
Seasons - Ecclesiastes | Lot in Life - 1.5 Renew Bible Church Podcast

    • Cristianismo

Seasons | Lot inLife | Pastor Chris Heller
Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:16
Have you ever noticed that certain people seem to have more difficulty in life than others? Tragedy, disease, and challenging circumstances keep happening to them until you wonder how much more they can bear. Or, as we go through our own seasons of life, we might be tempted to question, “why am I in this season and ‘they’re’ not?” This is where we find Solomon in our text this week. In light of the difficult trials and circumstances he sees all around him, Solomon concludes that life is just full of trouble. We might have different trials, but we’re all in the same storm. How we respond has a great deal to do with who walks beside us through the storm. Do we have someone who will encourage and motivate us to get to the other side? In this message, we examine the types of friends that we can turn to in the midst of our trials, and how they can influence our response. We pray this message will inspire you to move forward and cherish who God has put you with in your season of struggle.

Seasons | Lot inLife | Pastor Chris Heller
Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:16
Have you ever noticed that certain people seem to have more difficulty in life than others? Tragedy, disease, and challenging circumstances keep happening to them until you wonder how much more they can bear. Or, as we go through our own seasons of life, we might be tempted to question, “why am I in this season and ‘they’re’ not?” This is where we find Solomon in our text this week. In light of the difficult trials and circumstances he sees all around him, Solomon concludes that life is just full of trouble. We might have different trials, but we’re all in the same storm. How we respond has a great deal to do with who walks beside us through the storm. Do we have someone who will encourage and motivate us to get to the other side? In this message, we examine the types of friends that we can turn to in the midst of our trials, and how they can influence our response. We pray this message will inspire you to move forward and cherish who God has put you with in your season of struggle.
