167 episodios

Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!

FluentFiction - Slovak FluentFiction.org

    • Educación

Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!

    Hidden Treasure of Bratislava: Marek's Astonishing Discovery

    Hidden Treasure of Bratislava: Marek's Astonishing Discovery

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Hidden Treasure of Bratislava: Marek's Astonishing Discovery
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: Marek stál pred Bratislavským hradom.
    En: Marek stood in front of Bratislava Castle.

    Sk: Bolo letné ráno.
    En: It was a summer morning.

    Sk: Slnko svietilo.
    En: The sun was shining.

    Sk: Marek sa cítil šťastný.
    En: Marek felt happy.

    Sk: Hrad bol v rekonštrukcii.
    En: The castle was under reconstruction.

    Sk: Marek bol robotník.
    En: Marek was a worker.

    Sk: Jedného dňa Marek pracoval v pivnici.
    En: One day, Marek was working in the basement.

    Sk: Staré kamene boly ťažké.
    En: The old stones were heavy.

    Sk: Zrazu sa zrútila stena.
    En: Suddenly, a wall collapsed.

    Sk: Marek uvidel tmavú miestnosť.
    En: Marek saw a dark room.

    Sk: Nikto o nej nevedel.
    En: No one knew about it.

    Sk: Marek vošiel dovnútra.
    En: Marek went inside.

    Sk: Našiel staré artefakty.
    En: He found old artifacts.

    Sk: Boli tam meče, zlaté mince a sochy.
    En: There were swords, gold coins, and statues.

    Sk: Na zemi našiel starý pergamen.
    En: On the ground, he found an old parchment.

    Sk: Bol to mapa.
    En: It was a map.

    Sk: Mapa bola tajomná.
    En: The map was mysterious.

    Sk: Ukazovala cestu k pokladu.
    En: It showed the way to a treasure.

    Sk: Marek zavolal svojho šéfa.
    En: Marek called his boss.

    Sk: Šéf bol prekvapený.
    En: The boss was surprised.

    Sk: Podarili sa im to prečítať.
    En: They managed to read it.

    Sk: Na mape bol veľký červený znak.
    En: There was a big red mark on the map.

    Sk: Marek nasledoval mapu.
    En: Marek followed the map.

    Sk: Išiel do starého lesa pri Dunaji.
    En: He went to an old forest by the Danube.

    Sk: Na mapu bola tajná cesta.
    En: The map showed a secret path.

    Sk: Marek išiel dlho.
    En: Marek walked for a long time.

    Sk: Našlo jaskyňa.
    En: He found a cave.

    Sk: Vstúpil tam.
    En: He entered it.

    Sk: Vnútri jaskyňa bola temná.
    En: Inside, the cave was dark.

    Sk: Svetlo Marekovho baterku sa odrážalo na kamenných stenách.
    En: The light from Marek's flashlight reflected off the stone walls.

    Sk: Našlo truhlu.
    En: He found a chest.

    Sk: Marek ju otvoril.
    En: Marek opened it.

    Sk: V truhle boli staré listy, zlaté šperky a veľký rubín.
    En: Inside the chest were old letters, gold jewelry, and a large ruby.

    Sk: Bol to stratený poklad kráľa.
    En: It was the lost treasure of the king.

    Sk: Marek bol ohromený.
    En: Marek was amazed.

    Sk: Vrátil sa do hradu so svojím nálezom.
    En: He returned to the castle with his discovery.

    Sk: Poklad bol teraz v múzeu.
    En: The treasure was now in a museum.

    Sk: Ľudia prichádzali vidieť poklad.
    En: People came to see the treasure.

    Sk: Marek bol hrdina.
    En: Marek was a hero.

    Sk: Bol šťastný, že našiel tajomnú miestnosť.
    En: He was happy to have found the secret room.

    Sk: Bratislavský hrad mal novú časť histórie.
    En: Bratislava Castle had a new part of history.

    Sk: Marek pokračoval pracovať na hrade.
    En: Marek continued working at the castle.

    Sk: Mal nové príbehy pre priateľov.
    En: He had new stories for his friends.

    Sk: Tajomný poklad priniesol...

