373 episodes

The betrayal of a family member, partner, friend, etc. can create physical, mental and emotional challenges. If left unhealed, it impacts us personally and professionally. The From Betrayal to Breakthrough podcast shares insights from the best therapists, coaches, healers, thought leaders and everyday people, combined with the findings of a recent Ph.D. study on betrayal to help you move forward and heal...once and for all.

From Betrayal To Breakthrough Dr. Debi Silber

    • Health & Fitness

The betrayal of a family member, partner, friend, etc. can create physical, mental and emotional challenges. If left unhealed, it impacts us personally and professionally. The From Betrayal to Breakthrough podcast shares insights from the best therapists, coaches, healers, thought leaders and everyday people, combined with the findings of a recent Ph.D. study on betrayal to help you move forward and heal...once and for all.

    372: Prenups, Coparenting and More with Lisa Zeiderman

    372: Prenups, Coparenting and More with Lisa Zeiderman

    In this episode, we are joined by Lisa Zeiderman, a seasoned attorney specializing in family law, to dive into the often challenging topics of prenuptial agreements, co-parenting, and navigating divorce.  
    Lisa brings her wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, offering practical advice and valuable insights for those who are considering marriage, going through a separation, or managing co-parenting responsibilities. 
    Throughout the conversation, we explore the intricacies of prenuptial agreements, highlighting their importance in fostering transparency and financial planning between partners. Lisa shares real-life examples of successful and unsuccessful prenup negotiations, providing a clear understanding of how to approach this sensitive subject. 
    Moving into the realm of divorce and co-parenting, Lisa discusses the critical factors in ensuring the well-being of children and maintaining effective communication between parents. She recommends useful tools like co-parenting apps and emphasizes the need for a support team, including therapists and financial advisors, to navigate the complexities of divorce. 
    Lisa also addresses the challenges of dealing with manipulative behavior, particularly from narcissistic individuals, and the importance of exposing dishonesty in court. Additionally, she offers strategies for handling interference from extended family members, ensuring that the child's best interests remain the focal point. 
    This episode is a must-listen for anyone facing the difficult dynamics of prenuptial agreements, divorce, or co-parenting. Lisa's expert guidance and compassionate approach provide a roadmap for managing these situations with clarity and confidence. 
    Key Points: 
    Prenuptial Agreements: 
    Acknowledge the financial partnership in marriage. 
    Helps avoid costly litigation in case of divorce. 
    Facilitates transparency and financial discussions. 
    Covers issues like separate property, inheritance, budgeting, and spousal support. 
    Navigating Divorce and Co-Parenting: 
    Importance of discussing children's needs and parenting arrangements. 
    Emphasizes the need for clear and concise communication. 
    Recommends co-parenting apps like Our Family Wizard for effective communication and coordination. 
    Highlights the significance of fostering a healthy relationship between children and both parents. 
    Addresses concerns about abusive or addicted parents and the need for supervised access when necessary. 
    Advises against unilateral decisions during litigation and stresses the importance of consulting a team of professionals, including therapists, financial advisors, and attorneys. 
    Dealing with Narcissistic Behavior: 
    Acknowledges the challenge of dealing with manipulative behavior in court. 
    Emphasizes the importance of exposing lies and maintaining credibility. 
    Suggests selecting an attorney who can effectively advocate against such behavior. 
    Handling Family Interference: 
    Advises taking control of situations where family members interfere. 
    Stresses the importance of maintaining boundaries and prioritizing the child's well-being. 
    Building a Support Team: 
    Recommends building a team of advisors to navigate divorce proceedings effectively. 
    Mentions organizations like Savvy Ladies and Family Legal Care for additional support. 
    Contact Information: 
    Lisa Zeiderman: https://lisazeiderman.com  
    SavvyLadies.org: https://www.savvyladies.org  

