311 episodes

It's time to create a life that's better than your dreams! Get started at: iheartmylife.com/go

It's time to create a life that's better than your dreams!

Hi, I'm Emily Williams, success coach, author, and founder of I Heart My Life.

Join me for our weekly podcast as my guests, and I dive deep into all the things YOU need to create the life YOU want.

We're talking mindset, relationships, wellness, lifestyle, money, business, career... And more!

It's your one-stop shop for all things personal development.

So if you want to experience extraordinary success, make more money, and finally, go after what you really want, then make sure you follow this podcast.

I Heart My Life Show Emily Williams

    • Education

It's time to create a life that's better than your dreams! Get started at: iheartmylife.com/go

It's time to create a life that's better than your dreams!

Hi, I'm Emily Williams, success coach, author, and founder of I Heart My Life.

Join me for our weekly podcast as my guests, and I dive deep into all the things YOU need to create the life YOU want.

We're talking mindset, relationships, wellness, lifestyle, money, business, career... And more!

It's your one-stop shop for all things personal development.

So if you want to experience extraordinary success, make more money, and finally, go after what you really want, then make sure you follow this podcast.

    Embracing Change: Unleash Authenticity & Redefine Living with Asha Rani

    Embracing Change: Unleash Authenticity & Redefine Living with Asha Rani

    In this episode of the I Heart My Life Show, I had the pleasure of hosting Asha, a periodontist and dentist by profession, who is currently on a journey of self-discovery and finding her voice. Our conversation revolved around the importance of letting go of societal expectations and following one's heart.
    The Journey of Self-Discovery Asha's journey of self-discovery is a testament to the power of introspection and personal growth. She emphasized the importance of letting go of preconceived notions of what the future should look like, and instead, focusing on the present. She advised listeners to follow their hearts first and then let their brains guide them in the right direction.
    Asha is currently in a space of self-discovery and finding her voice, particularly in discussing topics that are often not talked about, especially among women. She highlighted the tendency to define ourselves by our professions and encouraged listeners to explore who they are beyond their careers.
    Seeking Help and Healing Asha's journey wasn't without its challenges. She realized that she needed help and reached out to trusted friends, therapists, and spiritual teachers. She talked about the process of healing her inner child and detaching from societal conditioning and expectations.
    One of the major life changes she made was ending a long-term relationship. She emphasized the importance of giving oneself permission to grow and evolve, even when it means making difficult decisions.
    Embracing Authenticity and Facing Fear Asha discussed the fear and uncertainty she faced when making the decision to change her relationship and the impact it had on her life. She emphasized the importance of authenticity and surrendering to the unknown.
    She also talked about the fear of judgment and the guilt she felt as a mother, but ultimately realized that her own happiness was important. She shared how letting go of fear opened up new opportunities and brought her closer to people who were aligned with her true self.
    The Power of Vulnerability and Self-Love Asha acknowledged that not everyone understood her choices, including some close friends, but she learned to prioritize self-love and accept that not everyone will be on the same journey. She also highlighted the power of vulnerability and the healing it brings, especially when sharing personal experiences on a public platform.
    Breaking Cultural Stigmas As someone from an Indian background, Asha acknowledged the cultural challenges and stigma surrounding divorce but emphasized that personal growth and happiness should be prioritized. She discussed the challenges of divorce within the Indian community and the shame and stigma associated with it.
    Despite her fear of how her parents and the community would react to her decision, she decided to break the silence and share her story through writing a book and speaking publicly about her experiences.
    Final Thoughts In response to my final question, Asha advised listeners to let go of expectations and be present. This conversation with Asia was a powerful reminder of the importance of self-discovery, authenticity, and the courage to follow one's heart. It's a journey that may not be easy, but it's certainly worth it.
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    • 30 min
    Discovering the Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea with Meghna Dassani

    Discovering the Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea with Meghna Dassani

    In this episode, our host, Emily Williams, sits down with Meghna Dassani, a practicing dentist from Houston, Texas. Meghna's work goes beyond just teeth - she specializes in treating and managing sleep apnea in both adults and children.
    In this conversation, Meghna shares her personal journey and the pivotal moment that inspired her to delve into the world of sleep apnea. It all started with the loss of her father-in-law to this condition, which prompted her to seek answers and find a way to prevent her own family from experiencing such a tragic loss.
    As Meghna dug deeper, she discovered that sleep apnea is far more common than we realize. It can affect not only adults but also children, who often go undiagnosed due to a lack of awareness. She discusses the telltale signs to look out for in children, such as bedwetting, fatigue, and behavior issues.
    Sleep apnea occurs when a person repeatedly stops breathing for 10 seconds or longer during sleep. This interruption in breathing causes oxygen deprivation and puts strain on the heart. The consequences can be significant, ranging from high blood pressure and diabetes to stroke and even early onset Alzheimer's. Meghna's insights shed light on the interconnectedness of sleep health and overall wellbeing.
    Meghna also shares the treatment options available, both for adults and children. She explains how her practice has successfully integrated sleep apnea management and presents hope for those seeking relief and improved quality of life.
    Whether you have personal experience with sleep apnea or are simply curious to learn more about this hidden danger, this episode is a must-listen. So grab your favorite beverage, a notebook, and tune in to hear Meghna and Emily dive deep into the world of sleep apnea.
    You don't want to miss out on this eye-opening discussion….
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    • 25 min
    Turning Your Pain Into Your Passion (and Profits) with Blair Jones

