussions surrounding a cancer diagnosis can feel uncomfortable and disrespectful to the patient's privacy. Guest speakers discuss their experiences with the societal pressures of feeling obligated to be open about their experiences. They also discuss how they navigate tough subjects and honesty when speaking about their health to others and the responsibility of "putting on a brave face" for other people's comfort.
    How Cancer Experience Shapes Decisions (32:43)
    When experiencing cancer treatments, patients dedicate their focus and actions toward their health recovery. But after the treatments end, how do patients move forward when their health is no longer in critical condition? When the fear for their health no longer dictates their decisions, young adults with cancer must relearn how to function and make choices for their personal life progression. Our speakers discuss how the choices that they made during and after treatment were influenced by their cancer diagnosis. They also discuss how their cancer experience has shaped the choices that they make now and how they push themselves to make choices and pursue the right path for their well-being.
    Working With the Nervous System...

    • 55 min
    The Many Sides of Fear

    The Many Sides of Fear

    Everyone has fears that develop and change throughout their life. However, significant health events like a cancer diagnosis can simultaneously alter many aspects of life as they reveal a new set of potential outcomes - and concerns. So how do young people impacted by cancer cope with the fears brought on by their diagnosis?
    Life on Pause is a podcast created by and for young adults living with cancer. In this episode, our speakers explore the fears experienced by young adults with cancer. Together, they cover how their fears have transformed due to their cancer and reflect on the differences in their concerns before, during, and after treatment. Listen as these young adults open up about the feelings of struggle and triumph brought on by their health journeys and the emotional experience of living with cancer.
    How Do We Rationalize Our Fears? (00:30)
    This episode begins with host Corrine discussing fear and its purpose as a defense mechanism to protect us from danger. Our speakers share how they rationalize their fears as young adults with cancer. Listen as speakers introduce themselves and share their personal stories regarding the concern they have experienced throughout their diagnosis.
    Fears Then and Now (4:15)
    The time before and after experiencing a cancer diagnosis can feel like two separate lives, as cancer changes people's lives to reveal new circumstances, anxieties, and fears. Corrine and the guest speakers discuss their most significant concerns before their diagnoses and what they think about these fears as they look back on them today.

    Facing Fears After Diagnosis (11:13)
    A cancer diagnosis can conjure fears of the unknown as new patients consider the long and risky health journeys ahead. Our podcast speakers discuss the thoughts that came to mind when they first received their cancer diagnosis and how they coped with the fears surrounding this significant life event.

    Fears Moving Forward (21:08)
    After discussing the fears that our speakers experienced before and during their cancer diagnosis, they now look toward the future. Corrine and the speakers discuss what they fear now moving forward, including future failure, how cancer has impacted their lives, cancer relapses, and other concerns.

    Courage Through Cancer (36:35)
    Susan David said, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but fear walking.” To be able to progress, people must be brave and continue moving forward regardless of their fears. Our podcast guests discuss how their fear has given them courage and how they persist through their fears to continue living their lives one day at a time.

