68 episodes

The Side Hustle Gal, to us, is someone who works harder than anyone else we know. They're focused not only on their business, but also a myriad of other commitments that tug at their time. They dream of seeing their inspiration become reality and they crave deep conversation. This podcast, this space, is a place for us to be authentic and real. We're ready to chat about the gritty parts of business that make us cry. We're ready to talk about how the hell we handle the day to day when life gets hard. We're ready to challenge the idea that you can't be a successful Side Hustle Gal. Dive in, dig deep, and enjoy your journey. We're here for you, babe.

The Side Hustle Gal Dannie Fountain & Caitlyn Allen

    • Business

The Side Hustle Gal, to us, is someone who works harder than anyone else we know. They're focused not only on their business, but also a myriad of other commitments that tug at their time. They dream of seeing their inspiration become reality and they crave deep conversation. This podcast, this space, is a place for us to be authentic and real. We're ready to chat about the gritty parts of business that make us cry. We're ready to talk about how the hell we handle the day to day when life gets hard. We're ready to challenge the idea that you can't be a successful Side Hustle Gal. Dive in, dig deep, and enjoy your journey. We're here for you, babe.

    Episode 320 | Season Outtro!

    Episode 320 | Season Outtro!



    Today Dannie and Caitlyn are wrapping up Season 4 of the Side Hustle Gal podcast.

    We believe in accessible content and that anyone who wants to learn from this content should be able to. In order to support this, we’ve had every episode of Season 4 transcribed. The transcriptions are available at the bottom of every episode blog post.

    SHOW HIGHLIGHTS:Recap the season.
     Predictions on the future.

    FOLLOW YOUR HOSTS: D Website | D Instagram // C Website | C Instagram

    Get the Side Hustle Starter Kit

    Episode Transcript - Season Outtro
    Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:00:21] Hello and welcome back to the side hustle gal podcast. This is it. The final episode of the season. Wow. Uh, we had some, we had some incredible guests this season, and Caitlyn and I were talking before we jumped on the recording, and. It's been a good one. I think back to the interview with Amanda Gulino from A Better Monday and all of the advice that she had for us, uh, that conversation we had with Jackie at pineapple development girl is killing it.
    Uh, the conversation we'd have with Carrie and with Bauma, Carrie works for core marketing group, um, uh, runs work bigger. Um, and even Rosalia is conversation on her company about consent. It's really run the gamut that season, all kinds of topics for your head and your heart, and I'm just so proud of it. I think the best part to you, we talked about this in our season intro, is that at least one of us only knew what three guests.
    Four guests. 
    Caitlyn Allen: [00:01:26] Yep. 
    Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:01:27] And everyone else was strangers to both of us. 
    Caitlyn Allen: [00:01:30] Yeah. I think that was really cool because it showed a different type of, or a different side to having conversations with other business owners. I feel like a lot of podcasts, um, they bring on guests that are their friends or guests that other people have already interviewed.
    So you already know kind of how the interview is going to go. But. Having conversations with new people can a be awkward. Um, and that just shows you kind of how well entrepreneurs can talk on their feet, um, and answer questions on their feet. But then. To have like real relationships with people just by being able to relate to them and how they run their business or what business life is like. I think that is something to be said for some of these interviews as well. 
    Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:02:21] Yeah. I think last season we were probably 50, 50 people we know and people we didn't know, and it was our best season to date at the time. And this season is what, like 70, 30, 80, 20, and I would say this season's even better than last season.
    Um, so for the podcast hosts out here, like the lesson from this interview, people you don't know because the more. Strangers we have in our s

    • 21 min
    Episode 319 | Rianna Hill of Pancake Digital Solutions.

    Episode 319 | Rianna Hill of Pancake Digital Solutions.



    Today Dannie and Caitlyn are talking with Rianna Hill of Pancake Digital Solutions..

    We believe in accessible content and that anyone who wants to learn from this content should be able to. In order to support this, we’ve had every episode of Season 4 transcribed. The transcriptions are available at the bottom of every episode blog post.