    • 13 min
    Unexpected Polka: A Castle Tour's Hilarious Mishap

    Unexpected Polka: A Castle Tour's Hilarious Mishap

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unexpected Polka: A Castle Tour's Hilarious Mishap
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: Bratislava je krásne mesto, známe svojím hradom.
    En: Bratislava is a beautiful city, known for its castle.

    Sk: V nedávny sobotný deň sa Marek, Jana a Lukáš rozhodli navštíviť Bratislavský hrad.
    En: On a recent Saturday, Marek, Jana, and Lukáš decided to visit Bratislava Castle.

    Sk: Vstupovali do hradu s veľkým očakávaním.
    En: They entered the castle with great anticipation.

    Sk: Príbeh začína obzvlášť zaujímavým momentom.
    En: The story begins with a particularly interesting moment.

    Sk: Práve prechádzali nádvorím hradu, keď Marekov mobil začal neviditeľne komunikovať so zvukovým systémom hradu.
    En: They were just walking through the castle courtyard when Marek's phone started to inexplicably communicate with the castle's sound system.

    Sk: Marek mal nový telefón, ktorý ešte dobre nepoznal.
    En: Marek had a new phone that he wasn't very familiar with.

    Sk: Zrazu sa začal ozývať hlasný tón priamo z hradného reproduktora.
    En: Suddenly, a loud tune started blasting from the castle speakers.

    Sk: Všade sa ozývala veselá polka hudba.
    En: Everywhere, cheerful polka music was playing.

    Sk: Sprievodca, starší pán s okuliarmi a nakrivo nasadeným klobúkom, sa obzrel prekvapene.
    En: The guide, an older man with glasses and a tilted hat, turned around in surprise.

    Sk: "Čo to je?
    En: "What is that?"

    Sk: " zakričal ponad hlavy turistov.
    En: he shouted over the tourists' heads.

    Sk: Marek, červený ako paprika, sa pokúšal vypnúť svoj mobil.
    En: Marek, red as a beet, tried to turn off his phone.

    Sk: Ale vibrácie mobilu mu skôr ešte viac sťažovali situáciu.
    En: But the vibrations from the phone only made the situation worse.

    Sk: Jana a Lukáš sa zmätene smiali.
    En: Jana and Lukáš laughed in confusion.

    Sk: Chvíľu trvalo, kým Marek zistil, ako vypnúť rušivú hudbu.
    En: It took a moment for Marek to figure out how to stop the disruptive music.

    Sk: Ale v tej chvíli už všetci turisti na nádvorí stáli so smiechom okolo nich.
    En: By then, all the tourists in the courtyard were standing around them, laughing.

    Sk: Marekov mobil prestal hrať, ale škoda už bola spôsobená.
    En: Marek's phone stopped playing, but the damage was already done.

    Sk: Aj sprievodca sa nakoniec pridal k smiechu, keď videl, že situácia sa upokojila.
    En: Even the guide eventually joined in the laughter when he saw the situation had calmed down.

    Sk: "A teraz prosím všetkých, aby sa vrátili k prehliadke," povedal sprievodca stále so širokým úsmevom.
    En: "And now, please, everyone, let's return to the tour," the guide said, still with a wide smile.

    Sk: „A samozrejme, dutiniem mobily.
    En: "And of course, silence your phones."

    Sk: “Marek, Jana a Lukáš sa ospravedlnili.
    En: Marek, Jana, and Lukáš apologized.

    Sk: Cítili sa trápne, ale potom to brali s humorom.
    En: They felt embarrassed, but they took it with humor.

    Sk: Hradná prehliadka pokraćovala bez ďalších rušivých momentov.
    En: The castle tour continued without further interruptions.

    Sk: Večer na tomto zážitku spomínali v jednej z bratislavských kaviarní.
    En: That evening, they reminisced about the event in one of Bratislava's cafes.

    Sk: "To bolo nezabudnuteľné," povedala Jana.
    En: "That was unforgettable," said Jana.

    Sk: "To je pravda," dodal...

