35% of Americans are not religious, CVS fired Christian nurse for refusing to dispense Abortion Kill Pill, Why the Nicene Creed was conceived The WorldView in 5 Minutes

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It’s Thursday, May 23rd, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Jonathan Clark
Eritrea’s religious freedom violations
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom released an article last week, highlighting religious freedom violations in Eritrea, Africa.
This month and next month mark 20 years since Eritrean officials arrested and imprisoned three pastors. The prisons remain in atrocious conditions.
As of last year, officials are also holding about 500 Christians as prisoners.
Frederick Davie with the commission said, “Religious freedom conditions in Eritrea remain extremely poor. The Commission was hopeful last year when Eritrean authorities started releasing some of those detained because of their faith or belief. Unfortunately, this effort included only a small number of prisoners.”
Hebrews 13:3 says, “Remember the prisoners as if chained with them—those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also.”
According to Open Doors, Eritrea, Africa is the fourth most difficult country worldwide in which to be a Christian.
Majority of Scots have no religion
Scotland began releasing its 2022 Census data on Tuesday.
For the first time on record, a majority of Scots said they have no religion.
Fifty-one percent of the Scottish population did not identify with a religion, up from 36.7% in 2011. Also, 20.4% identified with the Church of Scotland in 2022, down from 32.4% in 2011.
Roman Catholic identification at 13.3% and “other Christian” identification at 5.1% has remained somewhat stable over the last decade. Muslim identification is 2.2%, up from 1.5%. 
35% of Americans are not religious
Professor Ryan Burge with Faith Facts released a report this week on religious identification in the U.S.
Based on the Cooperative Election Study, he noted that 21% of Americans identified with no religion in 2008. That percentage grew to 35% in 2019. Since then, the percentage of non-religious Americans has plateaued. Oddly enough, the youngest generation appears to be growing more religious. Forty-two percent of Gen Z was religiously unaffiliated last year, down from 48% in 2022.
Burge noted, “The share of non-religious Americans has stopped rising in any meaningful way.”
CVS fired Christian nurse for refusing to dispense Abortion Kill Pill
First Liberty Institute reached a settlement on behalf of a Christian nurse with CVS Health Corporation this week.
CVS fired Robyn Strader for refusing to dispense abortion drugs. She had been operating under a religious accommodation to not prescribe the drugs for years.
Stephanie Taub, Senior Counsel for First Liberty Institute, said, “We are thrilled that Robyn was able to reach a resolution with CVS. We are hopeful that companies across the country will recognize the religious liberty of their employees and work to protect those rights.”
South Carolina protects kids from transgender drugs and surgeries
On Tuesday, South Carolina’s Republican Governor Henry McMaster announced he signed the Help Not Harm bill into law.
The law protects children from transgender drugs and surgeries and bans public funding of them.
South Carolina is the 25th state to ban such procedures. 
Trump leading Biden in 7 swing states
A new Bloomberg poll found former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in seven swing states.
The states are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Trump led Biden 48% to 44% in a head-to-head matchup. 
Trump also led Biden when the survey added in third-party and independent candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and Jill Stein.
Home sales are down
The sale of existing homes unexpectedly fell by 1.9% last month on an annual basis.
Meanwhile, the housing inventory was still tight at the end of April. It was up 16% on an annual basis, but that only amounted to a 3.5-mon

It’s Thursday, May 23rd, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
By Jonathan Clark
Eritrea’s religious freedom violations
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom released an article last week, highlighting religious freedom violations in Eritrea, Africa.
This month and next month mark 20 years since Eritrean officials arrested and imprisoned three pastors. The prisons remain in atrocious conditions.
As of last year, officials are also holding about 500 Christians as prisoners.
Frederick Davie with the commission said, “Religious freedom conditions in Eritrea remain extremely poor. The Commission was hopeful last year when Eritrean authorities started releasing some of those detained because of their faith or belief. Unfortunately, this effort included only a small number of prisoners.”
Hebrews 13:3 says, “Remember the prisoners as if chained with them—those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also.”
According to Open Doors, Eritrea, Africa is the fourth most difficult country worldwide in which to be a Christian.
Majority of Scots have no religion
Scotland began releasing its 2022 Census data on Tuesday.
For the first time on record, a majority of Scots said they have no religion.
Fifty-one percent of the Scottish population did not identify with a religion, up from 36.7% in 2011. Also, 20.4% identified with the Church of Scotland in 2022, down from 32.4% in 2011.
Roman Catholic identification at 13.3% and “other Christian” identification at 5.1% has remained somewhat stable over the last decade. Muslim identification is 2.2%, up from 1.5%. 
35% of Americans are not religious
Professor Ryan Burge with Faith Facts released a report this week on religious identification in the U.S.
Based on the Cooperative Election Study, he noted that 21% of Americans identified with no religion in 2008. That percentage grew to 35% in 2019. Since then, the percentage of non-religious Americans has plateaued. Oddly enough, the youngest generation appears to be growing more religious. Forty-two percent of Gen Z was religiously unaffiliated last year, down from 48% in 2022.
Burge noted, “The share of non-religious Americans has stopped rising in any meaningful way.”
CVS fired Christian nurse for refusing to dispense Abortion Kill Pill
First Liberty Institute reached a settlement on behalf of a Christian nurse with CVS Health Corporation this week.
CVS fired Robyn Strader for refusing to dispense abortion drugs. She had been operating under a religious accommodation to not prescribe the drugs for years.
Stephanie Taub, Senior Counsel for First Liberty Institute, said, “We are thrilled that Robyn was able to reach a resolution with CVS. We are hopeful that companies across the country will recognize the religious liberty of their employees and work to protect those rights.”
South Carolina protects kids from transgender drugs and surgeries
On Tuesday, South Carolina’s Republican Governor Henry McMaster announced he signed the Help Not Harm bill into law.
The law protects children from transgender drugs and surgeries and bans public funding of them.
South Carolina is the 25th state to ban such procedures. 
Trump leading Biden in 7 swing states
A new Bloomberg poll found former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in seven swing states.
The states are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Trump led Biden 48% to 44% in a head-to-head matchup. 
Trump also led Biden when the survey added in third-party and independent candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and Jill Stein.
Home sales are down
The sale of existing homes unexpectedly fell by 1.9% last month on an annual basis.
Meanwhile, the housing inventory was still tight at the end of April. It was up 16% on an annual basis, but that only amounted to a 3.5-mon