    SHOW HIGHLIGHTS:The start of the side hustle to the development of a digital marketing agency.
    Trusting yourself and the experience you have.
    The importance of schedules as well as you’re alone time.

    GET MORE: Website | Instagram | Facebook |

    FOLLOW YOUR HOSTS: D Website | D Instagram // C Website | C Instagram

    Get the Side Hustle Starter Kit

    Episode Transcript
    Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:00:21] Hello and welcome back to the side hustle gal podcast.
    Caitlyn Allen: [00:00:26] Oh, I'm supposed to go. Oh my goodness. Hi guys. Welcome. I am so excited to be introducing who is joining us today. Rianna of pancake. Digital solutions. Why did I just blank on what your business name is? I'm so excited. Rianna is. Awesome. Like, I just don't even know how to explain her. Um, I met Rianna with, uh, one of my clients, Joey. Um, she worked with us, uh, with a trademark, and then she actually coached me how to work on Facebook ads, um, through indie law. So that was a lot of fun. Mmm. And with that, I created a great relationship with her and she is just the best person to talk to about a lot of digital marketing. Um, I feel like her and Dannie could be like besties because they do a lot of similar things. Um, so yeah, I'm super excited to introduce Rianna Rianna. Can you tell us a little bit about you and about why you identify with being a side hustler? 
    Rianna Hill: [00:01:39] Yeah, absolutely. Well, thank you so much, Caitlyn. That's a very sweet intro. I'm definitely enjoyed being working with you off and on over the past few years. That's been been wonderful. Um, so yeah, my name is Rianna . Um, yes, like the singer, but without the H, uh, having her coming around was kind of the best thing ever because now everyone can say my name, so that's pretty cool. And I'm currently living on the Washington state peninsula, which is kind of that broken off piece in the top left corner.
    Um, lived in seven different States as I am currently a Navy wife and expectant mother to be. So that's kind of the exciting things about me. And why do identify as a side hustler? I mean, honestly, that could really be my whole life is being a side hustler. I remember some of my earliest memories are like walking around and picking up change and finding stuff in the.
    A couch cushion seats too, as like my first job. So my parents started giving me various jobs and once I learned like, Oh, I could mow my own lawn, then all of a sudden it was like, Oh,

    • 21 min
    Episode 318 | Jam Session on Mid-Year Goal Setting / Check-ins

    Episode 318 | Jam Session on Mid-Year Goal Setting / Check-ins



    Today Dannie and Caitlyn are having a Jam Session on Mid-Year Goal Setting / Check-ins.

    We believe in accessible content and that anyone who wants to learn from this content should be able to. In order to support this, we’ve had every episode of Season 4 transcribed. The transcriptions are available at the bottom of every episode blog post.

    SHOW HIGHLIGHTS:Knowing when its time to cut loose a goal.
     The importance of pivoting.
    How to measure your goals.

    FOLLOW YOUR HOSTS: D Website | D Instagram // C Website | C Instagram

    Get the Side Hustle Starter Kit

    Episode Transcript - Goal setting Jam Session
    Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:00:21] Hello and welcome back to the side hustle gal podcast. You've got just me and Caitlyn today for our last jam session of the season. Holy shit. 
    Uh, so today we are going to be talking to you about maybe your goal checking and setting new goals at the midyear if you need to plus maybe telling you something about the goals that we set this year.
    Yeah. Uh, so let's dig right in. First thing that we want to talk about is how to check in on your goals. And we should probably preface this by saying that there are literally dozens of different ways to set goals. A couple of years ago, right in a Pomeroy, and I wrote a book interviewing a bunch of different goal-setting experts, and there were so many different things that we discovered. Um, so first there's no right way to goal set. Um, but checking in on your goals is interesting, right? Cause I feel like we set goals and then I used to be the person that would like set goals in my power sheets and then never use the tending list throughout the year.  um, so checking in on your goals is really about A, is this thing still important to me? B, have I achieved it? C. If I haven't achieved it, is it because of A or because of needing to put processes in place to get shit done? What do you think, caitlyn? 
    Caitlyn Allen: [00:01:50] Yeah. Um, I think this is a very interesting thing because with my clients, I actually do quarterly goal setting. Um, so mid year is usually not really.
    Okay. Kind of review outside of financial goals. Um, but I do know that if you set big goals for the year, you should be, in my opinion, checking in on them at least quarterly to make sure that they're staying up to date. Um, and I know this podcast episode is going live in July, I think. So it's perfect time to be talking about that midyear check-in and yeah, I think that it's.
    the check-in is more about is this working or am I just not working on this thing? Is it. Providing what I'm expecting it to provide, or did I write this down because everybody else was doing it? So taking a look at what your goals were and what Headspace you were in when you wrote them, and then really reevaluating the year.