    • 48 min
    Looking Back To Look Forward

    Looking Back To Look Forward

    Those impacted by cancer gain strength and resiliency from their experiences, which carry them from year to year and remain present throughout their lifetimes. As we enter a new year, reflecting on the past can help us recognize and appreciate the lessons that will stick with us and guide us in the future.
    Life on Pause is a podcast created by and for young adults living with cancer. In this end-of-the-year podcast episode, our speakers welcome 2023 by taking a look back on 2023. Part of knowing where you are going is knowing where you are coming from, so listen as our guest speakers share the impactful and transformative experiences from their past years. Thank you for tuning into our last podcast of the year, and we look forward to you joining us as we release new episodes in 2023.
    Introductions and Reflections (0:26)
    Our host Corene kicks off this episode by asking the guest speakers about the most significant lesson they learned in 2022. Guests Taylor, Kasara, Corene, Tony, and Hailey each reflect on their experiences over the previous year regarding their health, growing up, life with cancer, and the wisdom they gained along the way.
    A Message in Hindsight (5:07)
    While the new year brings promises of change and transformation, for young adults with cancer, their health journey will always remain a present theme throughout their lives. Corene asks guests to describe the one thing they would choose to tell themselves at the beginning of their cancer experiences. From words of reassurance to advice and encouragement, our speakers discuss the messages they would give their past selves, knowing all they know now.
    2022 Highs and Lows (8:59)
    Throughout the course of a year, everyone has their hits and misses. This is a part of life, and the positive and negative experiences we face help us grow along the way. Our guest speakers discuss their own highs and lows from 2022, sharing transformative stories surrounding cancer journeys, moments of realization, and personal life experiences.
    Resolutions and Goals for 2023 (16:16)
    Looking toward the future can allow us to form positive resolutions and changes to strive for. Our guests discuss what they expect of their upcoming years and the things they hope to improve on and accomplish going forward. Additionally, they discuss life milestones, the personal pressures and fears that come with aging, and the misconceptions surrounding entering your thirties.
    Not Forgotten (21:26)
    For young adults with cancer, the ever-present aspect of their diagnosis eventually becomes a normalized part of their life. Corene discusses how cancer has become such a consistent theme in her life that she sometimes forgets she has it, whereas other times, it is at the forefront of her mind. She and the guest speakers discuss the experiences and lessons they will never forget regarding their cancer journeys.
    Lifelong Mantras (36:09)
    Regardless of how someone is impacted by cancer or how they live their lives, everyone has their own guiding principles that help them navigate through life. To wrap up the episode, Corene and the guests share their personal mantras that they say year after year. Our speakers provide their impactful sayings and beliefs that have been influential within their lives.

    • 41 min
    Cancer in a Strange Land

    Cancer in a Strange Land

    As a part of life, people often face new situations that take them out of their comfort zones. A unique experience like traveling to a foreign country can be exciting, but unfamiliar circumstances can also cause significant unease, especially when they are due to health complications. And while a first-time cancer diagnosis may feel like uncharted territory, experiencing cancer treatments in an unfamiliar country can bring on even more challenges. 
    Life on Pause is a podcast created by and for young adults living with cancer. In this episode, guest speaker Cecilia Kanga shares her experience receiving treatment for her cancer diagnosis in the United States and how she maintains positivity far away from her home in Zambia. As a traveler with a love of new experiences, Cecilia explains how her mindset and background have affected how she is experiencing her cancer journey in an unfamiliar land.
    Introducing Cecilia (0:30)
    The podcast begins with host Casey introducing the episode’s special guest speaker, Cecilia Kanga, who shares a bit of information about her background, her love of traveling, and her diagnosis. Cecilia is originally from Zambia, and since receiving her cancer diagnosis last year, she has experienced various challenges with her health and undergoing treatments in a new environment.
    The Challenge of Change (3:52)
    Battling cancer is already extremely challenging. But for Cecilia, being in a different country and experiencing her treatment in an entirely new environment added a new level of difficulty to her cancer journey. Cecilia describes the challenges of her treatment situation, like communication, and how that transpired with her care professionals.
    The Hardest Challenges (5:54)
    Cecilia cites that the most difficult part about her cancer journey was accepting her health condition. Being in a foreign land away from her loved ones and lacking control and knowledge about her diagnosis made it hard for her to wrap her mind around it. Her cancer also caused physical setbacks, as she experienced bodily changes and fatigue from chemo. Cecilia explains how she worked through these issues by gaining knowledge and receiving help from her community.
    Seeking Treatment in a Faraway Land (11:14)
    Cecilia has been receiving treatment for her cancer within the United States which, to her, is a foreign territory. While learning the terms and details behind a cancer diagnosis can feel like learning a new language altogether, Cecilia had to experience life as a patient far from her home. Being an avid traveler, she explains how she received treatment in the U.S. and how her family came together to support her throughout her health battle.
    Hope and Motivation Through Cancer (18:39)
    Cancer comes with challenges, both physical and mental. For Cecilia, hope and faith helped motivate and inspire her throughout her treatment and health difficulties. She describes how connections with other patients within the cancer community and her religion enabled her to gain perspective and feel supported throughout the physical changes and mental obstacles.
    Comfort Foods (23:14)
    Medication, treatments, and physical changes can all affect how a cancer patient feels. But seeking out comfort foods and other small pleasures can help patients experience positivity throughout their days in treatment. Cecilia describes the comfort foods she enjoys from home and how she has been adjusting to their absence during her time in America.
    Losing Count (26:27)
    Going through treatment for cancer can mean spending some time admitted to hospitals and other times doing outpatient treatments. Cecilia tells listeners how her chemotherapy programs and treatment plans change based on how she feels. She explains the difficulties of scheduling and...

