180 episodes

Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!

FluentFiction - Welsh FluentFiction.org

    • Education

Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!

    The Unexpected Sheep Court in Dyffryn Mymbyr Forest

    The Unexpected Sheep Court in Dyffryn Mymbyr Forest

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The Unexpected Sheep Court in Dyffryn Mymbyr Forest
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Ymhell, ar fore glasurol yn y parc cenedlaethol rhywle, roedd yr heulwen yn torri drwy'r cymylau.
    En: Far away, on a crisp morning in some national park, the sunlight was breaking through the clouds.

    Cy: Gareth ac Eira oedd yn dringo'r llwybr trwm yng Nghoedwig Dyffryn Mymbyr.
    En: Gareth and Eira were climbing the strenuous path in Dyffryn Mymbyr Forest.

    Cy: Cawsant lawer hwyl wrth drafod eu ffrindiau a'u cynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol.
    En: They had a lot of fun discussing their friends and their plans for the future.

    Cy: Tra roedd Gareth yn edrych ar y golygfeydd, camodd ar garreg ddwyochrog a syrthiodd yn ddirybudd.
    En: While Gareth was admiring the scenery, he stepped on a double-edged stone and fell unexpectedly.

    Cy: Zzszsh!
    En: Zzszsh!

    Cy: Off, ffwff!
    En: Off, ffwff!

    Cy: Daeth grŵp o ddefaid yn rhuthro allan o'r llwyni, brawychus a chwyrligwganol.
    En: A flock of sheep came rushing out of the bushes, startled and spinning.

    Cy: Defaid yn rhedeg ym mhob cyfeiriad!
    En: Sheep running in every direction!

    Cy: "Beth wnes i?
    En: "What did I do?"

    Cy: " meddai Gareth gyda llawer o fraw.
    En: said Gareth with much fear.

    Cy: Eirynodd ei wyneb.
    En: His face paled.

    Cy: "Ydyn ni mewn trafferth?
    En: "Are we in trouble?"

    Cy: ""Aros fan'na, Gareth," atebodd Eira yn gyflym.
    En: "Stay there, Gareth," Eira responded quickly.

    Cy: "Fe allwn ni ddatrys hyn!
    En: "We can solve this!"

    Cy: "Gobygnodd ei ffordd at defaid, gyda llawer o hyder yn ei llygaid.
    En: She approached the sheep with a lot of confidence in her eyes.

    Cy: Galwodd at y defaid gyda llais tawel, "Dewch i fy nghymro!
    En: She called to the sheep in a soft voice, "Come to me!"

    Cy: "Defaid yn edrych yn siomedig a phryderus.
    En: The sheep looked disappointed and anxious.

    Cy: "Beth yw hyn?
    En: "What is this?"

    Cy: " meddai'r ddafad bennaf, môr ddig.
    En: said the leading sheep, very angrily.

    Cy: "Rydym ni ddim yn bygythiad," esboniodd eira'n ddoeth.
    En: "We're not a threat," Eira explained wisely.

    Cy: "Ydych yn cytuno i glywed ein hachos mewn llys defaid?
    En: "Do you agree to hear our case in a sheep court?"

    Cy: "Gyda hynny, ymgasglodd y defaid i ffurfio llysoedd.
    En: With that, the sheep gathered to form a court.

    Cy: Roeddent yn edrych yn ofalus ar Eira a Gareth wrth iddynt sefyll ar y ffordd graeanog.
    En: They looked carefully at Eira and Gareth as they stood on the gravel path.

    Cy: "Pa dystiolaeth sydd gyda chi?
    En: "What evidence do you have?"

    Cy: " gofynnodd y ddafad bennaf.
    En: asked the chief sheep.

    Cy: Gareth camodd ymlaen.
    En: Gareth stepped forward.

    Cy: "Rwy'n Gefnogwr Pobl a Natur," meddai.
    En: "I am a Supporter of People and Nature," he said.

    Cy: "Cymerais ran mewn prosiectau amgylcheddol.
    En: "I’ve taken part in environmental projects.

    Cy: Ni fyddwn byth yn brifo chi'n bwrpasol.
    En: I would never intentionally harm you."

    Cy: "Eira ychwanegodd, "A Gareth yw'r dyn mwyaf gofalgar a charedig.
    En: Eira added, "And Gareth is the most caring and kind man.

    Cy: Roedd yr anffawd yn gamgymeriad lwyr.
    En: The mishap was a complete accident."

