10 min

Monday Motivation: The #1 Game-Changing Question to Ask Yourself When Things Go AWOL Lifestyle Entrepreneur

    • Entrepreneurship

Sue shares a personal experience of a canceled podcast interview and how she turned it into a positive learning opportunity. Despite facing obstacles and feeling out of control, Sue discusses the importance of asking three key questions: what good can come of this, how can I turn this around, and what next? By reflecting on these questions, Sue emphasises the power of taking control and moving forward, even in challenging situations. 


The importance of not giving up when faced with setbacks, such as a canceled interview or low turnout for a webinar, is highlighted through examples like Joe Wicks continuing his boot camps despite no attendees for weeks.
Encouragement to reflect on experiences and ask what can be learned from them, such as realising when a commitment may not align with your goals or target audience.
Instead of viewing obstacles as signs to quit, the focus is on using them as opportunities for growth and improvement, such as refining skills, practicing, or reevaluating strategies.
Sue advocates for continuous self-improvement and proactive steps to enhance skills, refine strategies, and maintain a positive mindset in the face of adversity.


"If we took every single one of these obstacles as a reason to quit, then nobody would ever do anything." 

"Joe Wicks ran boot camps. He would hand out flyers at the station. Nobody showed up. Nobody showed up for weeks and he still showed up." 

"What good can I make of this? And how can I turn this around?" 


I’d love to hear your thoughts on the show, topics you’d like to discuss and guests you recommend.

DM / follow me:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-parker-msc/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamsueparker/

Website: https://sueparker.net



Sue Parker is a mum of 3, entrepreneur, podcaster and global speaker. As a former tech leader and equality & diversity champion, Sue went from burnout to breakthrough. Her journey of becoming an entrepreneur has seen her take the highs and lows life has to offer. From her unspoken post natal depression to opening the WIT global conference speaking to 100k women in 50 countries.

She’s hit imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs and had to unlearn and relearn to start creating a life with more financial freedom and aligned to her values. Still working on her mindset today and supporting other freedom seekers, including side hustlers, career women and business owners. Sue shares her personal challenges, the key lessons and wisdom we can all use to manifesting our life by design.

Sue shares a personal experience of a canceled podcast interview and how she turned it into a positive learning opportunity. Despite facing obstacles and feeling out of control, Sue discusses the importance of asking three key questions: what good can come of this, how can I turn this around, and what next? By reflecting on these questions, Sue emphasises the power of taking control and moving forward, even in challenging situations. 


The importance of not giving up when faced with setbacks, such as a canceled interview or low turnout for a webinar, is highlighted through examples like Joe Wicks continuing his boot camps despite no attendees for weeks.
Encouragement to reflect on experiences and ask what can be learned from them, such as realising when a commitment may not align with your goals or target audience.
Instead of viewing obstacles as signs to quit, the focus is on using them as opportunities for growth and improvement, such as refining skills, practicing, or reevaluating strategies.
Sue advocates for continuous self-improvement and proactive steps to enhance skills, refine strategies, and maintain a positive mindset in the face of adversity.


"If we took every single one of these obstacles as a reason to quit, then nobody would ever do anything." 

"Joe Wicks ran boot camps. He would hand out flyers at the station. Nobody showed up. Nobody showed up for weeks and he still showed up." 

"What good can I make of this? And how can I turn this around?" 


I’d love to hear your thoughts on the show, topics you’d like to discuss and guests you recommend.

DM / follow me:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-parker-msc/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamsueparker/

Website: https://sueparker.net



Sue Parker is a mum of 3, entrepreneur, podcaster and global speaker. As a former tech leader and equality & diversity champion, Sue went from burnout to breakthrough. Her journey of becoming an entrepreneur has seen her take the highs and lows life has to offer. From her unspoken post natal depression to opening the WIT global conference speaking to 100k women in 50 countries.

She’s hit imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs and had to unlearn and relearn to start creating a life with more financial freedom and aligned to her values. Still working on her mindset today and supporting other freedom seekers, including side hustlers, career women and business owners. Sue shares her personal challenges, the key lessons and wisdom we can all use to manifesting our life by design.

10 min