47 episodes

Welcome to Marketing Automation Ninja

On this channel we talk about video & podcast production but also:
- Productivity
- Automation
- Webmarketing
- Entrepreneurship
- Growth hacking

Marketing Automation Ninja Amaury KHELIFI

    • Business

Welcome to Marketing Automation Ninja

On this channel we talk about video & podcast production but also:
- Productivity
- Automation
- Webmarketing
- Entrepreneurship
- Growth hacking

    Jason Friedman - Chief Experience Officer at CX Formula

    Jason Friedman - Chief Experience Officer at CX Formula

    Hey everyone, it's Amaury KHELIFI ! I just had an amazing chat with Jason Friedman, Chief Experience Officer at CX Formula, on my podcast. We covered a lot of ground, from understanding customer needs to optimizing the customer journey.
    We talked about the importance of solving real problems that people are willing to pay for and how to educate customers effectively. Personalizing the customer experience and celebrating wins along their journey emerged as key strategies for success.
    Jason also shared his own challenges and motivations, highlighting the resilience needed in entrepreneurship.
    If you're looking to level up your customer experience or gain insights as an entrepreneur, this episode is for you !
    Grab a special PDF strategy from Jason at : gift.cxformula.com/Amaury
    Let's grow together and make a positive impact !
    If you want to learn more about Marketing Automation NINJA  and automate your video & podcast production, then check: https://marketingautomationninja.com
    These episodes are also available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCemMg2YCuLMrk0TrHoFPXJg
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marketingautomationninja/

    • 44 min
    Mundey Young - How to communicate as a Life coach

    Mundey Young - How to communicate as a Life coach

    🎙️ Ready for some podcast wisdom? Join me as I chat with Mundey Young on "How to communicate as a Life Coach" !
    We dive into the process of starting a podcast and building a business, the power of understanding your target audience, and the art of balancing quality and quantity in content creation. 💡
    Discover how to find engaging topics, optimize your presence on different platforms, and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of technology. 🌟
    Hit that subscribe button and get ready to level up your communication game! 🎧💪
    #podcastinterview #lifecoachcommunication #entrepreneurialjourney #contentcreation #socialmedia #marketing #communication #AI #selfdoubt #failure #growthmindset #goals
    If you want to learn more about Marketing Automation NINJA and automate your video & podcast production, then check: https://marketingautomationninja.com
    These episodes are also available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCemMg2YCuLMrk0TrHoFPXJg
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marketingautomationninja/

    • 32 min
    Overcoming the Fear of Shooting Videos: Tips and Strategies

    Overcoming the Fear of Shooting Videos: Tips and Strategies

    Hey there, it's Amaury Khelifi, your friendly neighborhood marketing automation ninja, coming at you with some valuable insights on overcoming the fear of shooting videos. You know, that heart-pounding moment when you're about to hit that record button and the fear of judgment creeps in? Well, fear no more, my fellow Webmarketing enthusiasts, because today I'm sharing some tips and strategies to help you conquer your video-shooting anxieties!
    Let's face it, starting out can be tough. We all have those cringe-worthy first videos that we'd rather bury deep in the archives. But here's the thing - perfection isn't the goal, growth is. So, embrace the learning curve and don't be too hard on yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your video-making skills!
    One way to gain confidence is by sharing your videos with trusted individuals like friends and family. Their honest feedback and encouragement can work wonders in boosting your morale. And once you've built up some courage, it's time to take the plunge and share your content on social media platforms. But remember, keep it simple and don't get caught up in fancy editing tools. Authenticity is key!
    To make your video-shooting journey a breeze, it's crucial to have a plan and some prompts to guide your delivery. Stick a handy post-it note near your camera as a prompter, and you'll never stumble over your words again. And here's a little secret - automatic editing features can be a game-changer, saving you time and effort.
    But hold on, take breaks during recording to gather your thoughts and catch your breath. Remember, practice makes progress. So, keep refining your skills, seek feedback from your audience, and engage with them. Trust me, you'll be amazed at how far you've come!
    Improvement takes time, my friends. But with consistent practice and a positive mindset, you'll become more comfortable in front of the camera and witness your content soar to new heights. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your camera, slay those fears, and start shooting those awesome videos!
    Oh, and if you're hungry for more marketing wisdom, be sure to check out my other episodes. Together, we'll conquer the world of Webmarketing, one video at a time! #MyCTOFriend #MarketingAutomation #ChatGPT #WebMarketing
    If you want to learn more about Marketing Automation and automate your video & podcast production, then check: https://marketingautomationninja.com
    These episodes are also available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCemMg2YCuLMrk0TrHoFPXJg
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marketingautomationninja/

