2 h 31 min

Five: Lewis Bollard on factory farming Effective Altruism: Ten Global Problems – 80000 Hours

    • Cursos

Every year tens of billions of animals are raised in terrible conditions in factory farms before being killed for human consumption. Despite the enormous scale of suffering this causes, the issue is largely neglected: every year, only about $290 million is spent tackling the problem globally (for comparison, annual climate change philanthropy is estimated to be $8–12 billion).
Since 2015, Lewis Bollard has led Open Philanthropy’s programme on farmed animal welfare, where he has conducted extensive research into the best ways to end animal suffering in factory farms as soon as possible. 
He might be the single best person in the world to introduce the problem of factory farming.
Full transcript, related links, and highlights of this interviewThis episode first broadcast on The 80,000 Hours Podcast feed on April 18, 2024. Some related episodes include:
#91 – Lewis Bollard on big wins against factory farming and how they happened#8 – Lewis Bollard on ending factory farming as soon as possible#167 – Seren Kell on the research gaps holding back alternative proteins from mass adoption#99 – Leah Garcés on turning adversaries into allies to change the chicken industry#182 – Bob Fischer on comparing the welfare of humans, chickens, pigs, octopuses, bees, and more#26 – Marie Gibbons on how exactly clean meat is created & the advances needed to get it in every supermarket#20 – Bruce Friedrich on inventing outstanding meat substitutes to end speciesism & factory farming#14 – Sharon Nunez & Jose Valle on going undercover to expose animal abuseSeries produced by Keiran Harris.

Every year tens of billions of animals are raised in terrible conditions in factory farms before being killed for human consumption. Despite the enormous scale of suffering this causes, the issue is largely neglected: every year, only about $290 million is spent tackling the problem globally (for comparison, annual climate change philanthropy is estimated to be $8–12 billion).
Since 2015, Lewis Bollard has led Open Philanthropy’s programme on farmed animal welfare, where he has conducted extensive research into the best ways to end animal suffering in factory farms as soon as possible. 
He might be the single best person in the world to introduce the problem of factory farming.
Full transcript, related links, and highlights of this interviewThis episode first broadcast on The 80,000 Hours Podcast feed on April 18, 2024. Some related episodes include:
#91 – Lewis Bollard on big wins against factory farming and how they happened#8 – Lewis Bollard on ending factory farming as soon as possible#167 – Seren Kell on the research gaps holding back alternative proteins from mass adoption#99 – Leah Garcés on turning adversaries into allies to change the chicken industry#182 – Bob Fischer on comparing the welfare of humans, chickens, pigs, octopuses, bees, and more#26 – Marie Gibbons on how exactly clean meat is created & the advances needed to get it in every supermarket#20 – Bruce Friedrich on inventing outstanding meat substitutes to end speciesism & factory farming#14 – Sharon Nunez & Jose Valle on going undercover to expose animal abuseSeries produced by Keiran Harris.

2 h 31 min