Speak Clearly and Boldly About Jesus HopeGateWay

    • Christianity

Christie Dahlin, HopeGateWay’s community and administrative coordinator, presents the sermon for the third Sunday of Lent. “Sometimes it feels safer, easier, wiser,” she says, “to do acts of love and care that show love in subtle ways rather than to proclaim them boldly with our words.” In a world that misunderstands or distorts his message, it is crucial to proclaim Christ clearly.

Christie Dahlin, HopeGateWay’s community and administrative coordinator, presents the sermon for the third Sunday of Lent. “Sometimes it feels safer, easier, wiser,” she says, “to do acts of love and care that show love in subtle ways rather than to proclaim them boldly with our words.” In a world that misunderstands or distorts his message, it is crucial to proclaim Christ clearly.