1 hr 7 min

War on Drugs Why We Do What We Do

    • Samfunnsvitenskap

The saga continues as we explore the historical policy blunder that was the "War on Drugs." What lead to the development of this idea? We review the distinction between what was stated and what actually happened, and, of course, who won the war? spoiler it was drugs. 

Abraham: Speechify App (https://speechify.com/?source=fb-for-mobile&via=nguyen-linh-nam&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiMmwBhDmARIsABeQ7xRZ-vEPaqs8c7IAr7jeYUXdDNtP0Wgtf92Chyk99jyGJIJ9V8rSv1QaAtWbEALw_wcB)Shane: Amber Brooke Farms (https://amberbrookefarms.com/blueberry-festival/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiMmwBhDmARIsABeQ7xR6jxy-33SjkhqahM3-YTrIh3z-c_FCR06EM3mfz9EAH1FvdLQtTFQaAuB5EALw_wcB) Links and References: 

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The saga continues as we explore the historical policy blunder that was the "War on Drugs." What lead to the development of this idea? We review the distinction between what was stated and what actually happened, and, of course, who won the war? spoiler it was drugs. 

Abraham: Speechify App (https://speechify.com/?source=fb-for-mobile&via=nguyen-linh-nam&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiMmwBhDmARIsABeQ7xRZ-vEPaqs8c7IAr7jeYUXdDNtP0Wgtf92Chyk99jyGJIJ9V8rSv1QaAtWbEALw_wcB)Shane: Amber Brooke Farms (https://amberbrookefarms.com/blueberry-festival/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiMmwBhDmARIsABeQ7xR6jxy-33SjkhqahM3-YTrIh3z-c_FCR06EM3mfz9EAH1FvdLQtTFQaAuB5EALw_wcB) Links and References: 

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1 hr 7 min