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    酒馆4/29号有一场试听体验课,可以添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ It's very difficult for me to imagine even though that I’ve lived in the UK and talked to many British people but still, because for me I come from a completely different background, I would have to say, sometimes in China you hear these debate, we're not like an immigration country or immigrant country, but still with when there are more people pouring in from other countries, but I know it's a sensitive topic, but you do hear people say like voicing their concerns about what this will do to, for example, your own belief system, your values, your culture, I know in China they are really nominal number, minimal realistic numbers, but there's still that concern. I'm just wondering if British people are ever concerned about not losing something that's intrinsically British or English. I would say, yes, there is that concern, particularly if some people feel that the value system or the beliefs of immigrants clashes with what we consider as British values. But the problem is that we can't really define what so called British values actually are. If you ask me as a British person what would be considered British, I wouldn't be able to tell you. So it's not based on race or ethnicity. It's not based on race or ethnicity. I would say to a certain extent it's based more on belief and values. This might be the major difference between China and the UK because for us it’s a lot about blood about ethnicity. Yeah, in the UK I would say it's a lot less about that, for some people it is, and even though I don't quite understand because what it means to be British is such a fluid concept. It's always changing. I do not think anyone could really define what it is to be British. Yeah, but you are perhaps very liberal minded in this. Probably I am. The other thing that I think of many people even if we put the whole cultural identity, 把这个文化圈认同先放一边, just realistically or pragmatically, I think many voters in the UK they were worried about over stretching or over stretched public services, like health services, housing, etc. Yeah. Exactly. That was the main concern that immigrants had to overstretch public services and housing. Now to be honest for me, I don't quite agree with that, because housing is a problem in the UK no matter what, it's always been a problem in the UK; and public services, most of our public services rely on immigrants. That is true, because you just have to take one look at NHS workers, a lot of immigrants. Yeah. And the thing it's only around 15% of the UK population who are foreign born. I love the fact that you say only around 15% because for us this is an unthinkable number. There are some cities in the world where it goes up to about 60%. Wow. 60%. Then who are the locals, who are the immigrants?And that's the whole thing. I don't think it really matters because most immigrants work hard, they pay their taxes. So why can't they live in the UK, why can't they just live their lives? They don't break the law, they just live their lives as honest citizens. Yeah. I mean I have to admit although I consider myself quite liberal minded, but when it comes to immigration I do have my own Like concerns about, for example, if you think in the future, the whole trend is going to be we're all blended together, but then we will have to rethink about our cultural identity. What defines us? Would there still be the idea of cultural identity?To be honest that I don't quite agree with that because ultimately, humans will always try to seek some form of cultural identity. It's just the cultural identity, the values, the belief, what is considered the culture changes. All right. So far we've actually had a lot of talks, debates, but now let's look at the pragmatics. So now how easy it is to immigrate to the UK just out of curiosity .From this Spring, the government have

