On the Way with Max Botner: A Podcast of the Center for Bible Study

Max Botner
On the Way with Max Botner: A Podcast of the Center for Bible Study

Come join us "on the way" as we learn to read Scripture faithfully in community. Become a member of the Center for Bible Study! Your recurring tax-refundable donation gets your access to the all past and future Center for Bible Study classes, and ensures that we can continue to provide excellent content on this podcast and on our YouTube Channel. Please consider supporting us! https://give.ministrylinq.com/App/Form/d96bbdb5-197e-4a2d-820c-e3e4e3683e06

  1. 6 DAYS AGO

    The Heart of Paul's Theology: A Conversation with Dr. Nijay Gupta

    Become a member of the Center for Bible Study! 👉 https://give.ministrylinq.com/App/Form/d96bbdb5-197e-4a2d-820c-e3e4e3683e06 Join the Facebook Center for Bible Study Group for ongoing conversation about the Bible, live Q&A sessions, and great community. 👉 https://www.facebook.com/groups/908391187019803 Follow Dr. Botner on social media Facebook page: 👉 https://www.facebook.com/MABotner/ Twitter: 👉 https://twitter.com/maxbotner/ TikTok: 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmaxbotner/ Instagram: 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmaxbotner/ In this conversation, Dr. Nijay Gupta discusses his journey into biblical studies and the central theme of love in Paul's theology. He emphasizes the often-overlooked significance of love in Pauline letters and critiques the scholarly neglect of this theme. Gupta explores the influence of the Old Testament and Jesus' teachings on Paul's understanding of love, arguing that love is foundational to both the Old and New Testaments. He also examines the various terms Paul uses for love and the implications of these terms for understanding his theology. In this conversation, Nijay Gupta explores the profound themes of love as articulated in Paul's letters, emphasizing the emotional depth and personal nature of the gospel. He discusses how longing and affection are central to understanding love in a Christian context, and how the love of God transforms our relationships with others. The conversation also addresses the importance of loving outsiders in today's divided world, urging a return to compassion and generosity in Christian communities. Grab a copy of The Affections of Christ Jesus https://www.amazon.com/s?k=nijay+gupta&crid=TB1JOZY1FOPU&sprefix=nijay+gupta%2Caps%2C163&ref=nb_sb_noss_1 Dr. Nijay K. Gupta serves as Julius R. Mantey Professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary. He has published over twenty books including the best-selling and award-winning Tell Her Story: How Women Led, Taught, and Ministered in the Early Church. His expertise is in the letters of Paul; Gupta has co-edited the Dictionary of Paul and His Letters (2nd ed.) and The State of Pauline Studies. He co-hosts the popular podcast Slow Theology: https://slowtheology.buzzsprout.com/ His Substack is Engaging Scripture: https://nijaykgupta.substack.com/ Find out more about Dr. Gupta here: https://www.seminary.edu/faculty/nijay-gupta/

    1h 7m
  2. 20 JAN

    The Johannine Community Debate: A Conversation with Dr. Christopher Skinner

    Become a member of the Center for Bible Study! 👉https://give.ministrylinq.com/App/Form/d96bbdb5-197e-4a2d-820c-e3e4e3683e06Join the Facebook Center for Bible Study Group for ongoing conversation about the Bible, live Q&A sessions, and great community. 👉 https://www.facebook.com/groups/908391187019803Follow Dr. Botner on social mediaFacebook page: 👉 https://www.facebook.com/MABotner/ Twitter: 👉 https://twitter.com/maxbotner/ TikTok: 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmaxbotner/ Instagram: 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmaxbotner/ In this conversation, Dr. Christopher Skinner discusses his journey into biblical studies, focusing on the Johannine community and its historical context. He highlights the foundational works of scholars J. Louis Martin and Raymond Brown, who shaped the understanding of the Gospel of John and its community. The discussion also covers critiques of the Johannine community model, the impact of literary criticism on biblical studies, and the diverse approaches taken by contemporary scholars in interpreting the Gospel of John. In this conversation, Dr. Christopher W. Skinner discusses the evolving landscape of Johannine studies, highlighting the emerging consensus and ongoing debates surrounding the Johannine community. He emphasizes the importance of narrative and world-building in understanding the texts, while also addressing the dynamics of conflict present in the literature. The conversation explores future directions for research and the need to confront issues of anti-Judaism in the Fourth Gospel, ultimately aiming to foster constructive dialogue and scholarship in the field. Grab a copy of the Johannine Community in Contemporary Debate https://www.amazon.com/Johannine-Community-Contemporary-Interpreting-Literature-ebook/dp/B0D1MDYS7Q/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2RS6NJNS5T5WC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Qx4hAzhWVDzQx5aqFIUdDDaKKuyH7UjW6mvHA3jQw0nGjHj071QN20LucGBJIEps.FjM8H87lERrpBbb4YGZ19uH7V5bx4yPH253wX6Ip5N0&dib_tag=se&keywords=christopher+skinner%2C+johannine+community&qid=1737390629&sprefix=christopher+skinner%2C+johannine+community%2Caps%2C124&sr=8-1