    Cy: "Ymchwil wow!
    En: Wow!


    • 16 min
    Mystery in Snowdonia: Breaking the Curse at Sunset Peak

    Mystery in Snowdonia: Breaking the Curse at Sunset Peak

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Mystery in Snowdonia: Breaking the Curse at Sunset Peak
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Mae'r gwynt yn chwythu drwy'r coed yn Eryri.
    En: The wind was blowing through the trees in Snowdonia.

    Cy: Mewn cornel anghysbell, roedd Eira, Gareth a Rhys yn crwydro.
    En: In a remote corner, Eira, Gareth, and Rhys were wandering.

    Cy: Maen nhw'n edrych am y creigiau.
    En: They were looking for the rocks.

    Cy: Yr Eryri yw un o'r llefydd mwyaf prydferth yng Nghymru.
    En: Snowdonia is one of the most beautiful places in Wales.

    Cy: "Edrychwch!
    En: "Look!"

    Cy: " meddai Eira gyda chyffro.
    En: said Eira excitedly.

    Cy: "Mae yna rywbeth yno!
    En: "There's something there!"

    Cy: "Aethant at yr eitem.
    En: They approached the item.

    Cy: Roedd yn arysgrif sydd gan henolion.
    En: It was an inscription bearing ancient markings.

    Cy: Roedd yn arteffact hynafol.
    En: It was an ancient artifact.

    Cy: Roedd eu llygaid yn llydan a'u calonnau'n bryderus.
    En: Their eyes widened, and their hearts were anxious.

    Cy: Nid yw unrhyw un wedi gweld yr arteffact hwn ers canrifoedd.
    En: No one had seen this artifact for centuries.

    Cy: "Peidiwch â chyffwrdd!
    En: "Don't touch it!"

    Cy: " rhybuddiodd Gareth.
    En: warned Gareth.

    Cy: Ond roedd Rhys yn rhy ddi-sygnol.
    En: But Rhys was too careless.

    Cy: Cyffyrddodd yr arteffact ag ef ei law.
    En: He touched the artifact with his hand.

    Cy: Ar y foment honno, dychwelodd rhywbeth tywyll.
    En: At that moment, something dark returned.

    Cy: "Beth sy'n digwydd?
    En: "What's happening?"

    Cy: " gofynnodd Rhys gyda phanig yn ei lais.
    En: asked Rhys with panic in his voice.

    Cy: Roedd ei law yn cosi negyddol.
    En: His hand was itching badly.

    Cy: Roedd teimlad rhyfedd fel petai pwysau mawr ar ei ysgwyddau.
    En: There was a strange feeling as if a great weight was on his shoulders.

    Cy: "Mae'n arteffact melltith," esboniodd Eira.
    En: "It's a cursed artifact," explained Eira.

    Cy: "Rydyn ni angen dod o hyd i ffordd i dorri'r felltith.
    En: "We need to find a way to break the curse.

    Cy: Naill ai'n olrhain ein cefnau ni neu fydd e'n niweidio.
    En: Either it traces us back or it will harm us."

    Cy: "Edrychasant ar y bryniau o’u cwmpas.
    En: They looked at the hills around them.

    Cy: Roeddent yn gwybod bod angen iddynt fynd i fyny at bennau Snowdon, y copa uchaf.
    En: They knew they needed to go up to the peak of Snowdon, the highest summit.

    Cy: Cerddasant drwy'r llwybrau creigiog a llithriadwy.
    En: They walked through the rocky and slippery paths.

    Cy: Roedd cerdded yn anodd ond roeddent yn benderfynol.
    En: Walking was difficult, but they were determined.

    Cy: Wedi oriau o gerdded, cyrhaedasant ben y copa.
    En: After hours of walking, they reached the summit.

    Cy: Roedd yr haul yn dechrau machlud a lliwio'r mynyddoedd efo aur.
    En: The sun was beginning to set, coloring the mountains with gold.

    Cy: Edrychodd Eira yn fanwl ar yr arteffact.
    En: Eira looked closely at the artifact.

    Cy: Yn sydyn, roedd hi'n cael welediad.
    En: Suddenly, she had a vision.

    Cy: "Dwi yn deall," meddai.
    En: "I understand," she said.

    Cy: "Rhaid i ni roi'r arteffact yn y llyn hudol.
    En: "We must put the artifact in the enchanted lake."

