23 min

FarmIQ: Keeping New Zealand ahead by farming smarter Flying the Fern

    • Entrepreneurship

New Zealand farm systems are special, and today’s farmers are using FarmIQ to get the absolute best out of their farms. FarmIQ has created farm management and predictive modelling tools to give our farmers more data that they can use to make better decisions with.
Farm IQ is playing a key role in the important storytelling aspect of farming that allows us to showcase New Zealand produce as some of the best in the world.
In this episode of Flying the Fern, host David Downs talks to CEO Will Noble about:
How FarmIQ allows farmers to focus on actually farming
How technology helps to assess the impact of all farming’s variables in farming
How kiwi trailblazers have paved the way for other New Zealand technology companies to succeed
How FarmIQ underpins the success of New Zealand farming processes around the world
To find out more, head to https://farmiq.co.nz/ 
For social media, check out: 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farmiqsystems/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarmIQSystems 
To find out more about the FernMark Licence Programme please visit https://www.fernmark.nzstory.govt.nz/

New Zealand farm systems are special, and today’s farmers are using FarmIQ to get the absolute best out of their farms. FarmIQ has created farm management and predictive modelling tools to give our farmers more data that they can use to make better decisions with.
Farm IQ is playing a key role in the important storytelling aspect of farming that allows us to showcase New Zealand produce as some of the best in the world.
In this episode of Flying the Fern, host David Downs talks to CEO Will Noble about:
How FarmIQ allows farmers to focus on actually farming
How technology helps to assess the impact of all farming’s variables in farming
How kiwi trailblazers have paved the way for other New Zealand technology companies to succeed
How FarmIQ underpins the success of New Zealand farming processes around the world
To find out more, head to https://farmiq.co.nz/ 
For social media, check out: 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farmiqsystems/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarmIQSystems 
To find out more about the FernMark Licence Programme please visit https://www.fernmark.nzstory.govt.nz/

23 min