    • 11 min


    可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ In today's Buzzword Mix, our Buzzword is Pink Tax. The phrase itself is very easy to understand. Pink is a color and tax is, well t-a-x. But there is a lot to be said about this concept. So let's dive into it. First of all, let's look at the definition. What is Pink Tax? 首先我们来看看什么是所谓的粉红税. Pink tax is a markup on goods and services marketed to women and for which men pay less for similar products and services. 所谓的粉红税指的就是goods and services marketed to women. 营销给女性消费者的这些货品和服务上面的一个markup, a pricing markup or a markup in pricing, simply means higher price. 在讲到价钱的时候, markup就是一个价格加成也就是加价. For instance, if you buy a cola in a restaurant, it's probably going to be a lot more expensive than in a supermarket. That is because restaurants have a markup on the drinks they serve. 比如说在餐厅里点酒水肯定比在超市买要贵不少, 这就是一个price markup. So pink tax is a markup on goods and services marketed to women. 所以粉红税它指的就是针对女性营销的产品和服务, 与卖给男性的类似的产品和服务相比较, 会有一个明显的markup, 加价. This phenomenon is often attributed to gender-based price discrimination.Gender-based price discrimination也就是基于性别的价格歧视. The reason why we call it pink tax is not really about stereotyping women. It simply is from the observation that many of the affected products are pink.而为什么叫它粉红税? 不知道大家有没有注意到, 比如说同样一个品牌同样都是卖洗发水, 卖给男士的, 通常是蓝色的瓶子; 卖给女士的, 通常都是粉红色的瓶子. This is the word pink tax comes from. Now in 2015, the issue got a lot of attention when New York City's department of consumer affairs found many instances of gendered pricing when it examined 794 products sold in the city for consumers of all ages. 粉红税这个事情并不是一个特别新的概念, 在2015年纽约的消费者事务部门就通过对市面上794种产品的观察, 发现了有这样的一个概念叫做gendered pricing, 也就是男女有别的定价. However, researchers have been noticing and analyzing this phenomenon since at least the 1990s. 这个事情再往前倒, 在上世纪90年代末期就已经有人提出来并且观察到了. Although we call it pink tax, it's not really a tax, it's just a price markup. So when a company sells a pink product, the female version for more than a blue product, the male version, the additional revenue from the pink product does not go to the government as tax. 为什么说它其实不是税, 就是它多收了女性产品跟粉红色产品的这些钱, 并不会作为税收上交. The only part that benefits from the pink tax are the companies that charge women more than men. These gender based price disparities are prevalent in several sectors and can be seen in many day to day products. But one of the most visible is personal care products. 这种gender-based price disparities基于性别的价格差异, 在很多的日常产品里都能见到, 但是最明显的是在 personal care products, 也就是个护产品. These include, for example, soaps, lotions, razor blades, shampoos, and deodorants.In the United States, one government study analyzed 800 gender specific products from nearly 100 brands. The report found that on average, personal care products marketed to women were 13% more expensive than similar men's products. Accessories and adult clothing were 7% and 8% more expensive respectively.

    • 9 min


    4/29,英文小酒馆直播体验课等你来上麦。可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜. Hi lulu, hi everyone. 安澜, can I propose a topic?Yeah. Of course.The other day, some students and I when we were talking about international cities or like cosmopolitan cities, what makes a city truly cosmopolitan, and to me it just feels like it's not so much all the city has many foreigners, but more like when you look at people living in a city, you don't really know who are the foreigners, don't really know who are the locals. I completely agree. I think if you still look around and say those are foreigners, then it's not really an international city. An international city is a city where people from all across the world will actually make it their home. Yeah.And London, to some extent, gives me that vibes. So I thought let's talk about immigration, Very complicated subject. I know, it's very heavy as well. So maybe let's just start with some light discussions and gradually get into the heavy bits.  I think it's not gonna take too long to get into the heavy side because if you read British newspapers or if you see the news in the UK, there is so much talk about immigration. And it’s such a controversial topic, very controversial. 很有争议的那种话题. 安澜听过中文里说哪个国家是移民国家这个说法. Yeah.So UK has a very long history of immigration, right?He does. For example, if you look at our Royal Family, our Royal Family originally comes from Germany. Oh Yes. There are often historical comedies about that fact. ExactlyThey didn't even speak English. And the thing is that London in particular has always attracted immigrants, and you can see this in lot the port cities as well, like Liverpool. There's always been immigrants. So the idea of someone being like completely British, I never really quite believe that because you have to think that the UK and particularly England is not very far away from Europe, it’s an island, but the distance between France and England is not that far. Yeah, I think and also you keep hearing things like a second generation, third generation 第二代, 第三代移民, usually by third generation they just completely become local. Well even by second generation normally, and sometimes even by first generation. So I think it's important to define exactly when immigration increased dramatically and that was after the World War II. You know you call those waves like immigration waves. So the wave was after the World War II?After the war, after the bombing and after obviously black soldiers and lots of people died, there was a need for skilled and unskilled labor to rebuild after the war. And back then, UK had an Empire and they encouraged people from across what was then the Empire to come to the UK and this included probably one of the most famous incidents of immigration in British history and that was the Windrush. Windrush, was that the name of a ship?

