16 min

Ugly ads don’t mean bad ads: Try these expert tips for high-intent ads BANKNOTES minted by #paid

    • Marketing

Have you ever come across an ad while scrolling through TikTok that feels just like any other video on the platform—so much so that it hardly feels like you’re watching an ad?

Do you know what makes these ads work so well? They’re engaging, follow popular trends, and, most importantly, feel as authentic as other online videos we see from our favorite creators.

Unfortunately, many marketers avoid creating this type of content because it “appears ugly,” discounting the ad’s effectiveness.

Have you ever come across an ad while scrolling through TikTok that feels just like any other video on the platform—so much so that it hardly feels like you’re watching an ad?

Do you know what makes these ads work so well? They’re engaging, follow popular trends, and, most importantly, feel as authentic as other online videos we see from our favorite creators.

Unfortunately, many marketers avoid creating this type of content because it “appears ugly,” discounting the ad’s effectiveness.

16 min