22 min

The Strengths and Struggles of Responsibility Transform Your Life With Steve and Pete

    • Self-Improvement

Transformation Tip: “The price for greatness is responsibility” - Winston ChurchillThis week’s talent: ResponsibilityIntrinsic needs:The confidence and trust of others Freedom from micromanagers Freedom to say “no”Healthy boundaries Potential blindspots:Because they find it difficult to turn down others’ requests, sometimes they overcommit. Too many obligations can keep them from spending time with the most important people in their lives. Hard time delegating - Messi...

Transformation Tip: “The price for greatness is responsibility” - Winston ChurchillThis week’s talent: ResponsibilityIntrinsic needs:The confidence and trust of others Freedom from micromanagers Freedom to say “no”Healthy boundaries Potential blindspots:Because they find it difficult to turn down others’ requests, sometimes they overcommit. Too many obligations can keep them from spending time with the most important people in their lives. Hard time delegating - Messi...

22 min