1h 23 min

Parshas Be'halot'cha: Pesach Sheni and the Charedi Mentality Time for Torah: By Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Zt"l

    • Judaísmo

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת בהעלותך.

Why are zealous Jews called Charedim (those that tremble) and how this characteristic was exhibited in the episode of Pesach Sheni. This trait differs from the attitude of many modern communities.
R' Moshe learns important lessons from the Parsha of Pesach Sheni, where ordinary Yidden achieved supernatural success because they served Hashem with love and persevered against all odds to do a Mitzvah.
Chazal write that the beginning of the downward spiral at the end of the Parsha started with Klal Yisrael's sinful attitude as they "ran away" from Har Sinai and Ruchniyos. Klal Yisrael then continued to fall when they pursued physical pleasures, leading to the episode of the מן at קברות התאוה.

Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת בהעלותך.

Why are zealous Jews called Charedim (those that tremble) and how this characteristic was exhibited in the episode of Pesach Sheni. This trait differs from the attitude of many modern communities.
R' Moshe learns important lessons from the Parsha of Pesach Sheni, where ordinary Yidden achieved supernatural success because they served Hashem with love and persevered against all odds to do a Mitzvah.
Chazal write that the beginning of the downward spiral at the end of the Parsha started with Klal Yisrael's sinful attitude as they "ran away" from Har Sinai and Ruchniyos. Klal Yisrael then continued to fall when they pursued physical pleasures, leading to the episode of the מן at קברות התאוה.

1h 23 min