    • 15 min
    Swept by the Storm: Eira's Brave Mountain Adventure

    Swept by the Storm: Eira's Brave Mountain Adventure

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Swept by the Storm: Eira's Brave Mountain Adventure
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Mewn lle gwyllt a gwyntog o'r enw Eryri, roedd merch o'r enw Eira.
    En: In a wild and windy place called Eryri, there was a girl named Eira.

    Cy: Roedd Eira yn hoffi cerdded yn y mynyddoedd gyda'i ffrindiau.
    En: Eira enjoyed walking in the mountains with her friends.

    Cy: Roeddent bob amser yn cynllunio'r teithiau hyn am wythnosau.
    En: They always planned these hikes for weeks.

    Cy: Ar fore Sadwrn, codiodd yr haul yn gynnar, a'r grŵp cyfan yn cerdded ar hyd y llwybrau serth.
    En: On a Saturday morning, the sun rose early, and the whole group walked along the steep paths.

    Cy: Roedd y dydd yn dechrau'n hyfryd, gyda'r haul yn tywynnu.
    En: The day started beautifully, with the sun shining.

    Cy: Ond, wrth i'r diwrnod fynd yn ei flaen, dechreuodd y tywydd newid.
    En: But as the day went on, the weather began to change.

    Cy: Cymylau duon yn symud yn gyflym uwchben.
    En: Black clouds moved quickly overhead.

    Cy: "Rhaid i ni symud ymlaen yn gyflym," meddai un o'r ffrindiau.
    En: "We need to move quickly," said one of the friends.

    Cy: Ond yn sydyn, dechreuodd storm ddechrau.
    En: But suddenly, a storm began.

    Cy: Gwynt cryf, glaw trwm, a tharanau uchel.
    En: Strong winds, heavy rain, and loud thunder.

    Cy: Roedd pawb yn dringo i fyny'r llwybr, yn gwasgu'u bwâu.
    En: Everyone climbed up the path, gripping their bows tightly.

    Cy: Roedd Eira yn edrych ar draws y morlyn du.
    En: Eira looked across the dark lake.

    Cy: Roedd hi'n teimlo'n nerfus.
    En: She felt nervous.

    Cy: Roedd y lleisiau'n seinio'n wael yn y storm.
    En: Voices sounded faint in the storm.

    Cy: "Eira!
    En: "Eira!

    Cy: Cadw gyda ni!
    En: Stay with us!"

    Cy: " gwaeddodd un ohonynt.
    En: shouted one of them.

    Cy: Ond o fewn eiliadau, roedd Eira ar goll.
    En: But within seconds, Eira was lost.

    Cy: Eira yn ceisio aros yn lonydd ac nawr yn crwydro'n unig ar hyd y llwybr.
    En: Eira tried to stay calm and now wandered alone along the path.

    Cy: Roedd mor wlyb a'r haul wedi mynd.
    En: She was so wet and the sun had disappeared.

    Cy: Pan oedd y gwynt yn cyfarth, ceisiodd Eira gysgod dan dderwen fawr.
    En: When the wind howled, Eira sought shelter under a large oak tree.

    Cy: "Rhaid imi aros yma tan fydd y storm drosodd," meddai Eira i'w hun.
    En: "I must stay here until the storm is over," Eira said to herself.

    Cy: Roedd hi'n ofnus, ond roedd rhaid iddi fod yn gryf.
    En: She was scared, but she had to be strong.

    Cy: Wrth aros yno, cofiai hi bopeth am ei theulu a’r adegau braf gyda’i ffrindiau.
    En: While waiting there, she remembered everything about her family and the good times with her friends.

    Cy: Yn hir ddim, dechreuodd y storm gilio.
    En: Before long, the storm began to subside.

    Cy: Roedd y glaw yn peidio ac roedd y gwynt yn lleihau.
    En: The rain stopped, and the wind lessened.

    Cy: Edrychodd Eira o amgylch, yn ystyried pa ffordd i fynd.
    En: Eira looked around, considering which way to go.

    Cy: Cofiodd hi lwybr cul a chyfarwyddodd ei hun yn ôl tuag at y lle roedd y grŵp wedi dechrau.
    En: She remembered a narrow path and guided herself back towards where the group had started.

    Cy: Des o hyd i di, "Eira!
    En: "There you are, Eira!

    Cy: Dyma 'rhi!