    • 13 min
    Slovakia's Lunar Leap: The Historic Opening of Luna-Slovakia

    Slovakia's Lunar Leap: The Historic Opening of Luna-Slovakia

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Slovakia's Lunar Leap: The Historic Opening of Luna-Slovakia
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: Martin, Zuzana a Jakub stáli na nádvorí hradu Bratislava.
    En: Martin, Zuzana, and Jakub stood in the courtyard of Bratislava Castle.

    Sk: Bolo krásne ráno.
    En: It was a beautiful morning.

    Sk: Slnečné lúče osvetlovali staré múry hradu.
    En: Sunrays illuminated the old castle walls.

    Sk: Ľudia sa zhromažďovali, čakali na významný okamih.
    En: People were gathering, waiting for a significant moment.

    Sk: "Myslíš, že to bude úspech?
    En: "Do you think it will be a success?"

    Sk: " opýtal sa Martin.
    En: Martin asked.

    Sk: "Určite," odpovedala Zuzana.
    En: "Certainly," Zuzana replied.

    Sk: "Toto je historický deň.
    En: "This is a historic day.

    Sk: Po prvýkrát Slovensko otvára svoju lunárnu kolóniu.
    En: For the first time, Slovakia is opening its lunar colony."

    Sk: "Jakub sa usmial, ale bol nervózny.
    En: Jakub smiled but was nervous.

    Sk: "Som rád, že sme tu.
    En: "I'm glad we're here.

    Sk: Bude to veľký krok pre Slovensko.
    En: This is a big step for Slovakia."

    Sk: "Cez celé nádvorie sa niesli hlasy nadšených ľudí.
    En: Voices of excited people were carried across the courtyard.

    Sk: Atmosféra bola elektrizujúca.
    En: The atmosphere was electrifying.

    Sk: "Pozrite, tam je premiér!
    En: "Look, there's the Prime Minister!"

    Sk: " povedala Zuzana a ukázala na tribúnu.
    En: said Zuzana, pointing to the podium.

    Sk: Premiér sa chystal uvítať hostí.
    En: The Prime Minister was preparing to welcome the guests.

    Sk: "Dobrý deň, vážení občania," začal premiér.
    En: "Good day, dear citizens," the Prime Minister began.

    Sk: "Dnes píšeme históriu.
    En: "Today, we are making history.

    Sk: Dnes otvárame prvú slovenskú lunárnu kolóniu.
    En: Today, we open the first Slovak lunar colony."

    Sk: "Dav tlieskal, nálada bola radostná.
    En: The crowd applauded, and the mood was joyous.

    Sk: Martin, Zuzana a Jakub cítili hrdosť a nádej.
    En: Martin, Zuzana, and Jakub felt pride and hope.

    Sk: Potom prišla na tribúnu vedúca vedeckého tímu, doktorka Petrovičová.
    En: Then, the head of the scientific team, Dr. Petrovičová, came to the podium.

    Sk: "Toto je len začiatok.
    En: "This is just the beginning.

    Sk: Naša kolónia, Luna-Slovakia, je pripravená na prvých obyvateľov.
    En: Our colony, Luna-Slovakia, is ready for its first inhabitants.

    Sk: Budeme skúmať, objavovať a spolupracovať s inými národmi.
    En: We will explore, discover, and cooperate with other nations."

    Sk: "Martin chytil Zuzanu za ruku.
    En: Martin grabbed Zuzana's hand.

    Sk: "Je to neuveriteľné," povedal ticho.
    En: "It's unbelievable," he said quietly.

    Sk: "And this is the flag of our lunar colony," pokračovala Petrovičová.
    En: "And this is the flag of our lunar colony," Dr. Petrovičová continued.

    Sk: Zdvihla malú slovenskú vlajku, ktorú umiestnila do kapsuly, ktorá poletí na Mesiac.
    En: She raised a small Slovak flag, which she placed into a capsule for the journey to the Moon.

    Sk: Jakub sa obrátil k Martinovi a Zuzane.
    En: Jakub turned to Martin and Zuzana.

    Sk: "Kto vie, možno jedného dňa budeme na Mesiaci my traja.
    En: "Who knows, maybe one day the three of us will be on the Moon."

