58 episodes

Join me for conversations with Christian women from around Australia as they share their stories of faith, miracles, struggle and overcoming. My prayer for you is that you will be encouraged, inspired and equiped to live a FULL life in Him and to be all that God has made you to be.

Come and introduce yourself to me via

Instagram > @mel_lynam
Facebook page > The Full Life Podcast with Melanie Lynam
Email > melanielynam@gmail.com

The Full Life Podcast with Melanie Lynam Melanie

    • Religion & Spirituality

Join me for conversations with Christian women from around Australia as they share their stories of faith, miracles, struggle and overcoming. My prayer for you is that you will be encouraged, inspired and equiped to live a FULL life in Him and to be all that God has made you to be.

Come and introduce yourself to me via

Instagram > @mel_lynam
Facebook page > The Full Life Podcast with Melanie Lynam
Email > melanielynam@gmail.com

    Ep. 50 Hannah & Simon Cox & Miracle Baby Elsie

    Ep. 50 Hannah & Simon Cox & Miracle Baby Elsie

    Baby Elsie was born with a giant Omphalocele - an extremely rare, life threatening condition in which some of the organs are formed in a sack outside of the body. Hannah and Simon together share their story of what it was like receiving that diagnosis of their preborn child, what their response was and how the whole journey has affected their faith. We also hear about how faithful and trustworthy our loving Heavenly Father is. What really struck me about this couple is their incredible willingness to trust God no matter what the outcome. Their ability to trust Him is an inspiration to me and I know this conversation is going to be a blessing to you too. 

    Some highlights from our conversation:

    A doctor said to them, “I wouldn’t be optimistic for a good outcome.”

    How did they survive such difficult news? Hannah’s response was, “I just had to really choose to stay focussed on who God was. The God I knew a few weeks ago isn’t different, He’s the same today, yesterday, tomorrow. My circumstances have changed and yes it’s overwhelming and it’s scary at the time but I had to make sure that I didn’t let what I knew about God change because of what I was feeling or seeing or hearing.”  

    Hannah “My circumstances aren’t God and He is greater than my circumstances.”

    Hannah “We don’t actually know what is going to happen… but… we knew what we did know and that is who God is.”

    When faced with the option of termination Simon says, “We were always going to go forward with the pregnancy no matter what the outcome was.”

    Hannah “Only God knows what’s coming. God will be ultimately enough. He has a plan.”

    Hannah tried to find comfort through googling and joining online groups and while she found them helpful, she realised that she was trying to take the place of God’s comfort. 

    It might feel out of control to me but it’s not out of his control. 

    It had to be a comfort that comes through the peace that only He can give.

    “I had to really yield to God, surrender to Him and know that He is the one who could tell me what the internet couldn’t tell me.“ That would help her to go into the next ultrasound with peace, knowing that God would be with them. 

    “It is God that I can only rely on.”

    “He is reliable and I could put my trust in Him.” 

    Simon “We don’t know the future but we can cherish every moment that we have.”

    Some scriptures they held onto:

    Colossians 3:2 - Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.

    Psalm 72:18

    Psalm 68:35

    Hannah knew that “He would be present and strong when we need Him to be.”

    On the day of the planned caesarian Hannah felt an amazing peace that could have only come from God. 

    When talking about the moment that Elsie was born and taken away for care, Hannah felt like, “It’s not in my hands, it’s not in my control but I feel comfortable in that. Who I can rely on is God.”

    The night she was born Elsie went into a crisis state. 

    Simon and Hannah have been told by doctors that Elsie is a miracle.

    Her story has been in nearly every newspaper, magazine and news channel around Australia. 

    Through Elsie’s story “people have seen the preciousness of life, no matter how it starts, it is precious.”

    God does care and He can do miracles and He has a different individual story for each of us; one that is beautiful no matter what the outcome is. 

    When asked how has this changed you? Hannah answers, “We’re not here to live a comfortable life…but actually we’re here to serve God and give Him the glory and do His will and be His hands and feet, ready to be His witness.”

    • 58 min
    Ep. 49 Ps Tom and Debbie Conwell - Dead on the Beach (I believe in miracles collection)

    Ep. 49 Ps Tom and Debbie Conwell - Dead on the Beach (I believe in miracles collection)

    Ps. Tom and Debbie Conwell - ‘Dead on the beach’ (I believe in Miracles Collection)

    Tom and Debbie Conwell are Pastors at Calvary Church on the Sunshine Coast.