    • 16 min
    Adventurous Field Trip: Discover Snowdonia's Hidden Wildlife

    Adventurous Field Trip: Discover Snowdonia's Hidden Wildlife

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Adventurous Field Trip: Discover Snowdonia's Hidden Wildlife
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Roedd y bore yn oer a chlyd, a'r awel yn chwythu'n dyner dros y caeau gwyrddlas yn Eryri.
    En: The morning was cold and cozy, with the breeze gently blowing over the verdant fields in Snowdonia.

    Cy: Yn y canol, ymunodd tri myfyriwr â'r darlithydd euog i ddysgu am blanhigion a bywyd gwyllt lleol.
    En: In the middle, three students joined their guilty lecturer to learn about local plants and wildlife.

    Cy: Rhys oedd y cyntaf i sylwi ar broc môr yn cylchdroi uwchben.
    En: Rhys was the first to notice a buzzard circling overhead.

    Cy: "Gwelwch chi hwnna?" gofynnodd yn llawn cyffro.
    En: “Do you see that?” he asked excitedly.

    Cy: Cawsant gwybodaeth gan yr athro Huw am y broc môr a'r hyn roedd iddo mewn ecosystem.
    En: They received information from Professor Huw about the buzzard and its role in the ecosystem.

    Cy: Yn y grŵp roedd Rhys, oedd yn hoffi adar; Carys, sydd wrth ei bodd â phlanhigion; a Gethin, a oedd yn hoffi pryfed.
    En: In the group were Rhys, who liked birds; Carys, who loved plants; and Gethin, who liked insects.

    Cy: Dechreuodd Rhys agor llyfr adar ac edrych i fyny pa adar y gallai eu gweld.
    En: Rhys started to open a bird book and look up which birds he could see.

    Cy: Roedd Carys yn plygu ar ei gliniau i edrych yn agosach ar flodyn melyn. "Mae'r un yma'n edrych yn anarferol," meddai.
    En: Carys kneeled down to look closer at a yellow flower. “This one looks unusual,” she said.

    Cy: "Hwyrach mai blodyn y gwenyn yw e," atebodd y darlithydd Huw. "Mae'n bwysig i fyd natur."
    En: “Perhaps it's a bee orchid,” replied Lecturer Huw. “It’s important to the natural world.”

    Cy: Gwelodd Gethin gwningen yn cuddio dan lwyn. Roedd wyneb Gethin yn llawn chwilfrydedd. "Edrychwch, gwningen!" rhywogaethau eraill yn Eryri.
    En: Gethin saw a rabbit hiding under a bush. Gethin’s face was full of curiosity. “Look, a rabbit!” he exclaimed, pointing out other species in Snowdonia.

    Cy: Yna daeth y foment uchafbwynt. Daeth tywydd garw arnynt yn sydyn. Dechreuodd gwlithod enfawr glidiog i ddod allan ar eu teithiau.
    En: Then came the climax moment. Bad weather suddenly struck. Huge, slippery slugs began to emerge on their trails.

    Cy: Roedd Rhys, Carys a Gethin yn dod yn brysur casglu data. Y tywydd drwg oedd wir prawf eu gwytnwch.
    En: Rhys, Carys, and Gethin became busy collecting data. The inclement weather was a true test of their resilience.

    Cy: Ond roedd Rhys yn parhau i ganolbwyntio ar adar, tra oedd Carys yn casglu blodau. Hyd yn oed yn y bob storm, roedd Gethin yn dal i ymchwilio i drychfilod.
    En: But Rhys continued to focus on birds, while Carys was collecting flowers. Even in the storm, Gethin was still researching insects.

    Cy: Wedi amser daeth Haul o’r diwedd, ac roedd awel dyner yn dychwelyd. Roedd y tri wedi dysgu llawer am fywyd gwyllt a chwaerflodau yr ardal.
    En: Eventually, the Sun came out at last, and the gentle breeze returned. The three had learned a lot about the wildlife and orchid varieties of the area.

    Cy: Yn y diwedd, cerddodd Rhys, Carys a Gethin'n ôl i’r bws gyda'r darlithydd Huw. "Dwi'n meddwl ini i gyd ddysgu rhywbeth newydd heddiw," meddai Rhys gyda gwên.
    En: In the end, Rhys, Carys, and Gethin walked back to the bus with Lecturer Huw. “I think we all learned something new today,” Rhys said with a smile.

    Cy: "Do," cytunodd Carys a Gethin. Roedd hi'n...

