25 episodes

My name is Katie IndiCrow. I am an earth walking, soul talking Crow-Person. In other words, a psychopomp. I spend my days (and nights) walking the realms and taking care of the planet. Souls, the underworld, sacred sites, spooks. I see it all. This podcast is a collection of my stories. *New instalments coming in January.*

*Season 1: This season introduces you to the psychopmp world & key metaphysical battle the planet has been engaged in*
Becoming ep 1- 4 Meet me (and how I became a psychopomp at 4)
5-8: P-file Priest ring
Ep 10 - 16 Saga of Earth: Spiritual Battle for the planet

Psychopomp Stories: Tales from the Metaphysical Realms Esoteric Earth

    • Society & Culture

My name is Katie IndiCrow. I am an earth walking, soul talking Crow-Person. In other words, a psychopomp. I spend my days (and nights) walking the realms and taking care of the planet. Souls, the underworld, sacred sites, spooks. I see it all. This podcast is a collection of my stories. *New instalments coming in January.*

*Season 1: This season introduces you to the psychopmp world & key metaphysical battle the planet has been engaged in*
Becoming ep 1- 4 Meet me (and how I became a psychopomp at 4)
5-8: P-file Priest ring
Ep 10 - 16 Saga of Earth: Spiritual Battle for the planet

    Revealing the Holy Grail Mysteries pt. 1: Humans are the Spice of the Universe

    Revealing the Holy Grail Mysteries pt. 1: Humans are the Spice of the Universe

    What if I told you that the Holy Grail was about something that every single one of us has access to? What if I told you that right now, you and every single person has the ability to connect to it, right now?

    In this podcast, that is exactly what I tell you.

    The Holy Grail is several things. Today, I introduce you to one layer: our innate connection to 'the spice' aka Source by virtue of being human and having a life on Earth.

    The Chalice

    Beginning with the Chalice that is supposed to have collected the blood of Jesus at the Crucifixion, I tell you a story about a truth that controlling orders have long sought to express:

    You, we, me. We are all sacred. We all have the Creator Spark. We all have access to Source, to God, and through realizing that, we reclaim our spiritual autonomy and we fix the world.

    Picking up where we left off in our Jesus and Mary story that was the last instalment, I take you into what will be another several episode long deep-dive.

    What is unique about the telling of this story compared to some other historians is that I have lived and died it. I currently live for it. Soul memory and direct experience sometimes sounds a little different than what you find in the history books. I tell this story in dedication to all who are no longer with us who were part of it (as well as the ones who survived).

    To get the other materials mentioned

    New Training: https://indicrowacademy.learnworlds.com/course/spiritually-strong **Use code 25 me at the checkout will get you 25% off until April 30. It is case sensitive*

    Spiritually Uneffwithable Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/2o2zb0OU3j4cHOFHQawmGO?si=3fb0012fe9fa4ac8

    Gift the podcast: Psychopomp Stories is Storytelling (buymeacoffee.com)

    visit my instagram: (on this page, in a few days, I am going to start telling more of these stories to the public. Friendly follows and loving likes appreciated as encouragement)
    Crow Medicine 🌍 Psychopomp Stories (@crowmedicinekatie) • Instagram photos and videos

    My new 'uneffiwithable' page that will be all tools and tips to be spiritually strong
    How to Be Spiritually Uneffwithable (@spirituallyuneffwithable) • Instagram photos and videos

    Thanks so much to all.

    Katie IndiCrow.


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/psychopompstories/message

    • 24 min
    The Mary and Jesus Spark: Prelude to Holy Grail Series

    The Mary and Jesus Spark: Prelude to Holy Grail Series

    Jesus and Mary were here to teach us a simple yet profound message: humans are sacred. Iterations of Creator born into bodies, their task was to remind the parts of humanity who had fallen into war, self-hatred, and idol worship about that. They were here to show the path back to the principle of inner power, peace, love, and having a direct connection to God, Earth and YOURSELF.

    Anyone born of this Universe to our Creator has that spark. It is part of what makes us special. This spark and the knowledge about it is one layer of what gets called 'the Holy Grail'.

    When Jesus was betrayed and Mary (as well as a great majority of feminine teachings) were desecrated, it created a mark on the planet. It also hurt us, people. The spark got forgotten.

