29 min

Episode 109 – Mindset Monday – Clearing Head Trash Marketing Madness by the Bridges Twins

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Mindset Challenge
In business and in life there are ups and downs.  Often you can enjoy periods where everything is firing on all cylinders.  Your marketing is working, employees are stepping up, revenue is growing and you are even starting to get free time.  Then there are time that it seems like you are stuck in sludge.  Nothing quite works right, revenue is stagnant or in a decline, employees are complaining and it’s just downright frustrating.

When you feel caught in the muck and it just feels like a grind there is no finer time to focus on your mindset.  While we haven’t exactly been stuck in the muck lately, we have been battling “head trash” that has kept us from firing on all cylinders (some of you may have noticed we missed a few episodes).

In today’s mindset Monday we explore some of the items that have caused us a challenge to help you avoid the pain and get to the period where everything is going your way.

Listen in and read on to find out how you can challenge your mind to help you reach the success you deserve:
Key Items

* Old Recurring Bills - When was the last time you really poured through your credit card statement?  I mean, not just glanced at it and paid it, but really went through each item.  Are you using everything you are paying for?  Have you failed to cancel a bill because it is just “$9 a month and it would take longer to get on the phone than just pay”?  Those nagging recurring bills may not seem like much but they weigh you down.  They distract your hard earned dollars from tackling something new because in the back of your mind you allocate money for those recurring items that you aren’t even using.  Take the next 1-2 months and cancel away!
* Nagging Task List - Do you have items on your task list that just never seem to get done? Have written and rewritten the same task for days, weeks, maybe even months?  Have you asked yourself “is it really that important?” and “why do I keep moving it if it is so important?”.  Take time to really evaluate what is on your list.  If it is a long term project then break it into pieces that you can digest and accomplish so in a few weeks or months that goal really is done! Or cut it completely and it will free your mind.
* Set a deadline - Have you ever noticed you can get your house in order right before guests are coming over?  Or “magically” when you have a new bill that is due your business suddenly really takes off and you find the revenue?  These aren’t accidents these are deadlines that are put in place and you end up achieving to reach those deadlines.  The challenge for many business owners is that no one is putting any pressure on them to hit deadlines.  After all you are your “own boss” you can do what you want….right?  But are you really doing what you want or struggling just “doing”?  Whether it is an accountability partner, business coach, or mentor put deadlines in place to help you get out of the funk and into achievement.

Joe Says So

* Mental Task List - Avoid the mental task list.  When your mind is only thinking of items you have to do in the next hour, or day you will miss your big ideas.  Write down your task lits, put it in One Note, etc, just don't waste your mind on keeping track of tasks.


* Perry Marshall (http://www.bridgestwins.com/perry) – As the co-author of the Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords, creator of the Adwords Bootcamp and one who has developed ninja level marketing programs you are sure to find a marketing strategies and tactics that will help your business get to the next level.
* Email Autoresponders (http://www.bridgestwins.com/email/) – Staying connected with existing customers and prospects can be a challenge when you are relying on only your own activity.  Implementing an email autoresponder sequence will help you to engage prospects over time until they are ready to do business with you and keep existing customers thrilled tha

Mindset Challenge
In business and in life there are ups and downs.  Often you can enjoy periods where everything is firing on all cylinders.  Your marketing is working, employees are stepping up, revenue is growing and you are even starting to get free time.  Then there are time that it seems like you are stuck in sludge.  Nothing quite works right, revenue is stagnant or in a decline, employees are complaining and it’s just downright frustrating.

When you feel caught in the muck and it just feels like a grind there is no finer time to focus on your mindset.  While we haven’t exactly been stuck in the muck lately, we have been battling “head trash” that has kept us from firing on all cylinders (some of you may have noticed we missed a few episodes).

In today’s mindset Monday we explore some of the items that have caused us a challenge to help you avoid the pain and get to the period where everything is going your way.

Listen in and read on to find out how you can challenge your mind to help you reach the success you deserve:
Key Items

* Old Recurring Bills - When was the last time you really poured through your credit card statement?  I mean, not just glanced at it and paid it, but really went through each item.  Are you using everything you are paying for?  Have you failed to cancel a bill because it is just “$9 a month and it would take longer to get on the phone than just pay”?  Those nagging recurring bills may not seem like much but they weigh you down.  They distract your hard earned dollars from tackling something new because in the back of your mind you allocate money for those recurring items that you aren’t even using.  Take the next 1-2 months and cancel away!
* Nagging Task List - Do you have items on your task list that just never seem to get done? Have written and rewritten the same task for days, weeks, maybe even months?  Have you asked yourself “is it really that important?” and “why do I keep moving it if it is so important?”.  Take time to really evaluate what is on your list.  If it is a long term project then break it into pieces that you can digest and accomplish so in a few weeks or months that goal really is done! Or cut it completely and it will free your mind.
* Set a deadline - Have you ever noticed you can get your house in order right before guests are coming over?  Or “magically” when you have a new bill that is due your business suddenly really takes off and you find the revenue?  These aren’t accidents these are deadlines that are put in place and you end up achieving to reach those deadlines.  The challenge for many business owners is that no one is putting any pressure on them to hit deadlines.  After all you are your “own boss” you can do what you want….right?  But are you really doing what you want or struggling just “doing”?  Whether it is an accountability partner, business coach, or mentor put deadlines in place to help you get out of the funk and into achievement.

Joe Says So

* Mental Task List - Avoid the mental task list.  When your mind is only thinking of items you have to do in the next hour, or day you will miss your big ideas.  Write down your task lits, put it in One Note, etc, just don't waste your mind on keeping track of tasks.


* Perry Marshall (http://www.bridgestwins.com/perry) – As the co-author of the Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords, creator of the Adwords Bootcamp and one who has developed ninja level marketing programs you are sure to find a marketing strategies and tactics that will help your business get to the next level.
* Email Autoresponders (http://www.bridgestwins.com/email/) – Staying connected with existing customers and prospects can be a challenge when you are relying on only your own activity.  Implementing an email autoresponder sequence will help you to engage prospects over time until they are ready to do business with you and keep existing customers thrilled tha

29 min