302 episodes

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast is the only podcast that guides intelligent, spiritual men who are awakening to their predicament of living in a limited reality. As we continue to grow and learn through life experiences, we become increasingly aware that there is more to life than what we've been told and taught. Questions like 'Who Am I, Where Am I From, and Why Am I Here" are all a part of this beautiful awakening process. Master Life Coach and Spiritual Guide Kevin Aillaud combines neuroscience, quantum physics, mysticism, and coaching wisdom to teach men just like you how to remember the Truth and live a life of joy, love, bliss, harmony, peace, healing, and unity. You will learn how to let go of the trauma that keeps you in anger, frustration, worry, doubt, fear, shame, and guilt and transmute these energies into attractive forces, enabling you to meet women, build confidence, start a business that you love, enjoy more friendships, and elevate the Alpha within. Enroll in The Academy For Consciousness Expansion (ACE) at thealphamalecoach.com/the-academy.

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast Kevin Aillaud

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 4.2 • 5 Ratings

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast is the only podcast that guides intelligent, spiritual men who are awakening to their predicament of living in a limited reality. As we continue to grow and learn through life experiences, we become increasingly aware that there is more to life than what we've been told and taught. Questions like 'Who Am I, Where Am I From, and Why Am I Here" are all a part of this beautiful awakening process. Master Life Coach and Spiritual Guide Kevin Aillaud combines neuroscience, quantum physics, mysticism, and coaching wisdom to teach men just like you how to remember the Truth and live a life of joy, love, bliss, harmony, peace, healing, and unity. You will learn how to let go of the trauma that keeps you in anger, frustration, worry, doubt, fear, shame, and guilt and transmute these energies into attractive forces, enabling you to meet women, build confidence, start a business that you love, enjoy more friendships, and elevate the Alpha within. Enroll in The Academy For Consciousness Expansion (ACE) at thealphamalecoach.com/the-academy.

    Episode 302: Guideposts On The Path

    Episode 302: Guideposts On The Path

    Brothers, today I want to share a journey that transcends the surface of our daily struggles. This is not about acquiring more, but about transcending the very need to seek and cling. Our minds, if left unmanaged, lead us into cycles of suffering. They trick us into chasing pleasure and avoiding pain, keeping us trapped in a perpetual state of dissatisfaction.
    Recognize the Source of Suffering
    The first step on this journey is recognizing that our suffering is not caused by external circumstances but by our reactions to them. Life is not about the content we experience but the dualities we create—pleasure and pain, good and bad. This duality is an illusion created by our conditioned mind, which is always seeking pleasure and avoiding pain.
    Step into Neutrality
    By stepping into neutrality, separating thoughts from facts, we begin to see clearly. This is crucial, brothers. You must understand that your feelings are not dictated by the world around you but by your mind's interpretation of it. When you learn to separate your thoughts from facts, you gain control over your emotional responses. This is where true freedom begins.
    Ask the Fundamental Question: Who Am I?
    Once we achieve this state of neutrality, we delve deeper, asking the fundamental question: "Who am I?" This is not a mere intellectual exercise but a profound inquiry into the nature of the self. You are not your body, your mind, or the story you tell yourself. Everything is in a constant state of flux. The body, the mind, the story—all are impermanent. When we grasp this, we gain knowledge. And with this knowledge comes liberation.
    Understand Impermanence
    Impermanence is the key to understanding the nature of reality. The body you had yesterday is not the same body you have today. Everything changes, and nothing remains static. This knowledge of impermanence is what moves you from ignorance to enlightenment. It liberates you from the suffering caused by attachment and aversion.
    Liberation Through Knowledge
    Liberation is about recognizing the eternal and infinite nature of our true self. It's about understanding that while our individual experiences differ, at the core, we are all interconnected. This realization dissolves the boundaries of self and other, leading to compassion and unity. You see, brothers, we are all part of the same divine mind. The individual mind, with its fears and desires, is just a small part of this greater whole.
    Commit to the Spiritual Journey
    Commit to this spiritual journey, brothers. This is not a hobby or a side project but a lifestyle. It's about consistent practice, mindfulness, and self-awareness. Begin by acknowledging the dualities in your life and move towards awakening. Recognize that the only constant is change, and with this knowledge, you will find peace.
    Embrace Mind Management
    You must manage your mind, or it will manage you. Our minds are conditioned to avoid suffering and seek pleasure, creating a cycle of dissatisfaction. Through mind management and emotional ownership, we break this cycle. This is what I offer you, brothers—tools to manage your mind and take control of your emotional life.
    Focus on Helping Others
    As you advance on this path, your focus shifts from self-centered desires to helping others. The pleasure-pain cycle no longer dictates your actions. Instead, you strive to bring harmony, peace, and love to others. This is true liberation—acting from a place of compassion and unity rather than personal gain.
    Live in Unity and Harmony
    Together, we elevate our alpha, not through material gains or external validations, but by transcending the very need for them. This journey is about moving closer to truth, harmony, and love. So, let's look each other in the eye, recognize our shared essence, and support each other on this path to enlightenment.
    Brothers, choose the spiritual journey. Commit to it fully. Begin by recognizing the dualities in your life, step into neutrality, and ask, "Who am I?" Embrace th