    One of my most sacred tasks has always been to carry the spark, the Holy Grail. The Eclipse pocket of March 25 and April 8, 2024 was a moment where the spark, the Humans are Sacred Grail Spark - that innate capacity for inner connection, was re-lit in the hearts of millions.

    As I explain in this podcast, after a long, strange, crazy series of events we are finally lifting the scars of magic, sadness, and betrayal that became a 'veil' off of our ability to see the truth. For me as a person who has doggedly done all I could in contribution to this, I am happy. Things were awful. Yet, here we are, alive.

    This story, as I say, is an act of TRUTH, REVOLUTION, and LOVE.

    If you liked this instalment, check back to 'Saga of Earth' and episode 2 - they both elaborate on different parts of it.

    To say thanks for the story:
    Psychopomp Stories is Storytelling (buymeacoffee.com)

    For private session: https://crow-medicine.com/private-sessions/

    For my school: https://indicrowacademy.learnworlds.com/

    Follow me on instagram:
    Crow Medicine 🌍 Psychopomp Stories (@crowmedicinekatie) • Instagram photos and videos


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/psychopompstories/message

    • 25 min
    Gateways: Paths from Earth to Other Realms

    Gateways: Paths from Earth to Other Realms

    Gateways are doors in the material world that a person is able to walk through to reach other realms and dimensions.

    Gateways are doors in the material world that a person is able to walk through to reach other realms and dimensions. They are also spaces that they are able to go to in order to draw through information and inspiration.

    Sounds 'new agey', but it isn't.

    The propensity of a human soul to travel through a star path into another realm for education and experience is nothing new. Nor is the idea that they would go to a gateway in order to receive a part of themselves. In fact, there are sacred sites all around the world dedicated to this. Constellations like Cygnus and paths like the Milky Way are widely lauded as travel sites dating back up to 10,000 years (as has been found in digs to date).

    Most souls on this planet have been through a gateway. Have you ever felt called to a site like Newgrange or Niagara Falls? That was you walking your physical body to one. (Most people these days travel the gates at night in their subconscious.) Stars also serve this purpose.

    As a psychopomp, one of my primary tasks is to take care of the gates in the material world and guide souls who are traveling to them in the metaphysical ones. This is what I am doing when I am traveling! I have minded gates all over Europe and North America.

    Today, I take you into the world of gateways. This is going to a topic we cover in more depth this season. There are so many powerful places on this Earth to get to and have a sacred experience. Let me be your guide!

    To support this podcast:

    Become a member and get exclusive content or send a one time gift of thanks https://www.buymeacoffee.com/esotericearth

    To start getting in good receive yourself state: https://indicrowacademy.learnworlds.com/course/breathe

    See you on insta @ https://www.instagram.com/crowmedicinekatie/

    For a website that has more of this: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/esotericearth


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/psychopompstories/message

    • 25 min
    Why The March Lunar and April Solar Eclipses Matter

    Why The March Lunar and April Solar Eclipses Matter

    Unless you live under a rock, you know that there are two eclipses coming up. One taking place on March 25, the second on April 8. Of all the eclipses we have lived through, this particular one seems to be receiving a lot of attention. In their hearts, people know this is something special.

    Indeed it is.

    As a psychopomp, I have been traveling the paths of these eclipses working in preparation for them for 6-8 years. Why? Because these eclipses have to do with healing, igniting, and reuniting billions (yes, billions) of souls. For example, the lunar Eclipse on March 25 will be directly visible to 2, 260, 000, 000 humans. That is a very unique and special experience. But it is not just the visibility that counts - it is what the signs they are taking place in and what that means to the human story.

    These eclipses mean the resolution to some of the pain and hardship that became part of the human story. They also represent a moment of sparking that will affect BILLIONS of people. This is exciting.

    Why these eclipses matter to the human story
    Taking it back to Jesus and the moment of the crucifixion, I speak about how in this series, I believe we are releasing the pain that has been on the human collective about what happened them. Did you know that there was an eclipse during the crucifixion? This one, taking place in Pisces (associated with Jesus) right 'around' Easter, but also in alignment with when the 'true' date would have been signifies a release of the hardship we have taken on because of what happened to him.

    Even better, we get to get back to the TRUTH of his message. Love. Our sacredness.