    • 28 min
    371: Navigating Social Events After Betrayal

    371: Navigating Social Events After Betrayal

    In this episode, we dive into the complexities of handling various social events after experiencing betrayal. Whether it’s a wedding, a backyard party, or any significant occasion, navigating these situations can be particularly challenging. We discuss strategies for the betrayed, how to maintain composure and focus, and ways to protect yourself emotionally. 
    Key Points: 
    Reflecting on a recent wedding experience. 
    Addressing the difficulty of attending events post-betrayal. 
    Exploring the emotional and social dynamics involved. 
    Pre-Event Preparation: 
    Envision a Positive Outcome: Mentally prepare and visualize the event going smoothly. 
    Energetic Protection: Techniques such as imagining a protective bubble around yourself to block negativity. 
    Setting Intentions: Focus on the person or reason for the event, not the betrayer. 
    During the Event: 
    Mindset: Keep the focus on the celebration and not on personal pain. 
    Handling Conversations: 
    Have a prepared response for well-meaning but intrusive questions (e.g., "I'm working on it, thank you for asking"). 
    Avoid discussing your betrayal in detail. 
    Avoiding Numbing Agents: Be cautious with alcohol and other numbing behaviors to maintain control and judgment. 
    Boundary Setting: 
    Plan how long you will stay and how you will exit if needed. 
    Decide on boundaries for discussing personal matters. 
    Post-Event Reflection: 
    Celebrate your strength and courage in attending the event. 
    Acknowledge and validate your efforts and progress. 
    Healing and Progress: 
    Recognize the difference in conversations and feelings at various stages of healing. 
    Aim to speak from the scar, not the wound. 
    Understanding the journey through The Five Stages from Betrayal to Breakthrough. 
    Final Thoughts and Encouragement: 
    Embrace self-love and compassion throughout the process. 
    Continual progress leads to easier handling of such events. 
    The PBT Institute is here to support your journey to your Stage five self. 
    "Choose the regret that stinks less." 
    "You don't want to speak from the wound; you want to speak from the scar." 
    "Betrayal is one of the most painful of the human experiences, but you can and will move through it." 
    PBT Institute 
    TEDx Talks by Dr. Debi: "Stop Sabotaging Yourself" and "Do You Have Post Betrayal Syndrome?" 
    For support and more information, visit the PBT Institute. https://thepbtinstitute.com  
    Discover practical strategies for navigating events after betrayal in this insightful episode. Learn how to protect yourself emotionally, handle difficult conversations, and maintain focus on the celebration. Tune in for tips on setting boundaries, avoiding regrets, and progressing through the healing stages. 

    • 29 min
    370: Rebuilding Confidence After Betrayal

    370: Rebuilding Confidence After Betrayal

    The episode begins with an exploration of how betrayal can shatter confidence and disrupt life, affecting relationships, self-worth, and trust. 
    Main Discussion: 
    The concept of confidence is unpacked, describing it as a quality earned through overcoming uncomfortable experiences and reflecting on them to grow stronger. 

    Dr. Debi shares personal anecdotes and observations about opportunities lost due to a lack of confidence and the regret that follows. 

    A detailed examination of how betrayal specifically impacts confidence, leading to self-doubt and a reinforced cycle of negative beliefs about oneself. 

    The process of rebuilding confidence is discussed as taking on challenges, reflecting on the outcomes, and gradually making new decisions that reinforce a positive self-view. 
    Key Points: 
    Definition of Confidence: Confidence is viewed as a result of surviving and reflecting on challenging experiences. 
    Impact of Betrayal: Betrayal uniquely shatters confidence by making one question their judgments and the intentions of others. 
    Rebuilding Strategy: Confidence can be rebuilt by confronting new challenges, reflecting on these experiences, and adjusting behaviors to reinforce positive self-perceptions. 
    Stages of Rebuilding Confidence: 
    Dr. Debi outlines The Five Stages from Betrayal to Breakthrough, emphasizing the importance of each Stage in recovering and building back confidence. 
    Examples include setting boundaries, saying no when necessary, and embracing new opportunities to test one's limits and capabilities. 
    Practical Advice: 
    Listeners are encouraged to identify and take on one new challenge that can help build their confidence. This could be anything from wearing something different, starting a new activity, or engaging in a new conversation. 
    The episode wraps up with a call to action for listeners to share their own experiences with rebuilding confidence after betrayal and a reminder to check out the resources available at The PBT Institute. 
    Additional Resources: 
    The PBT Institute for further support and resources on dealing with betrayal and building confidence: https://thepbtinstitute.com  
    PBT Corporate: https://thepbtinstitute.com/corporate/  

    • 27 min
    369: Suddenly Single: Financial and Emotional Insights with Becky West Creaven and Patti Janko Tupper

    369: Suddenly Single: Financial and Emotional Insights with Becky West Creaven and Patti Janko Tupper

    In this enlightening episode, we dive deep into the complexities of handling life post-betrayal and navigating the path to divorce with financial experts Becky Wuest Creavin and Patti Janco Tupper. Both speakers share invaluable advice on dealing with the unexpected challenges that come with becoming suddenly single, particularly after a betrayal.