    Sk: ""Verím,...

    • 15 min
    Marek's Historic Journey: A Young Boy's Day at Bratislava Castle

    Marek's Historic Journey: A Young Boy's Day at Bratislava Castle

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek's Historic Journey: A Young Boy's Day at Bratislava Castle
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: V Bratislave, za starým hradom, sa pripravoval dôležitý deň pre mladého chlapca menom Marek.
    En: In Bratislava, behind the old castle, an important day was being prepared for a young boy named Marek.

    Sk: Marek mal prezentáciu na tému histórie Slovenska.
    En: Marek had a presentation on the history of Slovakia.

    Sk: Ako miesto si vybral Bratislavský hrad, miesto, kde sa písali dôležité kapitoly našej histórie.
    En: He chose Bratislava Castle as the location, a place where significant chapters of our history were written.

    Sk: Marek prišiel k hradu skoro ráno.
    En: Marek arrived at the castle early in the morning.

    Sk: Videl nádherné múry a staré veže.
    En: He saw the beautiful walls and old towers.

    Sk: V ruke držal poznámky.
    En: He held his notes in his hand.

    Sk: Bolo jasné, že bol nervózny.
    En: It was clear that he was nervous.

    Sk: Prechádzal po nádvorí hradu a premýšľal, ako začne svoju prezentáciu.
    En: He walked across the courtyard of the castle, contemplating how to start his presentation.

    Sk: V diaľke bolo počuť hudbu a smiech turistov.
    En: In the distance, music and tourists' laughter could be heard.

    Sk: "Musím sa pripraviť," povedal si Marek ticho.
    En: "I must prepare," Marek said quietly to himself.

    Sk: Sadol si na kamennú lavicu.
    En: He sat down on a stone bench.

    Sk: Otvoril knihu histórie a začal čítať nahlas.
    En: He opened a history book and began to read aloud.

    Sk: Zrazu si všimol staršieho muža.
    En: Suddenly, he noticed an older man.

    Sk: Muž mal bielu bradu a usmieval sa.
    En: The man had a white beard and was smiling.

    Sk: "Máš rád históriu?
    En: "Do you like history?"

    Sk: " spýtal sa muž.
    En: the man asked.

    Sk: "Ano," odpovedal Marek.
    En: "Yes," Marek replied.

    Sk: "Mám školskú prezentáciu.
    En: "I have a school presentation."

    Sk: "Muž sa posadil vedľa Mareka.
    En: The man sat down next to Marek.

    Sk: "Bratislavský hrad má bohatú históriu.
    En: "Bratislava Castle has a rich history.

    Sk: Tu žili králi a kráľovné, tu sa rozhodovalo o osude národa.
    En: Kings and queens lived here, and the nation's fate was decided here.

    Sk: Vedel si, že tu bol korunovaný aj český kráľ?
    En: Did you know that a Czech king was also crowned here?"

    Sk: "Marek sa usmial.
    En: Marek smiled.

    Sk: "To nevedel.
    En: "I didn't know that.

    Sk: Ďakujem!
    En: Thank you!"

    Sk: "Marek pokračoval v čítaní a zapisovaní si poznámok.
    En: Marek continued reading and jotting down notes.

    Sk: Bol rád, že sa dozvedel nové fakty.
    En: He was pleased to have learned new facts.

    Sk: Čas rýchlo ubiehal.
    En: Time flew by quickly.

    Sk: Blížil sa čas prezentácie.
    En: The time for the presentation approached.

    Sk: Marek sa postavil pred triedu spolužiakov.
    En: Marek stood in front of his classmates.

    Sk: Všetci pozorne počúvali, keď začal rozprávať.
    En: Everyone listened attentively as he began to speak.

    Sk: "Hrad v Bratislave je starší ako niektoré európske zámky.
    En: "The castle in Bratislava is older than some European castles.

    Sk: Tu žila Mária Terézia a mnohí iní panovníci.
    En: Maria Theresa and many other rulers lived here."br...

