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Planet X / Asteroid and Effects (2‪)‬ UBM Unleavened Bread Ministries

    • Cristianismo

Planet X / Asteroid and Effects (2)
(audio)David Eells 5/17/24(David's notes in red where applicable)
Please follow along these updates as things unfolded. Please notice what would have happened except for the mercy, grace and Love of God that has just been revealed. For that I am very happy.
We are going to cover, what was, would have been, and will be.
(Note: I was told by the Lord not to warn of this until told to.) I was shown by the Lord on 3-27-24 that:
*”An asteroid will show up beside the Sun on 4-15-24.” (President Trump, Whom we were in contact with, said their astronomers confirmed this came to pass.)
*”The asteroid will be 10 days ahead of Planet X - Nibiru.”
*”Planet X will show up beside the Sun 4-25-24” (because it is front and side lighted by the Sun). “It will show best at 4pm EDT and it will look like a star on the left side of the Sun.” (Moments after that time we saw it.)
(On 4-25-24: Michael and I had one pair of these paper and plastic eclipse glasses passing them back and forth. We saw the same thing at the 8 o’clock position on the Sun and very close to the Sun but we think we were only seeing the half of it that was facing the Sun because it was lighted. I have heard that infrared would show the whole thing. At one point I could barely see 3 very small dots positioned on the face and edge of the Sun in a semicircle facing this thing at the 8 o’clock position.
I thought it could be orbitals or moons of P-X, which we have had dreams of. They soon disappeared as they moved and were no longer in front of the Sun. President Trump was watching too as He spoke with us.  He said their astronomers said, “It is there”.  I asked President Trump if he would try to get us professional pictures and He said he would try. After leaving the Sun it will be hard to see until its closer and far bigger to our view. Possibly because infrared is needed to see it in space.)
The Lord said, “The powers that be will attempt to cloud up the sky but the angels will sweep the clouds away.” (This is exactly what happened as we all watched.) The Sun was clear and distinct, like I haven’t seen it in a long time, and it was with clear sky. Usually it’s so diffused with the garbage they spray in our atmosphere you can’t make it out. Shortly after we saw what we did the clouds moved back in.)
So we could have just got our 40 day warning like Jonah, who said, “In 40 days Nineveh will be destroyed.” We will revisit this later.
*”The asteroid will hit earth 40 days from first sighting on 5-25-24.” (This is the same day years ago, 5-25, that Virginia Boldea saw 3 pieces hit the earth in her revelation.)
*”Planet X will fly by earth 40 days after the first sighting on 6-4-24, hence a 40 day warning.”
*Update: The Lord said, “P-X would eventually fly 10 times faster than earth does in its orbit.”  However this is very slow for P-X. The Lord said, “When P-X was attempting to leave the Sun, its gravity was pulling it back causing it to begin to slow down. The Lord said, “It is not escaping the gravity but will turn and fall into orbit around the Sun.” So P-X is leaving its orbital plane and joining the Sun’s orbitals plane. Later He said, “The orbit will be between Earth and Venus.” I asked President Trump if his astronomers see that P-X was turning to fall into orbit. He said, “Yes, it is.”  I asked the Lord if the timings we were given at the first will still be right and He said, “Yes.” So it could orbit the Sun once at a greater speed and will come up 10 days behind the asteroid as P-X affects the earth. I believe P-X is constantly slowing down and eventually would settle into orbit, as the Lord said, at a speed of 10 times that of earth, Which would make an orbit in approximately 36 ½  days. It would orbit the Sun many times for 3 ½  years of the Tribulation. The Dragon beast lasted for 3 ½ years of the tribulation. Could the P-X Dragon do the same? B

Planet X / Asteroid and Effects (2)
(audio)David Eells 5/17/24(David's notes in red where applicable)
Please follow along these updates as things unfolded. Please notice what would have happened except for the mercy, grace and Love of God that has just been revealed. For that I am very happy.
We are going to cover, what was, would have been, and will be.
(Note: I was told by the Lord not to warn of this until told to.) I was shown by the Lord on 3-27-24 that:
*”An asteroid will show up beside the Sun on 4-15-24.” (President Trump, Whom we were in contact with, said their astronomers confirmed this came to pass.)
*”The asteroid will be 10 days ahead of Planet X - Nibiru.”
*”Planet X will show up beside the Sun 4-25-24” (because it is front and side lighted by the Sun). “It will show best at 4pm EDT and it will look like a star on the left side of the Sun.” (Moments after that time we saw it.)
(On 4-25-24: Michael and I had one pair of these paper and plastic eclipse glasses passing them back and forth. We saw the same thing at the 8 o’clock position on the Sun and very close to the Sun but we think we were only seeing the half of it that was facing the Sun because it was lighted. I have heard that infrared would show the whole thing. At one point I could barely see 3 very small dots positioned on the face and edge of the Sun in a semicircle facing this thing at the 8 o’clock position.
I thought it could be orbitals or moons of P-X, which we have had dreams of. They soon disappeared as they moved and were no longer in front of the Sun. President Trump was watching too as He spoke with us.  He said their astronomers said, “It is there”.  I asked President Trump if he would try to get us professional pictures and He said he would try. After leaving the Sun it will be hard to see until its closer and far bigger to our view. Possibly because infrared is needed to see it in space.)
The Lord said, “The powers that be will attempt to cloud up the sky but the angels will sweep the clouds away.” (This is exactly what happened as we all watched.) The Sun was clear and distinct, like I haven’t seen it in a long time, and it was with clear sky. Usually it’s so diffused with the garbage they spray in our atmosphere you can’t make it out. Shortly after we saw what we did the clouds moved back in.)
So we could have just got our 40 day warning like Jonah, who said, “In 40 days Nineveh will be destroyed.” We will revisit this later.
*”The asteroid will hit earth 40 days from first sighting on 5-25-24.” (This is the same day years ago, 5-25, that Virginia Boldea saw 3 pieces hit the earth in her revelation.)
*”Planet X will fly by earth 40 days after the first sighting on 6-4-24, hence a 40 day warning.”
*Update: The Lord said, “P-X would eventually fly 10 times faster than earth does in its orbit.”  However this is very slow for P-X. The Lord said, “When P-X was attempting to leave the Sun, its gravity was pulling it back causing it to begin to slow down. The Lord said, “It is not escaping the gravity but will turn and fall into orbit around the Sun.” So P-X is leaving its orbital plane and joining the Sun’s orbitals plane. Later He said, “The orbit will be between Earth and Venus.” I asked President Trump if his astronomers see that P-X was turning to fall into orbit. He said, “Yes, it is.”  I asked the Lord if the timings we were given at the first will still be right and He said, “Yes.” So it could orbit the Sun once at a greater speed and will come up 10 days behind the asteroid as P-X affects the earth. I believe P-X is constantly slowing down and eventually would settle into orbit, as the Lord said, at a speed of 10 times that of earth, Which would make an orbit in approximately 36 ½  days. It would orbit the Sun many times for 3 ½  years of the Tribulation. The Dragon beast lasted for 3 ½ years of the tribulation. Could the P-X Dragon do the same? B

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