    • 12 min


    可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to your favourite segment Sound Of Musicals. 欢迎回来【曲外之音】 . Hi Oliver.Hello. So we are going to continue our discussion about The Sound Of Music, 【音乐之声】. Yes. We're moving on to themes and music today, I believe. Last time you walked us through the storyline, it's pretty simple, right? But there are many themes that were mentioned or discussed or shown in this musical. No, I think the main point of the musical is, as we talked about last time, it's kind of a feel good movie with some quite serious background to it. But in the end, it's a few themes which are worth talking about. First of all, obviously pretty clear it's family and love. Definitely so. Yeah .the whole musical is based around this family, the kids and the father are kind of estranged and separated until Maria comes in, wins the kids then wins the captain, everybody falls in love, and then they run away together into the mountains. It's quite a nice theme through the movie. Yeah. If you think about it, I think Maria, the novice nun, single handedly changed the family dynamics, before it wasn't so much as a family but more like a little army in training, trained by the dad. It definitely was, yeah he being a naval officer who's recently come back home, I think he doesn't really know how to raise his own children. Exactly. He's gone through many many governess and has told the governess says here's the whistle when you need them, blow the whistle this way for child number one, this way for number two, and Maria just refuses to it. I think she says their children, they're not dogs or something like that, and she just says no straight away. On yes. I remember that bit. It's like when captain von Trapp, I think when they first met, it's like just whistle when... to signal for each kid to come out. And then when I need you, this is the whistle you're gonna hear. And Maria just basically says I... just protested straight away and say, no, I'm not a dog. I'm not gonna answer to whistle. And then he said just follow my lead, follow my order. And then so Maria says, so captain, what is your whistle? That's it. Yes. And he gets very, very upset by that question. Yeah, but I mean it's quite common in sort of like military families.  I don't know if it's the same in other cultures but in China definitely . I feel like I mean I've got no real experience myself, but certainly in movies, TV shows, it does feel like the military father or military mother is always kind of bringing work home in a way and kind of raising their children as they treat the other soldiers they work with.  So yeah. I think this is quite a common thing which the musical has picked up on. Yeah. And what Maria is bringing tenderness, laughter and just joy into the family. Yeah. She's breaking through these the restrictions on the rules that captain von Trapp has put in place for an organized and well behaved family and she just has fun with them and lets them have fun and teaches them how to sing as well.

    • 18 min
    《安澜老爷子的晚安故事》 -福尔摩斯探案集之蓝宝石案(下)

    《安澜老爷子的晚安故事》 -福尔摩斯探案集之蓝宝石案(下)

    可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ We went out again into the frosty air. “Now for Mr. Breckinridge,” Holmes said as he buttoned his coat. We zigzagged through the back streets. Soon we were in the Covent Garden market. We saw the name Breckinridge on one of the largest stalls. The owner had a long, sharp face. He and a small boy were just closing up. “Good evening. It’s a cold night,” said Holmes. “You are sold out of geese, I see.” “I can let you have five hundred geese in the morning,” the man replied. “That won’t do,” said Holmes. “I want the same kind of geese you sold to the Alpha Inn. They were fine birds. Where did you get them?” To my surprise, the question made Breckinridge angry. “Now then, mister,” he said. “What is all this about? I haven’t heard anything else all day. ‘Where did you get all the geese? Who did you sell the geese to?’ You would think they were the only geese in the world. People are making such a fuss about them.” “Well, I have nothing to do with the others who have been asking,” Holmes said. He sounded as if he did not care very much about it. “You won’t tell us. So we’ll have to cancel the bet. You see, I’ve bet five pounds those Alpha Inn geese were raised in the country.” “Then you will lose,” said Breckinridge. “Those geese were raised here in town.” “You’ll never make me believe that.” “Will you bet, then?” Breckinridge asked. “That would just be stealing your money,” answered Holmes. “But I’ll take you on.” Breckinridge laughed. He called the small boy to his side. “Bring me the books, Bill,” said he. “Now, then, Mr. Know-It-All,” he went on. “You see this little book? This is the list of folks from whom I buy. The numbers tell where to find them in the big book. See this page? It’s in black ink. Those are my country goose-raisers. See this list in red? Those are my town people. Now, look at that third name. Just read it to me.” Holmes read. “Mrs. Oakshott, 117 Brixton Road. Number 249.” “Quite so. Now look up that number in this big book.” Holmes turned a page. “Here you are. Mrs. Oakshott, 117 Brixton Road. Eggs and Birds.” “Now,” said Breckinridge. “What is the last thing it says there? ‘December twenty-second. Twenty-four geese. At seven and a half shillings. Sold to the Alpha Inn at twelve shillings.’ “Well? What do you say now?” Breckinridge asked.