    At the same time, we are also healing the Mother wound. The one we endured in our disconnection from the planet, the witch hunts, colonization, and the intentional dampening of the human spirit. The voice of Earth and our intuition is calling. This is MONUMENTAL.

    Over the next few weeks, we are going to have a moving, life changing collective experience that will first be most apparent in our inner world.

    Be on the look out for auroras, solar flares, and other aspects of Creator sharing the miracle of being here. There will be signs.


    Get into the Earth vibe with Earth align. Safe, guided yet adventurous experiences with the planet that stoke your sacred, natural connection: ⁠https://indicrowacademy.learnworlds.com/course/earth-align⁠

    Breathe, Ground, Connect: Build your energy body up + raise your vibration. Safely receive and connect to your soul. Work with the Earth & Source energy flows to rediscover your connection: ⁠https://indicrowacademy.learnworlds.com/course/breathe⁠

    Find me on instagram: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/katieindicrow/


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/psychopompstories/message

    • 30 min
    What Lurks at Niagara Falls (Cave of the Evil Spirit)

    What Lurks at Niagara Falls (Cave of the Evil Spirit)

    Niagara Falls is one of the most powerful spiritual sites in the world. Each year, approximately 12 million people visit the waterfall. The falls is also a stargate aka a doorway for souls. Many of these 12 million yearly visitors are drawn here, in part, to receive a part of their soul! As a psychopomp, it is my job to take care of the area and to make sure that the crossing point for the souls are safe.

    Why would souls need to be kept safe?

    As is the case with many powerful crossing points, Niagara Falls has a powerful entity lurking about. Located at the Cave of the Evil Spirits (but not bound there) this being is powerful. One of its strategies is to spiritually 'tag' people who visit the falls. What happens once tagged? The types of things the last 2 podcasts have been about.

    In this story, I tell the tale of the evil spirit, how it got there, its influence, and what we are doing to fix it.

    *Heads up, this one includes brief mention of cannibalism in warfare. You are used to that kind of weird ish, here. Figured I would mention. *


    Support this podcast by becoming a member or doing a 1 time donation: ⁠https://www.buymeacoffee.com/esotericearth⁠

    Join my training "How to Be Spiritually Uneffwithable": ⁠https://indicrowacademy.learnworlds.com/course/spiritually-strong⁠

    Not ready to go that deep right now? Start here. It will help TREMENDOUSLY to building up your energy field and spiritual strength:



    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/psychopompstories/message

    • 30 min
    Another Mass Shooting in America: An Unspoken Energy Layer

    Another Mass Shooting in America: An Unspoken Energy Layer

    This is an interlude between 'everyday demons' and the story I promised you would come next. It is a direct response to the mass shooting that just happened in Kansas city. As I was sitting down to tell you one story, my soul called me to the news. Oh. 20+ people just got shot. Time to get to them.

    Before I lived in America, I always wondered. What makes this place so violent? Why are there so many mass shootings? What is the deal with it, there? Though what I have to say today does not cover all layers of this equation, it does address an invisible one: the metaphysical pressure and the underlying 'energy' of rage that we are exposed to here.

    In this short commentary piece, I offer up something I have learned in my studies. There is a pattern to this violence. We, the people who live here (or anywhere it touches) have the ability to end it.

    **There are other layers to this pattern. I will have more to say in other moments.

    These are links to the core courses at my school. I also have a new course coming soon all about spiritual self-defense. I will announce it shortly. Start with one of the below. You will get a discount if needed.

    JOIN MY NEW CLASS - "HOW TO BE SPRITIUALLY UNEFFWITHABLE' where you learn exactly that. Click here to read more about it and get started: https://indicrowacademy.learnworlds.com/course/spiritually-strong

    if you are ready to get to the soul healing bit https://indicrowacademy.learnworlds.com/course/hear-your-soul

    If you are already practicing and want to shed some lower harmonic energy connections: https://indicrowacademy.learnworlds.com/course/aura-clinic

    If you want to work on your Mars connection https://indicrowacademy.learnworlds.com/course/mars

    Members community OR one time gift of thanks to the show - Psychopomp Stories is Storytelling (buymeacoffee.com)


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/psychopompstories/message

    • 11 min

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