    59 min
  3. 09/12/2024

    Did Jesus Predict His Return?: A Conversation with Dr. Tucker Ferda

    Become a member of the Center for Bible Study! 👉 https://give.ministrylinq.com/App/Form/d96bbdb5-197e-4a2d-820c-e3e4e3683e06 Join the Facebook Center for Bible Study Group for ongoing conversation about the Bible, live Q&A sessions, and great community. 👉 https://www.facebook.com/groups/908391187019803 Follow Dr. Botner on social media Facebook page: 👉 https://www.facebook.com/MABotner/ Twitter: 👉 https://twitter.com/maxbotner/ TikTok: 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmaxbotner/ Instagram: 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmaxbotner/ In this conversation, Dr. Tucker Ferda, Associate Professor at Pittsburg Theological Seminary, discusses his book 'Jesus and His Promised Second Coming,' exploring the intersection of Jewish eschatology and Christian origins. He delves into the historical Jesus research, the implications of Jesus' predictions about his return, and the critical reception of these ideas within the context of biblical studies. The discussion highlights the importance of understanding the historical and theological implications of Jesus' teachings, particularly regarding the Second Coming and Jewish messianism. #secondcoming #prophet #prophecy #jesus #jesuschrist #gospel #gospels #biblicalstudies #parousia #jesusreturn #endtimes Grab your copy of Jesus and His Promised Second Coming: https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-His-Promised-Second-Coming/dp/080287990X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3LGLKJ171IKRJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CUYm7nQnRzy6yQqIPNPPeh-Zrs-K2Whpf6rjtiZepXaGh1G6Ry1RG3xX64p_vD-QxX_qRDSovug55Zfng9SkAQ._uiWx_E-jX6jAisdajN1Fp0jr-3CJ7_yv5Ibmv8VKug&dib_tag=se&keywords=tucker+ferda&qid=1733716301&sprefix=tucker+ferd%2Caps%2C227&sr=8-1

    1h 21m
  4. 04/11/2024

    The Future of Catholic Biblical Interpretation: A Conversation with Dr. James Prothro and Dr. Isaac Morales