    • 14 min
    Reuniting Hearts: A Family's Pilgrimage in Snowdonia

    Reuniting Hearts: A Family's Pilgrimage in Snowdonia

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Reuniting Hearts: A Family's Pilgrimage in Snowdonia
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Mae heulwen wan yn dawnsio ar y bryniau gosgeiddig.
    En: A weak sunlight dances on the graceful hills.

    Cy: Aneirin, Eira, ac Rhys yn cyfarfod yn y maes parcio ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Eryri.
    En: Aneirin, Eira, and Rhys meet in the parking lot at Snowdonia National Park.

    Cy: Nid ydynt wedi gweld ei gilydd ers blynyddoedd.
    En: They haven't seen each other for years.

    Cy: Teulu oeddent unwaith, ond amser a ffordd byth heb unrhyw alw trwsio.
    En: They were once a family, but time and distance had taken their toll.

    Cy: "Shwmae," meddai Aneirin, y brawd hynaf, gyda chwên gynnil.
    En: "Hello," said Aneirin, the eldest brother, with a subtle smile.

    Cy: Mae'r tri’n teimlo pwysigrwydd yr uniad hwn.
    En: The three feel the significance of this reunion.

    Cy: "Shwmae, Aneirin," atebodd Eira, ei chwaer ifancach, gyda llygaid llawn dagrau.
    En: "Hello, Aneirin," replied Eira, the younger sister, with tearful eyes.

    Cy: Rhys, y brawd canol, yn clymu ei esgidiau ychydig yn lletchwith.
    En: Rhys, the middle brother, was tying his shoes a little awkwardly.

    Cy: Roedd y diwrnod yn un braf.
    En: The day was fine.

    Cy: Y mynyddoedd yn sefyll fel gwefreidiau.
    En: The mountains stood like majestic sentinels.

    Cy: Roedd yr awyr yn glir, felly aethant ymlaen ar hyd y llwybr tuag at gopa’r Wyddfa.
    En: The sky was clear, so they continued on the path towards the summit of Snowdon.

    Cy: Yr amcan?
    En: The purpose?

    Cy: Gollwng lludw eu tad-cu, a chofio ei gariad at y mynyddoedd.
    En: To scatter their grandfather's ashes and remember his love for the mountains.

    Cy: Pan oeddynt yn dringo, bu sôn am atgofion plentyndod.
    En: As they climbed, they spoke of childhood memories.

    Cy: "Cofio chi'r tro i Dad-cu fynd â ni i'r llyn?
    En: "Do you remember the time Grandpa took us to the lake?"

    Cy: " gofynnodd Eira.
    En: Eira asked.

    Cy: Roedd y llyn dan eira trwchus, ond fe wnaethant chwerthin wrth gofio'r chwaraeon eira.
    En: The lake was covered in thick snow, but they laughed remembering the snow games.

    Cy: "Wrth gwrs," atebodd Rhys, "Gwnaeth e wastad siarad am y lle yma.
    En: "Of course," answered Rhys, "He always talked about this place."

    Cy: "Ar ôl oriau o gerdded, cyrhaeddodd y tri copa'r Wyddfa.
    En: After hours of walking, the three reached the summit of Snowdon.

    Cy: Roedd yr olygfa yn ysblennydd - mor eang, mor hardd.
    En: The view was spectacular - so vast, so beautiful.

    Cy: Aneirin gafael yn llyfn ar y tŷ bychan, yn cynnwys lludw eu tad-cu.
    En: Aneirin held the small urn containing their grandfather’s ashes.

    Cy: Roedd y foment yn dystaw, gan bawb yn teimlo sancteidrwydd y lle.
    En: The moment was silent, everyone feeling the sanctity of the place.

    Cy: "Dyma ni," meddai Aneirin yn dawel, gan agor y gorchudd ac adeinirnodd yn dawel y lludw i’r gwynt.
    En: "Here we are," said Aneirin quietly, opening the lid and gently scattering the ashes into the wind.

    Cy: Roedd Eira ag Rhys yn dal cryf i’w gilydd, gan wybod eu bod wedi gwneud rhywbeth arbennig heddiw.
    En: Eira and Rhys held each other tightly, knowing they had done something special today.

    Cy: Pan syrthiodd yr ail lwch olaf, roeddynt yn wynebu'r dyfodol gyda'u teyrngarwch hen.
    En: As the last bit of ash fell, they faced the future with their...