    Here's what we covered: 
    Understanding Betrayal and Its Consequences: Discussion on how betrayal impacts relationships and when it might lead to divorce. The importance of understanding whether reconciliation or separation is the right path, and the significance of establishing a plan if divorce seems imminent. 

    Financial Preparedness: Patti and Becky emphasize the crucial steps for financial preparedness, especially for women. Key actions include understanding your assets and liabilities, establishing credit, and knowing your financial advisors. They discuss the importance of creating a comprehensive financial picture before making any major decisions. 

    Immediate Steps Post-Divorce Announcement: How to cope when you are blindsided by divorce. Practical advice on assessing personal spending, understanding the costs of maintaining assets, and recognizing personal financial habits. 

    Choosing the Right Legal Help: Tips on selecting the appropriate attorney for your divorce, considering whether a more aggressive approach (a "shark") or mediation is suitable for your situation. They highlight the balance between getting fair settlements and avoiding excessive legal fees. 

    Post-Divorce Financial Management: The significance of revising wills, insurance policies, and beneficiary designations post-divorce. It's crucial to update these documents to reflect your new status and ensure that your financial and legal affairs are in order. 

    Long-Term Financial Security: Advice on consulting with financial advisors to ensure long-term viability of your financial plans. They stress the importance of understanding whether you can sustain your lifestyle post-divorce. 
    Success Stories: Becky and Patti share inspiring success stories of clients who navigated through the financial turmoil of divorce to achieve stability and confidence in managing their finances independently. 

    Final Thoughts: Encouragement to seek help and ask questions without feeling embarrassed about lacking financial knowledge. The importance of being proactive, informed, and engaged in managing your finances, especially in times of personal upheaval. 

    Where to Learn More: For more insights and advice from Becky West Creavin and Patti Janco Tupper, visit their LinkedIn profiles. 
    This episode provides essential strategies for anyone facing the daunting prospect of sudden singleness due to betrayal, ensuring they come out stronger and more financially savvy on the other side. 
    Guest Contact Information: 
    Becky Wuest Creavin: LinkedIn 
    Patti Janco Tupper: LinkedIn 

    • 29 min
    368: Why We Stay Stuck

    368: Why We Stay Stuck

    In this enlightening episode, Dr. Debi dives into the persistent struggles many face long after experiencing betrayal, challenging the notion that time alone heals wounds. Through personal anecdotes and scientific insights, the discussion revolves around the ineffective coping mechanisms and the essential Stages from Betrayal to Breakthrough, providing a deep understanding of the healing process. 
    Key Topics Covered: 
    Misconception of Time in Healing: 
    Exploring why the passage of time is not a reliable healer of betrayal. 
    Discussion on how we can remain stuck in Stage three of healing indefinitely. 
    Ineffectiveness of New Relationships: 
    Addressing the false belief that starting new relationships can mend old wounds. 
    Insights into why feelings of distrust and anxiety persist in new interactions. 
    The Role of Beliefs in Healing: 
    The significance of identifying and challenging deeply ingrained beliefs to facilitate recovery. 
    Personal reflection on how unexamined beliefs shape behaviors and impede healing. 
    Personal Story: Overcoming Overcommitment: 
    Dr. Debi shares a personal story about managing a busy life with family and work, and the realization that slowing down was necessary for well-being. 
    The Three Groups Who Don’t Heal: 
    An in-depth look at the specific behaviors and mindsets of three groups identified in a study who failed to heal from betrayal. 
    Discussion on how clinging to victimhood, avoiding emotional pain, and failing to impose consequences on the betrayer prevent healing. 
    Transformation vs. Resilience: 
    Differentiating between resilience (restoring the old) and transformation (creating anew). 
    Emphasizing the need for radical changes and the potential for growth post-trauma. 
    Strategies for Healing: 
    Practical advice on moving through the stages of healing from betrayal. 
    Encouragement to undertake personal transformations and reevaluate one’s beliefs and coping strategies. 
    The episode ends with a powerful call to view betrayal not just as a painful event, but as a pivotal opportunity for personal growth and transformation. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own healing journeys and consider making the bold changes necessary to not only recover but to thrive. 
    Next Steps: 
    For those looking to deepen their understanding of the topics discussed, additional resources and links are provided in the podcast description. 
    Listeners are encouraged to subscribe for more insightful discussions on personal growth and overcoming life’s challenges. 
    This episode serves as a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to navigate the complex path from betrayal to breakthrough, emphasizing the importance of active engagement in one’s own healing process. 
    The PBT Institute: https://thepbtinstitute.com 
    Reclaim Program: https://thepbtinstitute.com/reclaim/ 
    Explore the journey from betrayal to breakthrough in this podcast episode, where we debunk the myth that time heals all wounds and delve into why new relationships often fail to mend past betrayals. Discover the crucial stages of healing and the power of transforming deeply ingrained beliefs. Join us for insights on overcoming the challenges of betrayal and turning trauma into an opportunity for personal growth. 