    • 46 min
    Episode 301: 3 Levels Of Understanding - The Remix

    Episode 301: 3 Levels Of Understanding - The Remix

    Brothers, the journey to true self-understanding is profound and multifaceted, spanning three distinct levels: devotional, intellectual, and actual understanding. Let’s explore each level deeply and clearly.
    1. Devotional Understanding: This is where most people start, accepting knowledge from authorities without personal inquiry. Think of the flat Earth belief or following health guidelines without question. In terms of self-knowledge, many rely on religions or influential figures to define who they are. It’s effortless but superficial and highly prone to error.
    2. Intellectual Understanding: This stage demands personal engagement, research, and critical thinking. Imagine Galileo challenging the flat Earth theory or an individual diving deep into the science behind health guidelines. For self-knowledge, this means actively exploring various paths and philosophies. It’s deeper than the devotional level but remains theoretical, forming an intellectual comprehension of the self.
    3. Actual Understanding: Here, knowledge is gained through direct experience, fundamentally transforming one’s perception. Picture astronauts seeing Earth from space or someone experiencing the effects of a well-researched health practice. In self-knowledge, actual understanding comes from inner experiences—meditation, mindfulness, personal insights—that reveal the true self beyond intellectual constructs.
    The Path to Self-Knowledge: Most people never ask, "Who am I?" They’re consumed by survival or distracted by trivial pursuits. Those who do ask this profound question are rare, and even fewer move beyond devotional understanding, often adhering to a religion or philosophy without deeper inquiry. For the few who seek intellectual understanding, there are many paths. The journey is unique, requiring perseverance and openness to different frameworks and philosophies. But intellectual comprehension isn’t the end. It must lead to actual understanding through direct experience.
    The Actual Experience: True self-understanding is the ultimate goal, transcending intellectual theorizing and marked by personal experiences revealing one's essence. Historical spiritual figures like Buddha, Christ, and Krishna reached this level, but each seeker’s journey is intensely personal and unique.
    The Effort and Commitment: Moving from intellectual to actual understanding demands dedicated effort and continuous practice, leading to inner transformation. It involves transcending suffering, ignorance, and superficial desires by cultivating wisdom and deep self-awareness.
    My wish for you, brothers, is to find true peace and happiness through this profound journey of self-discovery. Move from devotional and intellectual understanding to the actual experience of knowing yourself. This path, though challenging, leads to the deepest fulfillment.
    Elevate your alpha. Until next week, I love you, brothers.

