VegHist Ep 14: Diet Reform. Consumerism, Lebensreform, and Gandhi The Vegan Option including Vegetarianism: The Story So Far

    • Philosophy

In the nineteenth century, in America and Germany, new forms of vegetarianism emerge – from the individualistic consumer vegetarianism of America, to the back-to-nature European “life reform” movement. Episode 14: Diet Reform As animal agriculture industrialises and meat consumption rises, the ways that food reformers respond are familiar to people today – the plant-based meat, the celebrity athletes, and the reformers who worship nature, sunshine, and fresh air. Ian goes to the shops to discover just how many vegetarian staples he owes to pioneers like John Harvey Kellogg. In Sabarmati, northwest India, he visits the Ashram of Mahatma Mohandas K Gandhi. Play or download (62MB MP3 44min) (via iTunes) or read transcript Contributors: Dr Adam Shprintzen, (Marywood University, Scranton PA) (@VegHistory) Dr Julia Twigg (University of Kent) Megha Todi (on Instagram) (Sabarmati Ashram Archives) Ramachandra Guha ( (@Ram_Guha) (on Wikipedia) Vegetarian area at the Chicago World’s Fair Advertisement for Kellog’s “Sanitarium” Eden makes jams and fruit juices. An Edener begs socialist vegetarian intellectual Magnus Schwantje not to send books that would get them into trouble with the Nazis At Sabarmati Ashram Gandhi would read and spin here, in Sabarmati Readings Ellen White, vision, from “A Brief History of Seventh-Day Adventists”,… more

In the nineteenth century, in America and Germany, new forms of vegetarianism emerge – from the individualistic consumer vegetarianism of America, to the back-to-nature European “life reform” movement. Episode 14: Diet Reform As animal agriculture industrialises and meat consumption rises, the ways that food reformers respond are familiar to people today – the plant-based meat, the celebrity athletes, and the reformers who worship nature, sunshine, and fresh air. Ian goes to the shops to discover just how many vegetarian staples he owes to pioneers like John Harvey Kellogg. In Sabarmati, northwest India, he visits the Ashram of Mahatma Mohandas K Gandhi. Play or download (62MB MP3 44min) (via iTunes) or read transcript Contributors: Dr Adam Shprintzen, (Marywood University, Scranton PA) (@VegHistory) Dr Julia Twigg (University of Kent) Megha Todi (on Instagram) (Sabarmati Ashram Archives) Ramachandra Guha ( (@Ram_Guha) (on Wikipedia) Vegetarian area at the Chicago World’s Fair Advertisement for Kellog’s “Sanitarium” Eden makes jams and fruit juices. An Edener begs socialist vegetarian intellectual Magnus Schwantje not to send books that would get them into trouble with the Nazis At Sabarmati Ashram Gandhi would read and spin here, in Sabarmati Readings Ellen White, vision, from “A Brief History of Seventh-Day Adventists”,… more