    Become a member of the Center for Bible Study! 👉 https://give.ministrylinq.com/App/Form/d96bbdb5-197e-4a2d-820c-e3e4e3683e06 Join the Facebook Center for Bible Study Group for ongoing conversation about the Bible, live Q&A sessions, and great community. 👉 https://www.facebook.com/groups/908391187019803 Follow Dr. Botner on social media Facebook page: 👉 https://www.facebook.com/MABotner/ Twitter: 👉 https://twitter.com/maxbotner/ TikTok: 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmaxbotner/ Instagram: 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmaxbotner/ In this conversation, Dr. Botner engages with Dr. Isaac Morales and Dr. James Prothro about their book, 'The Future of Catholic Biblical Interpretation.' They discuss their personal journeys into biblical studies, the historical context of Catholic biblical interpretation, key documents that have shaped the field, and the core commitments that define Catholic biblical interpretation today. They also delve into the significance of Lagrange's critical engagement with historical criticism and the doctrine of biblical inspiration, emphasizing the importance of tradition and the role of the Holy Spirit in understanding scripture. The conversation concludes with reflections on what Protestants can learn from Catholic interpretation and vice versa. #deiverbum #catholic #catholicchurch #catholicism #biblicalinspiration #biblicalinterpretation #biblicalstudies Grab your copy of The Future of Catholic Biblical Interpretation: https://www.amazon.com/Future-Catholic-Biblical-Interpretation-Marie-Joseph/dp/0802882919/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2GQHGKDH67TR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ENlmyMz8cNHTvGgpLqw-D5IeABPA-qu6aCWppqpY7r8ykF3q_NoLeOI_PuutEWDMjSvSsJx_oEBSNcO_i8vC2QkmB86J6J2iE2FSSuNQnnXJWHxpLf9sCEtWmtlUBDXXsQGDKUaAgCVOKOjj6Ylzbh-Meyh2s6pVLjLcfgdG6qYVF9OSbB2JwhAapjFMXT738w9acfdZbVI1Os4D69i7nzFd_MXVGRq_hJQbUJV6H8o.B3i7DBsqfCh_ASCx3WLRS40wSQpR6BLkeXGRSKoE6vE&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+future+of+catholic+biblical+interpretation&qid=1730681414&sprefix=the+future+of+cathol%2Caps%2C212&sr=8-1

    1h 9m
  5. 14/10/2024

    How To Understand Hebrews: A Conversation with Rev. Dr. Amy Peeler

    Become a member of the Center for Bible Study! 👉 https://give.ministrylinq.com/App/Form/d96bbdb5-197e-4a2d-820c-e3e4e3683e06 Join the Facebook Center for Bible Study Group for ongoing conversation about the Bible, live Q&A sessions, and great community. 👉 https://www.facebook.com/groups/908391187019803 Follow Dr. Botner on social media Facebook page: 👉 https://www.facebook.com/MABotner/ Twitter: 👉 https://twitter.com/maxbotner/ TikTok: 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmaxbotner/ Instagram: 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmaxbotner/ In this conversation, Dr. Amy Peeler discusses her new commentary on the book of Hebrews, sharing insights about the writing process, the unique aspects of the text, and its implications for faith and pastoral care. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the Father-Son relationship, the high priesthood of Jesus, and the significance of listening to God. The conversation also touches on the warnings in Hebrews, the assurance of salvation, and the pastoral implications of the text, encouraging listeners to engage deeply with the scripture. The Rev. Amy Peeler, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, IL and an Associate Rector at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Geneva, IL. Author of Women and Gender of God (Eerdmans, 2022), “You Are My Son”: The Family of God in the Epistle to the Hebrews (T&T Clark, 2014), and co-author with Patrick Gray of Hebrews: An Introduction and Study Guide (T&T Clark, 2020), she continues to research, write, and speak on Hebrews and familial language in the New Testament. Grab your copy of Dr. Peeler's commentary on Hebrews: https://www.amazon.com/Hebrews-Commentaries-Christian-Formation-Peeler-ebook/dp/B0CDKJV8MC/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2HEO87DEWG9HT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9tfww4K0kNJHpBfG-YL3lWnhqtYGMjdGnn8T2oLDTQGuv-XkKeewmcKU_FUy4BVPGVhWxtXNfVq2PIKSQU5sG3v-h3xLmpvcKId28dCw3aaWTrE4uPKj5xhcGbjXVM3HO9hk8OouoK4P6aJJcOLqQOetik_IzGremYqoyS9Dx66X_fNpvwQBc4u7pxR-ZZeSOZIvd99KemYt2SMwM94bYxcfpyt3JxD6DwtsjIaShrc.HG3bTeyp0tEfRcRVgIoAAZBEh3YEtPkvg4QDAIZXft4&dib_tag=se&keywords=amy+peeler&qid=1728922833&sprefix=amy+peele%2Caps%2C182&sr=8-2