    • 42 min
    Episode 300: 3 Levels Of Understanding

    Episode 300: 3 Levels Of Understanding

    Alright, listen up, brothers. Today, I’m breaking down something crucial for your journey—whether it’s a literal trip from Portland to Seattle or your personal path to enlightenment and success. Imagine trusting someone like Kevin, a well-traveled guy, to guide you from Portland to Seattle. You might start with faith in his directions, but real understanding comes when you take the trip yourself. This is a metaphor for our spiritual and intellectual journeys.
    There are three levels of understanding: devotional, intellectual, and experiential. Devotional understanding is when you put your faith in an authority—be it Christ, Buddha, or even Kevin’s travel directions. You believe because they said so. But here’s the thing: faith alone isn’t enough. You need to verify, to engage intellectually. Look at the map, cross-check the directions, gather insights from multiple sources. But don’t stop there.
    The real transformation happens when you experience the journey. Get in the car, drive the route, face the challenges, and make it your own. This is where you truly understand, not just theoretically, but deeply and personally. And let’s be real—not everyone who starts this journey finishes it. Some get lost, some turn back, some settle along the way. But every experience, whether it leads you to Seattle or somewhere unexpected, is valuable and unique to you.
    Now, here’s the call to action. I’m inviting you to enroll in the Academy. Why? Because this is where you move from intellectual and devotional understanding to actual experience. Join us for webinars, coaching calls, and community discussions. Engage with mentors, share your journey, learn from others. This is where you’ll become the best version of yourself—mastering your mind, emotions, and actions.
    It’s about balance. Manifest your desires but also learn to surrender and go with the flow. Live a life of peace, harmony, joy, and love. This is what we’re here for, and this is what the Academy offers. Sign up for a consultation call—it’s an investment in your future, credited towards your time in the Academy.
    So, brothers, take this step. Don’t just listen to my words—live them. Experience the path yourself. Join the Academy, and let’s walk this journey together. Your best self awaits. Be the Alpha.

    • 42 min
    Episode 299: Anicca (Impermanence)

    Episode 299: Anicca (Impermanence)

    In this enlightening podcast episode, we journey through profound spiritual teachings to uncover the wisdom of impermanence and the intricacies of manifestation. Our host delves into the Buddhist concept of the five aggregates—form, sensation, perception, mental formations, and consciousness—highlighting their ever-changing nature and how this constant flux defines our existence. By recognizing the impermanence of these aggregates, listeners are invited to question the very essence of the self and understand how attachment to these transient components leads to suffering (dukkha).

    We then explore the practice of observing life without judgment. Judgment is deeply tied to the ego, perpetuating suffering through desires and aversions. This segment emphasizes the importance of detaching from judgment and simply witnessing experiences as they unfold. By doing so, we reduce the grip of cravings and aversions, finding a path to minimize suffering. Our host draws a clear distinction between wisdom and manifestation, underscoring that while wisdom involves accepting impermanence, manifestation focuses on creating desired changes in one's life.

    The episode also addresses the challenges and opportunities inherent in the manifestation process. Understanding that striving for goals can introduce a different form of suffering, our host provides practical insights on managing this suffering by bridging the gap between current and desired states. The discussion extends to the spiritual journey, touching upon reincarnation and the significance of our human experience. Whether or not one believes in reincarnation, the essence lies in making the most of our time as human beings, embracing the fullness of our journey.

    Listeners are reminded of their divine nature as observers of life’s impermanence. The ultimate goal is liberation from suffering by recognizing oneself as the observer, detached from the ego and transient identities. This episode offers a balanced perspective on how to navigate the realms of wisdom and manifestation, encouraging a conscious and fulfilling approach to life.

    Join us in this deep exploration of spiritual wisdom and practical guidance, as we learn to observe without judgment, embrace impermanence, and master the art of manifestation.

    • 46 min
    Episode 298: Anatta (Egolessness)

    Episode 298: Anatta (Egolessness)

    Language shapes our perception of reality and keeps us within a limited framework. By constantly using the word "I", we reinforce the illusion of a separate self. Some Buddhist or Hindu monks avoid using "I", saying "your monastery" instead of "my monastery" to emphasize that everything belongs to everyone. This practice challenges the notion of ownership and self-identity.