    • 21 min
    Episode 317 | Rosalia Rivera of About Consent Podcast

    Episode 317 | Rosalia Rivera of About Consent Podcast



    Today Dannie and Caitlyn are talking with Rosalia Rivera of About Consent Podcast.

    We believe in accessible content and that anyone who wants to learn from this content should be able to. In order to support this, we’ve had every episode of Season 4 transcribed. The transcriptions are available at the bottom of every episode blog post.

    SHOW HIGHLIGHTS:Knowing when it is time to turn away from something because the passion is gone.
    The impact that the cultural landscape can have on your side hustle.
    being able to take a step back and separate family life from your side hustle.

    GET MORE: Rainn
    Pod: Website | Instagram | Facebook |
    Parenting: Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube

    FOLLOW YOUR HOSTS: D Website | D Instagram // C Website | C Instagram

    Get the Side Hustle Starter Kit

    Episode Transcript
    Caitlyn Allen: [00:00:21] Hey guys, welcome back to the side hustle gal podcast. I am so excited today because we have Carey of cor marketing. Um, Carey and I met a couple of years ago, um, when Rosemary Watson, um, connected us. We went to a like retreat together type thing. Um, and it was just, it was so much fun to connect with entrepreneurs and that's something that a lot of us probably don't do, especially for side hustling. There is a lot of work that's going into it. So I'm taking the time to go out and meet people, uh, can bring you business because now Carey and I work together. So Carey, tell us a little bit about, you. 
    Carey Osenbau: [00:01:06] Um, my name is Carey Osenbau I have kind of been in this, um, what you would call like web and marketing space, probably almost 15 years now.
    I started back in early two thousands before this whole. Online VA space really was a big thing. It was just starting to pick up steam. I worked in the legal field and realized very quickly with two small children that that wasn't going to be an option for me anymore unless I wanted to pay massive amounts of money to.
    For daycare costs and what's the point of working at that point? So, um, I quickly, I had to find another solution and I stumbled upon this world of, um, designing websites, designing e-commerce. So I quickly dove in, made some connections, and. Started, um, providing those services, um, learning all that I could about design and development.
    I'm pretty much self, self taught myself from the very beginning. Um, since then I worked for multiple companies, um, worked for startups, Mmm. Wellness practitioners. And so learning the ins and outs of all their different types of businesses, but all while still continuing to provide, Mmm. You know, services to other clients on the side.
    So I was still, while I had like full time jobs throughout my, um, for the last 15 years, I always continue to work on the side building websites, um, making connections,

    • 21 min
    Episode 316 | Carey Osenbau of Cor Marketing Group

    Episode 316 | Carey Osenbau of Cor Marketing Group



    Today Dannie and Caitlyn are talking with Carey Osenbau of Cor Marketing Group.

    We believe in accessible content and that anyone who wants to learn from this content should be able to. In order to support this, we’ve had every episode of Season 4 transcribed. The transcriptions are available at the bottom of every episode blog post.