    • 14 min
    From Peaks to Peaks: Forging Bonds in Snowdonia's Splendor

    From Peaks to Peaks: Forging Bonds in Snowdonia's Splendor

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: From Peaks to Peaks: Forging Bonds in Snowdonia's Splendor
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Wedi'i glwydo ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Eryri, roedd y cwmwl yn hongian fel blanced lwyd dros y mynyddoedd.
    En: Nestled in Snowdonia National Park, the cloud hung like a grey blanket over the mountains.

    Cy: Roedd y tir yn wyrdd, llawn bywyd.
    En: The land was green, full of life.

    Cy: Yno, rhaid i ni ddianc o'r byd prysur.
    En: There, we must escape from the busy world.

    Cy: Roedd Eira, Gwyn, a Dylan yn rhan o griw cwmni technoleg lleol.
    En: Eira, Gwyn, and Dylan were part of a local tech company's team.

    Cy: Roeddent yn dod i Eryri i ffurfio tîm cryfach.
    En: They were coming to Snowdonia to form a stronger team.

    Cy: Fe ddechreuodd y daith ar fore Sadwrn.
    En: The journey began on a Saturday morning.

    Cy: Roedd Eira yn gyffrous.
    En: Eira was excited.

    Cy: Roedd hi'n caru natur a mynyddoedd.
    En: She loved nature and mountains.

    Cy: Roedd Gwyn yn nerfus ond yn edrych ymlaen at yr antur.
    En: Gwyn was nervous but looking forward to the adventure.

    Cy: Roedd Dylan yn pendroni beth fyddai'n digwydd.
    En: Dylan was wondering what would happen.

    Cy: "Rhaid i ni beidio â cholli ein ffordd," meddai Eira, gyda map yn ei llaw.
    En: “We mustn’t lose our way,” said Eira, with a map in her hand.

    Cy: Cerddon nhw yn gyfagos i lyn o'r enw Llyn Idwal.
    En: They walked near a lake called Llyn Idwal.

    Cy: Roedd y dŵr yn glir fel grisial.
    En: The water was clear as crystal.

    Cy: Roedd y llwybr yn serth, ond diddorol.
    En: The path was steep but interesting.

    Cy: Roedd y tri yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd i ddringo'r llethrau garw.
    En: The three worked together to climb the rugged slopes.

    Cy: Yna, fe ddaethon nhw o hyd i ffyrdd wedi blocio gan goed syrthiedig.
    En: Then, they encountered paths blocked by fallen trees.

    Cy: Roedd rhaid iddyn nhw gymryd cam yn ôl a chyfathrebu.
    En: They had to take a step back and communicate.

    Cy: Yma roedd sgiliau rhyngweithiol yn dod yn bwysig.
    En: Here, interactive skills became important.

    Cy: Roedd y tîm yn dechrau sylweddoli pwysigrwydd gweithio gyda'i gilydd.
    En: The team began to realize the importance of working together.

    Cy: "Rydyn ni'n gallu gwneud hyn," meddai Dylan, gan dynnu ei anadl yn ddwfn.
    En: “We can do this,” said Dylan, taking a deep breath.

    Cy: Rhoddodd wên i'w ffrindiau.
    En: He gave a smile to his friends.

    Cy: Ar ôl sawl awr o gerdded a sgrafennu, rwystrau a llwyddiannau, wnaeth y tîm gyrraedd brig y mynydd.
    En: After several hours of walking and scrambling, obstacles and successes, the team reached the top of the mountain.

    Cy: Roedd golygfa ysblennydd.
    En: The view was breathtaking.

    Cy: Y mynyddoedd yn ymestyn i'r pellter, lleuadwen ar draws y cwmpas.
    En: The mountains stretched into the distance, moonlight over the expanse.

    Cy: "Rydym ni wedi gwneud e!" gweiddodd Gwyn, yn tynnu lluniau gyda'i ffôn.
    En: “We’ve done it!” shouted Gwyn, taking pictures with his phone.

    Cy: Nid oedd ond ffaith bod wedi cyrraedd brig yr her yn caledu'r tîm.
    En: It wasn’t just the fact that they had reached the peak of the challenge that hardened the team.

    Cy: Roedd cyfathrebu, cydweithio, a chefnogi ei gilydd wedi gwneud iddyn nhw ddysgu.
    En: Communication, collaboration, and supporting each other had...

    • 14 min

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