    Feelings, like thoughts, are patterns of conditioning. They are not who we truly are but rather responses shaped by our past experiences. Our goal in the academy is to liberate ourselves both consciously and unconsciously. Conscious liberation involves understanding our thought patterns, while unconscious liberation involves recognizing the processes we aren't fully aware of, like our heartbeat or breath. These processes are automatic and reflect a deeper level of existence that we want to be in touch with.

    Suffering arises when we identify with our feelings and thoughts, thinking they belong to us. We crave good feelings and avoid bad ones, which keeps us trapped in a cycle of desire and aversion. To free ourselves, we must detach from these feelings and thoughts, recognizing them as temporary and conditioned.
    Our sense of "I" is made up of five aggregates: the physical body and four mental states—cognition, recognition, sensation, and reaction. The body is ever-changing and not a permanent self. Similarly, our mental states are impermanent and influenced by our conditioning.

    Cognition is the direct experience, the neutral opening of a window to the world. Recognition is the meaning we assign to these experiences. Sensation is the emotional response, and reaction is the action we take based on these feelings. None of these are the true self; they are just processes.
    By observing these processes and recognizing their impermanence, we can begin to detach from the false sense of a permanent self. Changing habitual patterns, like waking up at a different time or using the opposite hand, helps us understand the depth of our conditioning when we are aware of the craving and aversion patterns.

    Ultimately, wisdom comes from moving beyond intellectual understanding to experiential realization. By living the truth of impermanence and non-self, we can reduce suffering and elevate our awareness, leading to greater freedom and interconnectedness.

    • 42 min
    Episode 297: Dukkha (Suffering)

    Episode 297: Dukkha (Suffering)

    Brothers, I want you to listen closely because what I'm about to share is something that can truly transform your life. It's a pattern I've seen over and over again, and it's critical to understand if you want to break free from suffering. Let’s talk about the four quadrants of attachment and how they govern our experience.

    When you have what you want—money, relationships, status—you're attached. You fear losing these things. This fear leads to suffering. It's a desperate clinging, a hoarding mentality that controls you. You're afraid to lose your bank account, your job, your relationship. The fear of loss is ever-present.

    Now, shift to the top-right quadrant. You want something but don’t have it. This desire, this craving, eats at you. You compare yourself to others, believing your life would be better if you had more money, a better job, a loving relationship. This constant comparison and craving create immense suffering.

    Let's move to the bottom-left quadrant. Here, you have what you don't want. Maybe it’s a debt, a physical condition, or a difficult relationship. You resist these realities, and this resistance breeds anger and a victim mentality. You think, "My life would be better if I didn’t have this." This aversion to what is causes deep suffering.

    Finally, the bottom-right quadrant: you don't have something, and you don't want it. You're afraid of getting what you don't want—disease, financial ruin, a bad relationship. This fear of potential future problems keeps you in a state of anxiety.

    Here’s the key, brothers. We've been conditioned to focus externally, to see everything through the lens of these quadrants. But there's a way out. The solution is to shift our focus internally. Understand that your thoughts and senses are external stimuli. By redirecting your consciousness inward, you can break free from these patterns of attachment.

    In the academy, we teach cognitive mastery and emotional ownership to help you make this shift. By embracing the present moment and accepting reality without resistance, you can end your suffering. Elevate your alpha by focusing internally, brothers. This is the path to true freedom and peace. Until next week, elevate your alpha.

    • 37 min

Customer Reviews

4.2 out of 5
5 Ratings

5 Ratings

TheoTheOther ,

Powerfull & Effective

My good friend the Dr. Alvarius put me on to this podcast recently. Just a couple of episodes in, this very clear cut and applicable advice stared to change things for the better. Absolutely recommendable!

Can’t wait to see where it leads me. Would love to have sessions with Kevin

Marvemania ,

For menn som ønsker å utvikle seg

Obligatorisk podcast

Lambogis ,


Loving the first two episodes 👍 For everyone thinking that this podcast and it’s topics sounds interesting, give it a try.

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