41 min

Coding in the AI Era: Dr. Harvey Castro’s deep dive into transformative technologies Off the Record with Brian Murphy

    • Careers

Generative AI in healthcare is … truly wild. A technology in bloom with little to no regulations, with all the messiness and breathless optimism that entails.

The accuracy of these products including ChatGPT are a work in progress. As this podcast debuts ChatGPT outperformed humans on a mock version of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) boards, but in another study nearly 75% of its answers to drug-related questions were incomplete or wrong, including some outright hallucinations.

But like it or not this technology is here on our doorstep. A Dec. 6 KLAS report said that 58% of healthcare executives said their organization will implement or acquire a generative AI solution in 2024.

In fact, if you’re a CDI or coding professional, you may already be coding from an AI generated history and physical, or progress note. Also, the headline for this show was written by… ChatGPT. I wrote the rest.

Joining me to discuss the topic is Dr. Harvey Castro. Dr. Castro is a serial entrepreneur, a physician who in the course of his work taking care of patients quickly saw the power of AI and decided to go all in. His Linkedin profile lists him as a “ChatGPT Healthcare Advisor.” He’s the CEO of Medical Intelligence Ops, an assistant professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio, an author, and a national speaker, including a keynote at this week’s HIMSS conference “AI in Healthcare Forum.”

Listen in as we discuss:

• A self-indulgent turn into podcasting software (Castro’s setup is far better than mine)

• Why is my cup half empty and Castro’s overflowing with optimism—what makes him so damned positive about generative AI?

• Emerging AI powered healthcare technologies that excite Castro, and you should probably know about

• Applications in the coding/billing/mid-revenue cycle space

• A plunge into the deep end, and beyond—Elon Musk conspiracy theories and The Singularity

• How a CDI and coding professional could use these tools today, and in the future

• Existential threats posed to work

Generative AI in healthcare is … truly wild. A technology in bloom with little to no regulations, with all the messiness and breathless optimism that entails.

The accuracy of these products including ChatGPT are a work in progress. As this podcast debuts ChatGPT outperformed humans on a mock version of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) boards, but in another study nearly 75% of its answers to drug-related questions were incomplete or wrong, including some outright hallucinations.

But like it or not this technology is here on our doorstep. A Dec. 6 KLAS report said that 58% of healthcare executives said their organization will implement or acquire a generative AI solution in 2024.

In fact, if you’re a CDI or coding professional, you may already be coding from an AI generated history and physical, or progress note. Also, the headline for this show was written by… ChatGPT. I wrote the rest.

Joining me to discuss the topic is Dr. Harvey Castro. Dr. Castro is a serial entrepreneur, a physician who in the course of his work taking care of patients quickly saw the power of AI and decided to go all in. His Linkedin profile lists him as a “ChatGPT Healthcare Advisor.” He’s the CEO of Medical Intelligence Ops, an assistant professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio, an author, and a national speaker, including a keynote at this week’s HIMSS conference “AI in Healthcare Forum.”

Listen in as we discuss:

• A self-indulgent turn into podcasting software (Castro’s setup is far better than mine)

• Why is my cup half empty and Castro’s overflowing with optimism—what makes him so damned positive about generative AI?

• Emerging AI powered healthcare technologies that excite Castro, and you should probably know about

• Applications in the coding/billing/mid-revenue cycle space

• A plunge into the deep end, and beyond—Elon Musk conspiracy theories and The Singularity

• How a CDI and coding professional could use these tools today, and in the future

• Existential threats posed to work

41 min