    • 15 min
    Spring Splendor: Love and Traditions in the Tatras Festival

    Spring Splendor: Love and Traditions in the Tatras Festival

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Spring Splendor: Love and Traditions in the Tatras Festival
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: V krásnom Tatrách, na jar, sa konal tradičný festival.
    En: In the beautiful Tatras, a traditional festival took place in spring.

    Sk: Ján a Zuzana sa tešili na tento deň.
    En: Ján and Zuzana were looking forward to this day.

    Sk: Ráno sa prebudili s úsmevom.
    En: They woke up with a smile in the morning.

    Sk: Vzduch bol čerstvý a vonku sa rozprestierali nádherné hory.
    En: The air was fresh and the magnificent mountains spread out outside.

    Sk: Ján a Zuzana chodili po dedine.
    En: Ján and Zuzana walked around the village.

    Sk: Dedina bola plná farieb a zvukov.
    En: The village was full of colors and sounds.

    Sk: Všade boli stánky.
    En: There were stalls everywhere.

    Sk: Predajcovia ponúkali tradičné jedlá.
    En: Vendors offered traditional foods.

    Sk: Bola tam aj ľudová hudba.
    En: There was also folk music.

    Sk: „Zuzana, pozrime sa na tanec!
    En: "Zuzana, let's watch the dance!"

    Sk: “ navrhol Ján.
    En: suggested Ján.

    Sk: Šli k pódiu.
    En: They went to the stage.

    Sk: Na pódiu tancovali muži a ženy v krojoch.
    En: Men and women in traditional costumes danced on the stage.

    Sk: Tance boli krásne a plné energie.
    En: The dances were beautiful and full of energy.

    Sk: Po tanci sa Ján a Zuzana vybrali na pohárik medoviny.
    En: After the dance, Ján and Zuzana went for a glass of mead.

    Sk: Medovina bola sladká a teplá.
    En: The mead was sweet and warm.

    Sk: „Toto je najlepšia medovina, akú som kedy pil,“ povedal Ján.
    En: "This is the best mead I've ever tasted," said Ján.

    Sk: Zuzana sa usmiala a prikývla.
    En: Zuzana smiled and nodded.

    Sk: Keď sa obzerali po stánkoch, Zuzana zbadala krásny náhrdelník.
    En: As they were browsing the stalls, Zuzana noticed a beautiful necklace.

    Sk: Ján si to všimol.
    En: Ján noticed it too.

    Sk: „Chceš ho?
    En: "Do you want it?"

    Sk: “ spýtal sa Ján.
    En: asked Ján.

    Sk: Zuzana neisto prikývla.
    En: Zuzana hesitantly nodded.

    Sk: Ján kúpil náhrdelník a dal ho Zuzane.
    En: Ján bought the necklace and gave it to Zuzana.

    Sk: Zuzana bola šťastná.
    En: Zuzana was happy.

    Sk: Objala Jána a poďakovala mu.
    En: She hugged Ján and thanked him.

    Sk: Počas festivalu prišiel moment, keď mali zapáliť veľký ohneň.
    En: During the festival, there came a moment when they were to light a big bonfire.

    Sk: Tento ohneň symbolizoval koniec zimy a začiatok jari.
    En: This bonfire symbolized the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

    Sk: Ján a Zuzana sa pripojili k ostatným.
    En: Ján and Zuzana joined the others.

    Sk: Spolu zapálili ohneň.
    En: Together, they lit the bonfire.

    Sk: Plameň stúpal vysoko.
    En: The flame rose high.

    Sk: Všetci tancovali a spievali okolo ohňa.
    En: Everyone danced and sang around the fire.

    Sk: Večer, keď sa festival končil, Ján a Zuzana sedeli na kopci.
    En: In the evening, when the festival was ending, Ján and Zuzana sat on a hill.

    Sk: Dívali sa na hviezdy.
    En: They looked at the stars.

    Sk: Bolo ticho.
    En: It was quiet.

    Sk: „Tento deň bol dokonalý,“ povedala Zuzana.
    En: "This day was perfect," said Zuzana.

    Sk: Ján prikývol.
    En: Ján...