    • 33 min
    Toxic Positivity and Grief Tourism

    Toxic Positivity and Grief Tourism

    Society generally expects people to maintain behaviors and attitudes considered "appropriate" for the situations they face. But when a person is experiencing cancer, acting according to other people's expectations can be incredibly detrimental to their mental health. Toxic positivity is the belief that people should maintain a positive mindset across all situations and that, regardless of a situation's difficulty, people are expected to dismiss their negative emotions brought on by their distress. This belief is often pushed upon people experiencing difficult health journeys like cancer. However, toxic positivity is a belief that causes more harm than good.
    Life on Pause is a podcast created by and for young adults living with cancer. In this episode, guest speakers share their experiences with cancer and how they handled the expectations that others had of them due to their diagnosis. Additionally, they discuss how others reacted to their condition and the effects of grief tourism and society's glamorization of cancer. Young adults with cancer can undergo transformative experiences throughout their health journeys, and this episode dives into how these situations can have a lasting impact on their lives.
    Introducing Chelsea (0:30)
    Our host Corene starts the episode with an introduction for a special guest speaker, Chelsea Gomez. Chelsea is a two-time Hodgkin's lymphoma survivor, crazy, talented artist, and founder of #OhYoureSoTough. She hosts a youtube channel where she discusses her cancer experience and her Etsy shop where she creates gifts for cancer patients. She has also authored two books, "Cancer is an A*Hole" and "Stickers On A Bald Head." 
    How Do You Deal with Toxic Positivity? (1:56)
    There cannot be light without dark, and negative emotions are necessary for people to experience positive emotions. Cancer survivors know this well, as they have had to deal with the ups and downs of their diagnosis. However, some people like to push the unhealthy idea of toxic positivity and insist that people maintain a positive mindset while rejecting negative emotions. Today's speakers discuss their encounters with toxic positivity and how they have dealt with people who push this inauthentic optimism.
    What Do You Say? (10:11)
    It can be challenging to navigate relationships when diagnosed with cancer. Many people don't know what to say when faced with the reality of knowing someone with this diagnosis. Our guests discuss how their experiences with other people changed as a result of their cancer. Additionally, they discuss the difficulty and emotional exhaustion that comes with sharing their authentic selves with others while they are experiencing cancer.
    Handling People and Personal Growth (18:55)
    Young adults with cancer carry a heavy burden, and many others their age fail to comprehend the concept of experiencing such a life-altering diagnosis. As such, dealing with others can come with unique challenges for people impacted by cancer. Our speakers discussed times when they noticed their differences in perspective compared to their peers and how cancer led to their personal changes and growth.
    Putting on a Facade and the Grief Timeline (28:30)
    Toxic positivity can be viewed as putting on a facade to lead others into believing you are happy. This show of happiness is especially expected in cancer survivors. But even after someone is in remission, they can still be experiencing grief and other negative emotions brought on by their cancer journey. From near-death experiences to traumatic formative years, our guests share how their cancer effects have had long-lasting impacts on their lives and outlooks.
    Therapy and Advice (33:50)
    Therapy and other helpful resources can provide support for young adults undergoing cancer. But while organizations...

    • 48 min

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