51 min

352. Go from restlessness of mind to Stillness of the heart! - Non Duality Meditation Self Inquiry

    • Spirituality

11th May 2024

In this Satsang, Sanjay explored the nature of desire and its consequences, using examples to illustrate how unfulfilled desires can lead to a cycle of action and further desires. He emphasized the importance of detachment from desires to achieve a state of inner peace and freedom, and advocated for paying attention to pure awareness rather than the body-mind complex. He also stressed the significance of silence, self-reflection, and an egoless attitude in achieving a blissful contentment.
These are teachings and pointers from ongoing NDA(Non-duality awareness)/Advaitic Satsangs held at Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi Centre in Melbourne, Australia.

Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Arunachala Ramanaya !

11th May 2024

In this Satsang, Sanjay explored the nature of desire and its consequences, using examples to illustrate how unfulfilled desires can lead to a cycle of action and further desires. He emphasized the importance of detachment from desires to achieve a state of inner peace and freedom, and advocated for paying attention to pure awareness rather than the body-mind complex. He also stressed the significance of silence, self-reflection, and an egoless attitude in achieving a blissful contentment.
These are teachings and pointers from ongoing NDA(Non-duality awareness)/Advaitic Satsangs held at Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi Centre in Melbourne, Australia.

Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Arunachala Ramanaya !

51 min