54 min

Live Channeling: Yeshua, Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene — 1/8/24 Waking Up Spiritually

    • Spirituality

In our broadcast on January 8, 2024, co-hosts Wendy Rose Williams and Gregg Kirk provided a special presentation of a live channeling session with "special guests" Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus), Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene. During the broadcast Wendy went into a meditative state and established a channel with Yeshua and then fielded several questions from the listening audience. After the question-and-answer period, Mother Mary stepped forward to give a special message of love for...

In our broadcast on January 8, 2024, co-hosts Wendy Rose Williams and Gregg Kirk provided a special presentation of a live channeling session with "special guests" Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus), Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene. During the broadcast Wendy went into a meditative state and established a channel with Yeshua and then fielded several questions from the listening audience. After the question-and-answer period, Mother Mary stepped forward to give a special message of love for...

54 min