    Ps. Tom suffered a massive heart attack while surfing at Dicky Beach. His heart stopped for 6 minutes. Statistically he shouldn’t be alive. And even alive, he should have brain damage. But listen as Tom and Debbie tell us their story of how God lined up the right circumstances and the right people to be at the right place and time, so that He could intervene in the most incredible way. And then plot twist, God had another agenda all along, to use this story to save not only Ps Tom’s life but also multiple souls for eternity. 

    His wife Debbie was told to be prepared for brain damage. 

    Debbie experienced inexplainable peace.

    There were any miracles around that day.

    “Everything lined up for you that day.” - Ambulance officer

    Doctors would walk in and say, “Where’s the miracle man?” 

    Told by a nurse that there was a 1% chance of surviving a cardiac arrest outside of hospital. 

    One good thing that came of this was that a number of people came to know Jesus as their Lord and saviour. 

    “God knew that I needed saving physically and she needed saving spiritually.”

    Says Tom when talking about the fragility of life, “I’m catching my last wave in on my board and next thing I’m dead on the beach.”

    “Statistically I shouldn’t be here.”

    When asked what this experience has done to her faith Debbie replies, “What it’s shown me is that God is in control…God worked out every minute detail to see it come to pass. So I think if God can be in control of that, I can trust him with everything.” - Debbie

    • 42 min
    Ep. 48.5 Jaylyne Part 2 - Miracles on the Mission Field

    Ep. 48.5 Jaylyne Part 2 - Miracles on the Mission Field

    I had so much fun listening to Jaylyne that I didn't want her to stop! We decided to make a part 2 so we could include these stories of amazing things that the Lord has done for Jaylyne's family and for His children in Vanuatu.

    Take aways:

    God is our supplier, way maker and is always moving on our behalf. Ask for the big things. Nothing is too big an ask for our God. He loves His children!


    • 19 min
    Ep. 48 Jaylyne Tabacaru - Answering the call and running to Jesus (I believe in Miracles Collection)

    Ep. 48 Jaylyne Tabacaru - Answering the call and running to Jesus (I believe in Miracles Collection)

    When Jaylyne was 20 weeks pregnant she and her husband Lucian received a devastating diagnosis for their baby boy. They were told that due to his malformations, he would never see, walk or talk and likely not even live for very long beyond birth. Jaylyne shares what it was like for them walking that journey of pregnancy being both faith filled and realistic. Through it they trusted God and she shares how God stepped in and did something crazy and unexpected. 

    Jaylyne and her family are also missionaries in the Vanuatu Islands and she has some cool stories of miracles that they have seen God do. There was just too much to fit into 1 episode so I have actually tagged on a part 2 of this conversation and you can go and listen to that when you are ready to also.

    Be encouraged, be inspired, God can do anything!

    Connect with me on Instagram: @mel_lynam
    Dm me your email and I will send you show notes each time I release an episode! And as a thank you for joining The Full Life community, I'll send you a FREE GIFT - 'Prayers for my children' pdf to put on your wall or in your journal.

    Some notes and quotes:

    Incredible God-given dreams to both of them confirming call to missions. Dreams and visions. Supernatural provision. 

    “Even though I had said yes, and I was so willing to be obedient, God had to take me on a journey.”

    “When we are generous, God always supplies and gives back to us.”

    The power of sharing our testimony, helps other people to believe God for their own answered prayer. 

    “Despite the trials that we went through I give thanks to God because I am who I am today and my faith is richer because of the trial that we went through.”

    “The beautiful thing is that this situation got me on my knees.”

    “I had to be disciplined with getting God’s word in and out. It’s what carried me.”

    They were faithful and realistic.

    “In your raw, in your rawest, rawest moments, run to Jesus.”

    Saturate your soul with worship music. Give thanks despite the circumstance. Jesus is the perfect ointment for your broken heart. He is your hope. 
    Power in our words. That is a real tool, be mindful of how you’re speaking. Speak with hope even if you feel hopeless. We don’t ask God why. 
    This earth is so momentary. You have eternity, where God promises there is no more pain. 

    You can request to join their Facebook page to follow their journey as they minister to people in Vanuatu. 

    • 52 min
    Ep. 47 I Believe in Miracles Collection - Lisa Schroder

    Ep. 47 I Believe in Miracles Collection - Lisa Schroder

    Today is the first episode of a collection called ‘I believe in Miracles’. Usually I release just 1 episode a month but I would like to do something special for this collection and instead bring you fortnightly episodes for this 4 part series!

    I love to hear about the incredible things that God is doing in other peoples’ lives. It builds my faith, takes my eyes off of the natural and onto the supernatural, and increases my own expectation. 

