1 hr 17 min

S2 #3: Organisational Irony and the Future of Leadership with Dr. Richard Claydon What's NXT

    • Management

In our new episode called Organisational Irony and the Future of Leadership with Dr. Richard Claydon, we speak with Dr. Richard Claydon about the future of work, organisational irony, and building organisations of the future. It was an absolute pleasure hearing his insights and all his amazing work that accelerate leadership development.


Dr. Richard Claydon is the Chief Cognitive Officer of EQ Lab, an extended intelligence network focused on the future of leadership, culture, management, engagement and risk. His research on value-creating behaviours in toxic, rigid or autocratic organisational environments has been described as "a touchstone for future work in management and organisation", "outstanding in daring and imagination" and "thinking at the forefront of modern discussion and debate".  He teaches the leadership module for Macquarie Business School's world-leading, future-focused Global MBA.

Podcast is now available on your favorite podcast platform. You can also watch a video podcast on our YouTube page, just search What’s NXT Podcast. Enjoy the episode!


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drrichardclaydon/

EQ Lab: https://www.eqlab.co/ 

Coursera: https://www.coursera.org/learn/leadership-adapt-your-style 

In our new episode called Organisational Irony and the Future of Leadership with Dr. Richard Claydon, we speak with Dr. Richard Claydon about the future of work, organisational irony, and building organisations of the future. It was an absolute pleasure hearing his insights and all his amazing work that accelerate leadership development.


Dr. Richard Claydon is the Chief Cognitive Officer of EQ Lab, an extended intelligence network focused on the future of leadership, culture, management, engagement and risk. His research on value-creating behaviours in toxic, rigid or autocratic organisational environments has been described as "a touchstone for future work in management and organisation", "outstanding in daring and imagination" and "thinking at the forefront of modern discussion and debate".  He teaches the leadership module for Macquarie Business School's world-leading, future-focused Global MBA.

Podcast is now available on your favorite podcast platform. You can also watch a video podcast on our YouTube page, just search What’s NXT Podcast. Enjoy the episode!


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drrichardclaydon/

EQ Lab: https://www.eqlab.co/ 

Coursera: https://www.coursera.org/learn/leadership-adapt-your-style 

1 hr 17 min