30 min

Chapter 1: They Misunderstand the Nature of Salvation False Assurance

    • Christianity

Many think of salvation as a one time legal transaction whereby your sins are forgiven and your name written in Heaven’s reservation book. As long as you have signed your name at some point in your life, judgment day will go just fine. As Don explains in this chapter, that is a false and dangerous idea which leads many to lead the wrong kind of lives, and ultimately keeps them out of heaven. To counter that notion, Don walks through several episodes in scripture that show God’s actual plan of redemption, revealing a pattern that shows how he creates new life and builds the family of God.

Many think of salvation as a one time legal transaction whereby your sins are forgiven and your name written in Heaven’s reservation book. As long as you have signed your name at some point in your life, judgment day will go just fine. As Don explains in this chapter, that is a false and dangerous idea which leads many to lead the wrong kind of lives, and ultimately keeps them out of heaven. To counter that notion, Don walks through several episodes in scripture that show God’s actual plan of redemption, revealing a pattern that shows how he creates new life and builds the family of God.

30 min