    • 5 min
    Is ChatGPT the Ultimate Tool for YouTube Videos?

    Is ChatGPT the Ultimate Tool for YouTube Videos?

    Hey there, it's Amaury Khelifi, founder of Marketing Automation Ninja, here to chat about an intriguing topic that's been on my mind lately: Is ChatGPT the Ultimate Tool for YouTube Videos? If you're a content creator or aspiring YouTuber, you don't want to miss this!
    We all know that creating killer content can be a challenge. So many questions arise, like what to talk about, how to stand out, and how to optimize for SEO. But fear not, because today I'll dive into the world of ChatGPT and its potential in revolutionizing your YouTube game.
    But first, let me introduce myself. I'm Amaury Khelifi, a web marketing expert, and my mission is to share innovative ways to produce and automate web marketing. You can always find more insights on our website, marketingautomationninja.com.
    Now, let's get down to business. We all know the struggle of finding great content ideas. That's where ChatGPT comes in. By using tools like vidIQ and TubeBuddy to analyze what's working in your industry and leveraging the power of the YouTube algorithm, you can identify trends and harness the potential of ChatGPT to brainstorm fresh and engaging topics.
    But here's the secret sauce: authenticity. While ChatGPT can be a helpful tool, it's crucial to add your own touch and speak in your own words. In this episode, I'll share my personal experiences and experiments with ChatGPT, highlighting the importance of maintaining originality in content creation.
    Now, let's talk about the benefits. ChatGPT can be a game-changer when it comes to generating new topic ideas, identifying SEO keywords, and speeding up your content creation process. It's a powerful tool, but remember, it's just that – a tool. You still need to provide your own outline and use ChatGPT as an ally, not a crutch.
    To recap, we've covered the importance of being authentic, leveraging ChatGPT for brainstorming and SEO purposes, and maintaining your creative voice. If you've enjoyed this episode, make sure to like, subscribe, and visit marketingautomationninja.com for more captivating content and automation solutions.
    Stay tuned for future videos and podcast episodes where we'll continue to explore cutting-edge strategies. Remember, we're not claiming to be the best in the world just yet, but we're excited to bring you valuable insights and help you level up your YouTube game.
    So, grab your headphones and join me on this exciting journey. Don't forget to visit marketingautomationninja.com for even more content automation options. Together, let's unlock the true potential of ChatGPT in your YouTube videos!
    If you want to learn more about Marketing Automation and automate your video & podcast production, then check: https://marketingautomationninja.com
    These episodes are also available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCemMg2YCuLMrk0TrHoFPXJg
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marketingautomationninja/