    • 27 min
    367: Are Your Beliefs Sabotaging Your Healing?

    367: Are Your Beliefs Sabotaging Your Healing?

    In this episode, we dive into a common but limiting mindset: resignation. Resignation leads many of us to accept less than we deserve, believing "this is just the way it is" and nothing can change. In this episode, Dr. Debi shares personal anecdotes and insights on how our beliefs shape our reality and how challenging and changing these beliefs can lead to significant transformation in our lives. 
    Key Points Discussed: 
    The Power of Resignation: Explore how resignation can limit our potential by convincing us to accept our current circumstances without question. 

    Mindset and Reality: Learn how our mindset, particularly beliefs rooted in resignation, can shape our experiences and outcomes in life. 

    Personal Anecdote: Dr. Debi shares a personal story about constantly being stopped for security checks while traveling, highlighting how a resigned belief led to a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

    Rewiring Mindset: Discover strategies for challenging and changing limiting beliefs, focusing on a practical approach involving a mindset shift from resignation to empowerment. 

    Beliefs vs. Facts: Understand the distinction between beliefs and facts, and how questioning our beliefs can lead to growth and change. 

    Practical Tools for Change: Introduction of simple, practical tools like using a rubber band or hair tie to snap on your wrist as a reminder to question your beliefs and thoughts. 

    The Role of Resilience in Overcoming Resignation: Insights into how resilience and a proactive approach to dealing with "weeds" (negative thoughts and beliefs) can nurture the "garden" of your mind, leading to a healthier, more fulfilling life. 

    Transformation Through Belief Examination: An encouragement to examine and question every belief, especially those inherited or unchallenged, to create deliberate and intentional transformation. 
    Episode Highlights: 
    Rewiring Your Mindset Experiment: Dr. Debi's experiment with changing a specific belief about being stopped at airport security showcases the power of mindset change and its impact on reality. 

    Hard Now, Easy Later Philosophy: Discusses the concept of enduring short-term discomfort for long-term ease, especially relevant in the process of healing and personal growth. 

    Betrayal and Belief Systems: Touches on how beliefs formed from experiences of betrayal can significantly impact your life and the importance of consciously creating a new version of oneself post-betrayal. 

    Practical Exercise for Changing Beliefs: The use of a physical reminder to snap out of limiting beliefs and the importance of constantly questioning the validity and utility of our beliefs. 

    Resources Mentioned: 
    The PBT Institute: https://thepbtinstitute.com A community and resource for people going through betrayal, offering support, insights, and tools for healing and transformation. 

    We invite you to reflect on your beliefs, especially those that may stem from resignation. Challenge yourself to identify one belief this week that you can question and reframe. Remember, every belief you change is a step closer to the life you desire and deserve. If you're seeking support or more strategies on transforming your life post-betrayal, consider exploring the resources available at The PBT Institute. 
    Join us next time as we continue to explore the power of mindset, resilience, and transformation on your journey to becoming your best self. 

    • 17 min

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