    1h 3m
  6. 09/09/2024

    The Making and Meaning of the Bible: A Conversation with Dr. Michael B. Shepherd

    Become a member of the Center for Bible Study! 👉 https://give.ministrylinq.com/App/Form/d96bbdb5-197e-4a2d-820c-e3e4e3683e06 Join the Facebook Center for Bible Study Group for ongoing conversation about the Bible, live Q&A sessions, and great community. 👉 https://www.facebook.com/groups/908391187019803 Follow Dr. Botner on social media Facebook page: 👉 https://www.facebook.com/MABotner/ Twitter: 👉 https://twitter.com/maxbotner/ TikTok: 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmaxbotner/ Instagram: 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmaxbotner/ Dr. Michael Shepard discusses his new book, Introduction to the Making and Meaning of the Bible. The book combines the topics of how the Bible was made and how to interpret it, emphasizing the importance of understanding the composition and transmission of the Bible in the hermeneutical process. Dr. Shepard begins the book with a discussion on canon, highlighting the formation of the whole text and its theological presuppositions. He also explores the self-interpretation of the Bible at both the micro and macro levels, showing how the text guides readers in understanding its meaning. The chapter on the transmission of the Hebrew Bible delves into the complexity of the textual landscape, including the traditional Masoretic text, the Septuagint, the Samaritan Pentateuch, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Dr. Shepard also examines the structure of the Pentateuch, focusing on the major poetic units and the framing of the law, which anticipates the failure of the covenant and the future new covenant. Shepherd emphasizes the importance of understanding the textual world of the Bible and contextualizing ourselves to the biblical authors' questions and issues. He also addresses the challenges of teaching the Bible in a post-literate culture and the value of theological education in equipping leaders for the local church.#canon #bible #biblicalstudies #biblicalinterpretation #biblicalinspiration #hebrewbible #pentateuch #covenant #newtestament #minorprophets #torah Grab your copy of The Making and Meaning of the Bible: https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Making-Meaning-Bible/dp/0802883931/ref=sr_1_2?crid=13ZHK8TP5GI3E&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.uBMkkdtHvXGf1VceLuEJOO7wmZc0CsWuVqynxA_dgbMKfZQMREWq7HKk4-QVUct34l5hYP_0nOiKKzISQEFQc-JEtBiymUMZ9S1mLLQFMh6LrsB6_LomVg_VTdRBkr7DVJk0bpxM4H8QZU8EkqyrXKeDnEBd_NcEX0ZZemLXOS740iNfB9SyIU2cyI3SP4sBHeLwBdip9ThZANyDMVTTpLBNjDkN1h5DiXh5OxkNFeg.2FfmdpjMXELmI-GnWRaPftus2C9sy9duZBpucMXg9o4&dib_tag=se&keywords=michael+shepherd&qid=1725830777&sprefix=michael+shepher%2Caps%2C179&sr=8-2

