Amazed at how the right piece of music can enhance or even transform a piece of film?

Ever wondered about the process? What comes first? Do the composers sit in front of the storyboard or the early film rushes? How long does the process take?

About a year ago, NAKEDHEALTH was asked to develop a film for one of our clients - to show their commitment to late-stage blood cancer. After excellent collaboration between agency, client, director/producer and, critically, music composer, the film was released and shortlisted at this year's PM Society Awards. The bespoke music created for what was essentially a silent movie, really brough the film to life and added so much emotion. So, this week we chat to the composer Felix Ratigan, of TJF Productions as well as Laurie Castelli, the film director and founder of Castelli & Co Productions. Listen to the process we went through - from supplying a known reference song to capture the pace and emotion, to how we ended up with the final composition, which is truly one of the best pieces of composed music we have used in a film.

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