    • 4 min
    Engage Your Viewers with Compelling YouTube Videos

    Engage Your Viewers with Compelling YouTube Videos

    Hey there! It's Amaury KHELIFI, your friendly neighborhood content creator and YouTube enthusiast. Today, I want to share some insider tips on how to create compelling YouTube videos that will have your viewers hooked from start to finish. Trust me, I've been there too - shooting videos for years, but not getting the attention they deserved. But fear not, because I've cracked the code and I'm here to spill the beans!
    So, let's dive right in. The secret to engaging your viewers lies in the structure of your content. Gone are the days of simply sharing knowledge and hoping for the best. Instead, you need to address a specific problem that your audience is facing and show them how to solve it. But don't stop there! Take it a step further and develop the problem into a captivating story that your viewers can relate to.
    Think of it as reading a book to a child. You want to take your viewers on a journey, with ups and downs, twists and turns. Make them emotionally invested in the story, just like they would be in a gripping novel. And then, my friend, comes the best part - the hero of the story, who overcomes all the challenges and emerges victorious. This is where you share the methodology or knowledge you want to impart.
    Now, let's talk structure. To keep your viewers engaged, you need to start with a hook that grabs their attention right off the bat. Think of it as reeling in a big fish with a juicy bait. Once you've got their attention, introduce the hero of the story - someone who is in the same situation as your viewers. This creates an instant connection and makes your content relatable.
    Next, it's time to develop the knowledge or methodology you want to share. But here's the thing - this should only make up about 20% of your content and should be presented towards the end. Why? Because by now, your viewers are emotionally invested in the story and hungry for the solution. This is where you deliver the goods and leave them wanting more.
    So, there you have it - the secret formula for creating engaging YouTube videos. But wait, there's more! If you want to dive deeper into the world of video editing and automation, MyCTOFriend is the place to be. We've got all the tips, tricks, and techniques to help you save time for your family and business. Head over to MyCTOFriend and let's continue this exciting journey together.
    Remember, we may not be the best in the world yet, but with the right structure and storytelling techniques, we're well on our way. So, what are you waiting for? Let's make some killer YouTube videos together! See you there, my fellow Webmarketing ChatGPT Marketing Automation ninjas!
    [Call to action: Listen to our other episodes and level up your YouTube game!]
    If you want to learn more about Marketing Automation and automate your video & podcast production, then check: https://marketingautomationninja.com
    These episodes are also available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCemMg2YCuLMrk0TrHoFPXJg
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marketingautomationninja/

    • 4 min
    Improve Your Podcast Sound Quality with Automated Software!

    Improve Your Podcast Sound Quality with Automated Software!

    Hey there, it's Amaury KHELIFI, your friendly neighborhood content manager and SEO specialist. I've got something exciting to share with you today that will take your podcast sound quality from zero to hero!
    Let's be honest, we've all stumbled upon a podcast with horrible sound quality. You know, the ones where you have to crank up the volume to the max just to hear what they're saying? It's frustrating, to say the least. But fear not, because I've got the solution you've been searching for.
    Imagine this: you're listening to your favorite podcast, and suddenly the sound drops so low that you can barely hear a word they're saying. You try adjusting the volume, but it's just not cutting it. It's a struggle that ruins the entire listening experience, especially when you're on the go or in a noisy environment.
    But what if I told you there was a way to optimize your podcast sound quality and make it a joy to listen to in any situation? That's right, I've discovered a game-changing software that can transform your podcast sound from amateur to professional with just a few clicks.
    Imagine taking the same episode of a podcast and running it through this software. Suddenly, the volume is perfect, and the sound quality is crystal clear. It's like magic! You'll be amazed at the difference it makes.
    Now, you might be thinking, "But Amaury, how do I optimize my podcast sound?" Well, my friend, it's easier than you think. You can use popular audio editing software like Audacity, or you can go the automated route with the software I mentioned earlier (which, by the way, is Marketing Automation Ninja's secret weapon).
    Proper recording, editing, noise reduction, and volume adjustment are key elements in achieving top-notch sound quality. With the right tools and techniques, you can ensure that your audience will have an enjoyable listening experience every time.
    While I highly recommend our software, I also encourage you to explore other options. The goal here is to improve your podcast sound quality, regardless of the tools you choose.
    So, here's my challenge to you: take action today and optimize your podcast or video sound. Don't let poor sound quality hold you back from reaching your full potential. And hey, if you're looking for a convenient way to store and access your optimized files, why not set up a Google Drive directory connected to Marketing Automation Ninja? It's a simple and efficient solution.
    Alright, my friend, I've shared my secret weapon with you. Now it's your turn to take the next step towards sound greatness. Have a fantastic day, keep producing amazing content, and remember, we're all on a journey to become the best in the world. So let's keep learning, growing, and optimizing together.
    Until next time, happy podcasting!
    If you want to learn more about Marketing Automation and automate your video & podcast production, then check: https://marketingautomationninja.com
    These episodes are also available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCemMg2YCuLMrk0TrHoFPXJg
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marketingautomationninja/

    • 3 min

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