    1h 6m
  7. 20/08/2024

    Jesus, Caesar, and the Gospel: A Conversation with Dr. Clint Burnett

    Dr. Clint Burnett discusses his new book, Paul and Imperial Divine Honors. He shares his background journey into biblical studies and his passion for understanding the New Testament text in light of primary sources such as inscriptions, coins, and archaeological sources. Dr. Burnett emphasizes the importance of understanding the diverse and contextual nature of Imperial Divine Honors and challenges the notion of a monolithic imperial cult. The episode also explores the case study of Philippi, a Roman colony, and its impact on the early Christ followers in the region. In this part of the conversation, the focus is on the cities of Philippi, Thessalonica, and Corinth. Each city had its own unique cultural and historical context that influenced the interactions between Christians and the broader society. In Philippi, the city was very Roman and socially conservative, which led to tension when Christians introduced a foreign cult that challenged Roman customs. Thessalonica, on the other hand, was a Greek city that retained its Greekness despite being a seat of provincial power. Christians in Thessalonica faced persecution for proclaiming a new king and a different god, which went against the city's worship of the Roman emperor. In Corinth, a cosmopolitan city with a rich history, the main issue was the lack of distinction between Christian and pagan behavior. Christians were living double lives, engaging in activities that were not in line with their faith. In this part of the conversation, Burnett discusses the use of certain terms in the New Testament, such as 'gospel' and 'Lord,' and their potential connections to the Roman Empire. He cautions against drawing broad comparisons and emphasizes the need for a nuanced understanding of the cultural context. Burnett also addresses the debate between Tom Wright and John Barclay regarding the political critique in Paul's writings. He suggests that a more balanced approach is needed, considering both Roman and Greek influences, as well as local cultures. The conversation concludes with a reflection on the disruptive nature of the early Christian message and the power dynamics within local communities. Grab your copy of Paul and Imperial Divine Honors: Christ, Caesar, and the Gospel: https://www.amazon.com/Paul-Imperial-Divine-Honors-Christ/dp/0802879853/ref=sr_1_1?crid=15EYVCOU2YIY6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.owPQfbTEDX5dso1KMgipUNX4SlD1v48p9gr06I7g_XMAVGWyNHO2dQOsqCDuU5mxlQd8v2qpIbsktJTbgw8VgKvUzI63izbV5s_S43QGuebaPI-9uLr1knLZT6_1DbF4K-QuV7mueXUEmvfiQHGB2vmYj7YnEtk4bEAxm1PIL-ujzgwzRkLbyg93-OQMAlmaH0c9P8A6WgGkqTSMPcAByE8bsJQg11wY7LIJqxjmfxQ.W5LABxUA7wJwO8Ie2I5PMfgYjQ26aEJ-Ltwfij6X5VE&dib_tag=se&keywords=clint+burnett&qid=1724124227&sprefix=clint+burnet%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-1 Become a member of the Center for Bible Study! 👉 https://give.ministrylinq.com/App/Form/d96bbdb5-197e-4a2d-820c-e3e4e3683e06 Join the Facebook Center for Bible Study Group for ongoing conversation about the Bible, live Q&A sessions, and great community. 👉 https://www.facebook.com/groups/908391187019803 Follow Dr. Botner on social media Facebook page: 👉 https://www.facebook.com/MABotner/ Twitter: 👉 https://twitter.com/maxbotner/ TikTok: 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmaxbotner/ Instagram: 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmaxbotner/

    1h 23m
  8. 23/07/2024

    Israel's Scriptures in Early Christian Writings: A Conversation with Drs. Matthias Henze and David Lincicum

    Dr. Botner interviews Drs. Matthias Henze and David Lincicum about their book 'Israel's Scriptures in Early Christian Literature'. They discuss the goals and unique aspects of their book, and explore the conceptualization of scripture in the ancient Jewish context and the fluidity of scribal practices. They also provide examples of how understanding the context of reading communities can inform our understanding of the New Testament. They highlight the importance of shared ways of reading and the diverse interpretations of scripture in shaping the early Christian movement. The book explores how the New Testament authors engaged with and interpreted the Old Testament scriptures. It covers various aspects such as the use of scripture in early Christian art, the reception of scripture in non-canonical texts, and the themes of covenant and law. The authors highlight the importance of understanding the historical and cultural context of the New Testament in order to fully grasp the significance of its use of scripture. The book aims to contribute to the ongoing conversation in Second Temple Judaism and New Testament studies. Israel's Scriptures in Early Christian Writings: The Use of the Old Testament in the New 👉 https://www.amazon.com/Israels-Scriptures-Early-Christian-Writings/dp/0802874444/ref=sr_1_1?crid=AXFJJH1ONNJA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2Ba6kOGLthLHqfo8SdZ_HB1_VURopCHTNJe9n4fCks_6RS0tIXUP3GQLrnoIFiVxPfOwH06_mJZU-J3jc7ySRknHY6GqiGbefkwAML6h4gUTkr78Jm-PF-nuIsqcjrAyL5AjTMRe3k4x1jvqGmgeOwdgSFH9vBQH8hkXAn3Qa7WX02ityF2smusfSSikee-0.APdK9vYY0NiYaloveUHqtfGYSwfjpJoMlkNc5PUArQ0&dib_tag=se&keywords=israel%27s+scriptures+in+early+christian+writings&qid=1721705829&sprefix=%2Caps%2C361&sr=8-1

    1h 7m


Come join us "on the way" as we learn to read Scripture faithfully in community. Become a member of the Center for Bible Study! Your recurring tax-refundable donation gets your access to the all past and future Center for Bible Study classes, and ensures that we can continue to provide excellent content on this podcast and on our YouTube Channel. Please consider supporting us! https://give.ministrylinq.com/App/Form/d96bbdb5-197e-4a2d-820c-e3e4e3683e06

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