    I am really excited about the people I am going to introduce you to in this Collection. Next episode we are going to hear from Jaylyne who tells us about how her baby boy was born with an underdeveloped brain and God’s response to that situation. So be sure to keep an eye out for that episode in a fortnight but today I am having a conversation with my friend, Lisa Schroder. Lisa is a Pastor at Hope Centre in Brisbane. She is a Mum of 3 beautiful girls, wife of Aaron and this is the 2nd time she has been on The Full Life Podcast and not the last. Lisa is full of wisdom and experience and full of the Holy Spirit. Today we lay a foundation talking about the theology of miracles, and also hear some incredible stories of what Lisa has seen the Lord do recently. 

    When we don’t receive the miracle. 

    The change and breakthrough came for Lisa and Aaron when - Her husband and her got tenacious. They thought, “Even though we don’t see a lot of miracles right now the Bible does say that He does heal so therefore we’re going to start believing that.”

    They saturated themselves in the Word, reading every story about miracles in the Bible that they could find. They spent a lot of time listening to testimonies. In worship. Praying. They started to see things shift. Started small. One step in front of another. Fasting and praying. 

    What is a miracle?

    Hebrew word 

    He loves us John 3:16

    “I would rather pray prayers that match God’s ability, rather than my experience.”

    “The reason He heals today is because He is passionate about His kids.”

    Miracles are not conditional. 

    “Miracles should not be any more complicated than saying yes to Jesus.”

    Mark 16:17,18

    “I am so challenged to increase my expectation.”

    “Faith works like a lighting rod.” My lightning rod is up. Trusting the timing. Fear is the enemy of faith. Have complete confidence that what you’re believing for is going to happen. 

    Hebrews 1:11

    If it was going to be a sure thing, it wouldn’t require faith on our behalf. What’s more important? Seeing it in my time frame? Or believing what He says?

    His ways are higher than our ways, his thoughts are higher than our thoughts. 

    Im not going to know why but I am still going to believe that God is good. 

    The question ‘why’ can bring into question God’s character. He is a good God. 

    Isaiah 7:9 

    Really important getting the Word of God into you. The Word of God is powerful. 

    Guarding our language. Make a decision to not speak negatively over your situation. Understanding the power of our words.

    Proverbs 18:21 (tongue power of life and death)

    “Get your eyes on Jesus and you get your Word going and you start declaring it.”

    Acts 19:11 It is God who performs the miracle.

    Faith is a fruit that we grow. 

    Unforgiveness in our hearts can be a barrier to receiving healing.  (scripture Mark 11:29???) Sometimes spiritual roots to some diseases. 

    If you need a healing find as many testimonies to listen to as possible because it will build your faith. 

    If you need a miracle pray for someone else to get a miracle. 

    John 5 - the pool of Bethesda. You don’t need the perfect conditions. You just need Jesus to walk into the room. 

    Praise is a WEAPON. 

    If you'd like to get in touch with us via Instagram:



    • 54 min
    Ep. 46 Naomi Taylor - His Love Covers All

    Ep. 46 Naomi Taylor - His Love Covers All

    A party girl in her 20s falls head over heels in love with a charming man. A scary accident, a miracle healing, a broken marriage; Meet my dear friend, Naomi - a single Mum of 3, a godly woman, a parent helper in her children’s school, a student mentor, a volunteer at Church. This woman is beautiful on the inside and the outside. But life has not been a walk in the park for her. Naomi’s story is one of a prodigal daughter, returning to her Heavenly Father and being received with loving arms again and again. Sin is sin. Sometimes it’s done in the secret and sometimes our shame is out there for all to see. Naomi and I talk about how we are so so thankful that nothing can seperate us from the love of Christ, and that every time we mess up, He is waiting for us, ready to forgive and restore us.

    “If I wasn’t forgiving myself I was blocking Jesus’ forgiveness. I was disregarding what He had done for me on the cross. So that was the start of my wake up call.”

    Found out she was pregnant. Shame. Not knowing how to face it. 

    Praying to God “I can’t do this.”

    “Knowing that God’s grace was with me and that I have a beautiful little blessing which was Judah”

    Did you ever feel judged by people in the church - so much so. 

    Sin is sin. Sexual sin is seen as so terrible but all sin is terrible. 

    Romans 8:28 “And just trusting in that - knowing that He works all things to good. Whether it’s a mess that I created or a mess that was out of my control, when you love Him and you submit to Him…He will cause things to work to good.”

    Romans 8:1

    “At the end of the day serving your kids is serving God.”  

    God’s grace for us as parents.

    Encouragement to single Mums

    “Know that you can do it. Take it a day at a time, sometimes a moment at a time.”

    “Be kind to yourself”

    Learning to accept help. Be a part of a village, learn to connect. 

    If you’d like to get in touch for any reason, find me on Instagram @mel_lynam

    • 46 min

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