65 episodes

We are two middle-aged sex nerds reading between the pickup lines and exploring new relationship structures (Relationship Anarchy!). Enjoy our snarky and sincere tips and traps (and a little adult sex ed) as we reflect on different ways to "do relationships." Check out Seasons 1-4 to hear us review dating profiles and online dating strategies.

B4U Swipe B4U Swipe

    • Sociedad y cultura

We are two middle-aged sex nerds reading between the pickup lines and exploring new relationship structures (Relationship Anarchy!). Enjoy our snarky and sincere tips and traps (and a little adult sex ed) as we reflect on different ways to "do relationships." Check out Seasons 1-4 to hear us review dating profiles and online dating strategies.

    S6 Ep 10: Practice RA Your Way!

    S6 Ep 10: Practice RA Your Way!

    In the last episode of season 6 on B4USwipe, Dr. Lauren and Dr. Kris talk about letting go of perfection when practicing relationship anarchy. 
    Episode Highlights include: our annoyance with the expression “just friends;” bears, butterflies, oh my - meadows as a metaphor; government as invasive species; pushing against perfection; RA support networks; no gold standard, rants about insurance and other systems, mindfulness, and reflections on who you would save if they were drowning. We will be back with more episodes sometime in 2024. Happy New Year!
    Meanwhile, here’s the Surgeon General’s Report on Loneliness – we hope that you feel connected and loved. Because we bet you are. More than you know.

    • 32 min
    S6 Ep 9: What’s Your Relationship Status?

    S6 Ep 9: What’s Your Relationship Status?

    In this episode of B4USwipe, Dr. Lauren and Dr. Kris talk about who and how they share their relationship structure with others. In our conversation, we revisit many Relationship Anarchy principles including core relationship values, customizing commitments and practices, and love is abundant (but time is limited). 
    Episode highlights include: Who you’re allowed to grieve about at work (bereavement policies), holiday parties, smooch buddies, entitlement, activism vs energy protection, reframing terminology, risk assessment, and our value in the zombie apocalypse. If you know the plural of “squish,” please let us know!

    • 32 min
    S6 Ep 8: Relationship Anarchy and Asexuality

    S6 Ep 8: Relationship Anarchy and Asexuality

    In this episode of B4USwipe, Dr. Lauren and Dr. Kris talk about the connection between Relationship Anarchy and asexuality (experiencing little to no sexual attraction) and/or aromanticism (experiencing little to no romantic attraction). We bust some stigma while advocating for more freedom to form the kinds of relationships we want. 
    Episode highlights include: Dr. Kris’ identity crisis, “consummating” marriage, queerplatonic relationships, “bumping uglies,” a brief foray into our critiques of the prison industrial complex, and, yet again, we return to our wish to radically transform K-12 sexuality education. We also fantasize about a conversation between Andie Nordgren and Angela Chen — SWOON.
    If you want to go beyond the surface we barely scratched, check out these resources:
    Asexual Visibility and Education Network: https://asexuality.org/ 
    Angela Chen’s book, Ace: What Asexuality Reveals about Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex  https://www.angelachen.org/ace

    • 36 min
    S6 Ep 7. Compromise: Big C and little c

    S6 Ep 7. Compromise: Big C and little c

    In this episode of B4USwipe, Dr. Lauren and Dr. Kris explore what compromise looks like in relationship anarchy, and how “anarchy” and “compromise” are more aligned than it may first appear.
    Episode highlights include: ”Real” anarchy vs CHiPs, a brief reflection on the Punk scene, the proverbial lobster in the boiling pot, sushi vs bento boxes, John Gottman’s stonewalling, noticing patterns in compromising, compromise vs. sacrifice, and letting go of partners as “matched sets.”
    For more on Gottman’s concept of stonewalling and why it’s not a great relationship characteristic, read this: https://www.gottman.com/blog/the-four-horsemen-stonewalling/

    • 34 min
    S6 Ep 6. Transforming our culture of loneliness

    S6 Ep 6. Transforming our culture of loneliness

    In this episode of B4USwipe, Dr. Lauren and Dr. Kris explore the loneliness epidemic and consider how ditching the escalator and embracing relationship anarchy might help us feel more connected.
    Episode highlights include: Sweeping reflection on recent research on loneliness, societal structures, and pressure to conform to the heteronormative escalator– we went big, folks. We also talked about practical suggestions on finding and valuing friendships, awkward friend date requests, pros and cons of working from home, the culture of “busy,” and CSI (both the TV show and the Centre for Social Innovation). Of course we heard more about the magic of the karaoke community, too. 
    We promise, we get hopeful in there.
    Towards the end of the episode, Dr. Kris references (incorrectly) a recent study on the number of people who will be single “in the not too distant future.” That stat is actually that Morgan Stanley Research estimates that 45% of females will be single by the year 2030. Here’s the link: https://www.morganstanley.com/ideas/womens-impact-on-the-economy (Note: To the term “SHEconomy” we say “Ew.”).

    • 35 min
    S6 Ep 5. You, too, may be practicing Relationship Anarchy

    S6 Ep 5. You, too, may be practicing Relationship Anarchy

    In this episode of B4USwipe, Dr. Lauren and Dr. Kris explore the relationship escalator rules and ways we may already be breaking them as we unknowingly embrace some relationship anarchy principles.
    Episode highlights include a Relationship Escalator tutorial, cuddle puddles, “parenting is hard,” supporting each other when we’re sick, annoyance at patriarchy and capitalism, the ridiculousness of striving for static relationship structures, CB radios, gestures of care and connection, “first date”-like nervousness around asking people to vacation with you, and imagining and practicing deep, rich supportive connections.
    Here are the Relationship Escalator steps we outline at the start of the podcast:
    And here’s that New York Times article, “We Needed More Significant Others,” Dr. Kris referenced: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/08/style/modern-love-we-needed-more-significant-others.html

    • 32 min

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