    • 13 min
    A Journey to Spišský Hrad: Friendship and Unexpected Challenges

    A Journey to Spišský Hrad: Friendship and Unexpected Challenges

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: A Journey to Spišský Hrad: Friendship and Unexpected Challenges
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: Spišský Hrad sa týčil na kopci ako mocný ochranca.
    En: Spišský Hrad loomed on the hill as a mighty guardian.

    Sk: Jozef, Zuzana a Marek sa rozhodli ísť na výlet.
    En: Jozef, Zuzana, and Marek decided to go on a trip.

    Sk: Slnko svietilo a obloha bola modrá.
    En: The sun was shining, and the sky was blue.

    Sk: Začali stúpať po strmej ceste vedúcej k hradu.
    En: They started climbing the steep road leading to the castle.

    Sk: Jozef kráčal prvý, Zuzana za ním a Marek posledný.
    En: Jozef walked first, Zuzana followed him, and Marek was last.

    Sk: Ich smiech a rozhovor ozývali sa po lese.
    En: Their laughter and conversation echoed through the forest.

    Sk: Po chvíli však Zuzana zakopla o kameň a spadla.
    En: After a while, however, Zuzana tripped over a stone and fell.

    Sk: Marek sa rýchlo otočil a pomohol jej vstať.
    En: Marek quickly turned around and helped her up.

    Sk: „Au, môj členok,“ stonala Zuzana.
    En: “Ouch, my ankle,” groaned Zuzana.

    Sk: Jozef rýchlo prišiel a pozrel sa na jej nohu.
    En: Jozef quickly approached and looked at her foot.

    Sk: „Vyzerá to na vyvrtnutý členok,“ povedal a vedel, že to nebude jednouché.
    En: “It looks like a sprained ankle,” he said, knowing it wouldn’t be easy.

    Sk: Zuzana nemohla chodiť.
    En: Zuzana couldn't walk.

    Sk: Spolu so Marekom sa rozhodli nosiť ju na rukách.
    En: Together with Marek, they decided to carry her in their arms.

    Sk: Spišský Hrad bol blízko, ale cesta sa zdala byť nekonečná.
    En: Spišský Hrad was close, but the path seemed endless.

    Sk: Marek a Jozef sa striedali, nesúc Zuzanu.
    En: Marek and Jozef took turns carrying Zuzana.

    Sk: Boli unavení, ale nevzdávali sa.
    En: They were tired, but they didn’t give up.

    Sk: Konečne dorazili k bráne hradu.
    En: Finally, they reached the castle gate.

    Sk: Zuzana sa oprela o kameň a usmiala sa oslabeným úsmevom.
    En: Zuzana leaned against a stone and gave a weak smile.

    Sk: „To sme zvládli,“ vydýchol Jozef úľavou.
    En: “We made it,” Jozef sighed with relief.

    Sk: Pomohli Zuzane sadnúť si na lavičku pri vstupe do hradu.
    En: They helped Zuzana sit on a bench at the entrance to the castle.

    Sk: Ľudia v hrade okamžite prišli na pomoc.
    En: The people in the castle immediately came to help.

    Sk: Jeden z nich priniesol obväz a zaviazal Zuzane členok.
    En: One of them brought a bandage and wrapped Zuzana’s ankle.

    Sk: „Ďakujem vám,“ povedala Zuzana s vďakou.
    En: “Thank you,” Zuzana said gratefully.

    Sk: Celý deň strávili na Spišskom Hrade s výhľadom na krásnu krajinu okolo.
    En: They spent the whole day at Spišský Hrad, enjoying the beautiful surroundings.

    Sk: Jozef a Marek si oddýchli a Zuzana bola šťastná, že má takých priateľov.
    En: Jozef and Marek rested, and Zuzana was happy to have such friends.

    Sk: Hoci cesta bola náročná, zvládli to spolu.
    En: Although the journey was challenging, they made it together.

    Sk: Tešili sa, že videli krásy Spišského Hradu.
    En: They were delighted to see the beauties of Spišský Hrad.

    Sk: Pri západe slnka sa rozhodli vrátiť domov.
    En: At sunset, they decided to head back home.

    Sk: Pomaly sa vydali na cestu späť, už opatrnejšie.
    En: They started the journey...

    • 13 min

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