10 min

3rd commendment of Parenting.: When the going gets tough, the tough take a nap and bounce back‪.‬ POSITIVE PARENTING

    • Parenting

Lying horizontally with eyes closed and brain shut from the humdrum of this overly stimulated , super duper busy world is becoming fast endangered for not only the tiny tots but also for the youth that holds the reigns of future. 3/4 of behaviour and adjustment issues that parents face in children today would vanish if only they could provide the optimal dose of this magic potion. Hear me out in this podcast to know what threatens our children today and what can we do about it.

Lying horizontally with eyes closed and brain shut from the humdrum of this overly stimulated , super duper busy world is becoming fast endangered for not only the tiny tots but also for the youth that holds the reigns of future. 3/4 of behaviour and adjustment issues that parents face in children today would vanish if only they could provide the optimal dose of this magic potion. Hear me out in this podcast to know what threatens our children today and what can we do about it.

10 min