    SHOW HIGHLIGHTS:How you can build your side hustle solely from referrals.
    How to. build connections for your businesses outside of just your client referrals.
    The difference between finding a client organically vs a referral and how to approach each.
     Finding the difference between going above and beyond for a client and going too far.
    GET MORE: Website | Instagram | Linkedin | Pinterest

    FOLLOW YOUR HOSTS: D Website | D Instagram // C Website | C Instagram

    Get the Side Hustle Starter Kit

    Episode Transcript
    Caitlyn Allen: [00:00:21] Hey guys, welcome back to the side hustle gal podcast. I am so excited today because we have Carey of cor marketing. Um, Carey and I met a couple of years ago, um, when Rosemary Watson, um, connected us. We went to a like retreat together type thing. Um, and it was just, it was so much fun to connect with entrepreneurs and that's something that a lot of us probably don't do, especially for side hustling. There is a lot of work that's going into it. So I'm taking the time to go out and meet people, uh, can bring you business because now Carey and I work together. So Carey, tell us a little bit about, you. 
    Carey Osenbau: [00:01:06] Um, my name is Carey Osenbau I have kind of been in this, um, what you would call like web and marketing space, probably almost 15 years now.
    I started back in early two thousands before this whole. Online VA space really was a big thing. It was just starting to pick up steam. I worked in the legal field and realized very quickly with two small children that that wasn't going to be an option for me anymore unless I wanted to pay massive amounts of money to.
    For daycare costs and what's the point of working at that point? So, um, I quickly, I had to find another solution and I stumbled upon this world of, um, designing websites, designing e-commerce. So I quickly dove in, made some connections, and. Started, um, providing those services, um, learning all that I could about design and development.
    I'm pretty much self, self taught myself from the very beginning. Um, since then I worked for multiple companies, um, worked for startups, Mmm. Wellness practitioners. And so learning the ins and outs of all their different types of businesses, but all while still continuing to provide, Mmm. You know, services to other clients on the side.
    So I was still, while I had like full time jobs throughout my, um, for the last 15 years, I always continue to work on the side buildin

    • 21 min
    Episode 315 | Beelma McCaffrey of Work Bigger

    Episode 315 | Beelma McCaffrey of Work Bigger



    Today Dannie and Caitlyn are talking with Belma McCaffrey of Work Bigger.

    We believe in accessible content and that anyone who wants to learn from this content should be able to. In order to support this, we’ve had every episode of Season 4 transcribed. The transcriptions are available at the bottom of every episode blog post.

    SHOW HIGHLIGHTS:What it takes to get your side hustle off the ground and into a full-time gig.
    Knowing when it is time to make pivots in your side hustle.
    Connecting with your pain points and coming back stronger from them.
     Audio Freebie!
    GET MORE: Website | Instagram

    FOLLOW YOUR HOSTS: D Website | D Instagram // C Website | C Instagram

    Get the Side Hustle Starter Kit

    Episode Transcript
    Belma McCaffrey
    Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:00:21] Hello and welcome back to the side hustle gal podcast. We're so excited to have Belma McCaffrey here today from work, bigger talking about all things side hustling, and Belma. Thank you so much for being here today. 
    Belma McCaffrey: [00:00:34] My pleasure. Hi ladies. Thank you so much for having me. 
    Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:00:39] Of course, we'd love to hear from you a little bit about what you do and why you identify as a side hustler.
    Belma McCaffrey: [00:00:45] Yeah. Uh, so I run a career development coaching platform called work bigger. And our mission is to help people do work they love. That makes an impact that makes a difference in the world without burning out. And we do that through a group coaching membership. We do that through, um, private coaching and also working with organizations to lead to lead trainings.
    And I identify as a side hustler because work bigger was a side hustle for, I want to say a little more than two years. Uh, before I started running it full time. And that experience of building, launching, building, and just running a business as a side hustle taught me so much about myself and what it takes to get something off the ground.
    And it was. I couldn't have done it without really starting it as, as a side hustle. So yeah, that's why I really, I really connect to the work you ladies are doing here with the podcast. And you know, um, when I heard about you guys, I was like, yes, this is awesome. I know there's like a whole movement of side hustle happening cause I think people are really looking to bring their dreams and their goals to life.
    And you can always do it by jumping into it full time. It's not, it's not realistic or possible for everyone. So. Um, being able to start something while you're still working, I think is, it's just powerful. It allows you to get to that, you know, to that longer term vision that you have. 
    Caitlyn Allen: [00:02:19] Yeah. And I feel like it also allows you to have art to like express passion that you might not be abl

    • 21 min

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