    • 12 min


     Hi everyone, and welcome back to your favorite segment Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来你们最喜欢的板块【曲外之音】. Hi, Oliver. Hello. Good to be back. Hello, hello. It has been a while. It has, hasn't it, yeah. Very busy recently, I'm afraid.Yeah. Same here. But I can't wait for us to dive, re-dive back into the sea of musicals or musical movies. I know, I've been looking forward to this all week. So which musical movie do you want to dive into today? I give you a hint. This is an oldy but a goody. So, Doe, a deer, a female deer.Ray, a drop of golden sun. I know, I know, I've got it. It’s a good one, it is a good one, The Sound Of Music, classic. The Sound Of Music, 音乐之声。其实我们这个板块叫做Sound Of Musicals, it's also a play on Sound Of Music. Yes. It is where this name comes from.Yeah. So first of all, The Sound Of Music, I'm pretty sure The Sound Of Music is one of those musicals or musical movies that most Chinese audience are quite familiar with. So is it the same in English speaking world The Sound Of Music? Is it something that everyone knows? I think it is very, very well known. Certainly, it's one of the most well known and popular musicals in many places, many countries. Definitely. So I know I grew up with my family, my grandfather specifically watched it every year at Christmas. That's how I was kind of introduced to not just The Sound Of Music, but musicals in general, it was kind of my first experience of them. It does feel like one of those Christmassy or just festive movies to watch, right? It does, and I'm not entirely sure I could tell you why. But for me, it's a Christmas musical because my grandfather watched it at Christmas. And again, I'm not sure why, because I don't think there's anything really about Christmas in it at all.No. No. But I think it's just like happy ending, everyone everything worked out in the end. That sort of, like warm fuzzy type of thing.It’s, yeah. It's got some serious moments, but overall it is quite a feel good film, isn't it? Emm. So let's start with the background, we were talking about musical movies, so which came first remind me, was it the musical or was it the Disney film?Actually. It was a book, it was neither. The first idea of The Sound Of Music, it comes from the memoirs of Maria von Trapp. So the Maria from the musical was a real person. Oh, I did not know that.And it's from her memoirs. So she wrote down her experiences of living with the von Trapp family and becoming part of the von Trapp family in Austria during the1930s. From there it became a musical on Broadway in 1959, is when it premiered on Broadway. And then after that, it became the Disney film that we know today that most people know today. I see. I never really knew it was based on real life memoir. I thought it was just one of those stories that were just created for the sake of it really. I know. I was exactly the same when I found this, when I was looking into interesting things to say today. I was quite surprised to find that it was a real thing.Okay. So let's get into the story itself. I'm pretty sure a lot of our audience knew the story, but maybe you need a little bit of refreshing, but before you start, von Trapp, this von, v-o-n that sounds aristocratic and German.It is, yes. Certainly Germany and Austria and a lot of those kind of central European countries. They have a lot of the nobility, the aristocrats, they often have ‘von’ in their name. Unfortunately. I'm don't really speak much German, so I'm not entirely sure what von means. I need to do my research there. Von means from, I think it's from, so it's basically you kind of own the... like your family, probably like own the land. That's why you're like from that place or of that place. Okay, I see. Yeah. So that's the aristocratic noble side of it. I see, okay. Yeah, and also you said it was set in the 1930s, so that was the beginning of the whole Nazi thing, right?

    • 16 min

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