4 min

Light language in a channeled song for inner peace and world peace A voice of light ~ Light language and meditation

    • Spirituality

This song was channeled during a meditation and held the message and codes for greater inner peace. But it’s main message was one of world peace. Of all the people on our planet realizing their divine nature of peace within. It made me feel silent inside and very satisfied. I hope you may receive these blessings in ease and grace. I love you, mahalo for listening and for being you.

This song was channeled during a meditation and held the message and codes for greater inner peace. But it’s main message was one of world peace. Of all the people on our planet realizing their divine nature of peace within. It made me feel silent inside and very satisfied. I hope you may receive these blessings in ease and grace. I love you, mahalo for listening and for being you.

4 min