    Turning Your Pain Into Your Passion (and Profits) with Blair Jones

    In an inspiring episode of Emily Williams’s ‘I Heart My Life Show,’ Blair Jones offers a glimpse into her captivating journey – a unique weave of challenges and victories that captured the hearts of listeners. Blair affirmed her place as a black sheep in her family and life, showing the extraordinary power of going against the norm to discover a path filled with abundance and joy.
    The reality of Blair’s entrepreneurial journey wasn’t without resistance. From the skeptical outlook of her mom, an unpredictable journey to financial success, to the struggle for self-acceptance in an increasingly judgmental society, Blair’s journey unmasked the truths often hidden behind successful network marketing entrepreneurs. However, her resilience surpassed all the familial resistance, eventually retiring her mom with the prosperity she garnered from her efforts.
    Blair beautifully depicted herself as a trailblazer who takes pride in forging a unique path away from the conventional crowd. She refused to be tamed by societal expectations and instead channeled her energy into manifesting her dreams. For her, success was a combination of a positive mindset, direct action, and being genuine in a pursuit filled with uncertainty and high risks.
    Blair’s journey wasn’t an overnight transformation. It took seven years for her to reach her initial income goal. Speaking about this journey, Blair candidly expressed her struggle to balance her success with the fear of losing it all. Yet, through these challenges, she found nourishment in recognizing her worthiness and understanding that achieving her dreams requires an achiever’s mindset.
    In the world of network marketing, Blair sees it as a boundless field accessible to all, regardless of education or background. Interestingly, women, who compose 75% of millionaires in network marketing, have a significant role in this industry. Another remarkable fact Blair shared is that 90% of millionaires have some residual income, a unique opportunity offered by network marketing.
    She also believes in the transformative power of self-care, dedicating time to biohacking and nurturing the mind, body, and soul. On her path to balance pursuing her dreams and maintaining a grounded life, Blair incorporated points of pause – such as mindfully enjoying a meal or taking a moment to unwind by watching TV. This practice became a crucial part of her daily routine, allowing her the space to disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with herself.
    Talking about her relationship with her husband, she highlighted the importance of open conversations and clear boundaries. She found that setting goals together, including weekly love meetings and dedicated family time, helped her and her spouse stay connected and effectively manage their dreams.
    Whether combing through the forms of resistance she faced or basking in the overflow of her achieved goals, Blair’s story painted the spectrum of entrepreneurship in true detail. By sharing her obstacles, achievements, beliefs, and practices, she truly encapsulated the essence of an empowered, determined, and fulfilled entrepreneur; redefining success in her own terms.
    In conclusion, Blair Jones’s captivating episode on ‘I Heart My Life Show’ reaffirms that personal achievements are not dictated by societal norms or expectations. Instead, they are constructed through self-belief, perseverance, and the courage to create our own uncharted paths. Thank you, Blair, for your inspiring story of harnessing hope and taming fears to create a fulfilling life. You truly embody the power of non-negotiables for success in business and life.
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    Email: info@iheartmylife.com

    • 53 min
    How to Strengthen Your Intuition with Dr. Nicole Garritano

    How to Strengthen Your Intuition with Dr. Nicole Garritano

    In this episode, we have a special guest, Dr. Nicole Garritano who is an energetic intuitive coach and consultant, expert teacher, energy medicine practitioner and bestselling author. As a doctorally prepared nurse practitioner and academic she blends her scientific knowledge with her spiritual studies and helps others remember who they are and step into their full potential.
    Throughout this conversation, we dive into how high-achieving women can tap into their intuition to uplevel their lives, gain an understanding and recognizing the power of intuition, and leverage the different senses.
    We'll also explore the transition from academia to intuitive coaching, the importance of daily practices to strengthen intuition, and the need to cut out distractions that don't serve us. 
    Nicole will also share how you can find marketing strategies that align with your intuition, rather than just following what you've been taught. We'll also touch on understanding human design, decision-making methods, managing team dynamics, and trusting yourself when something feels out of alignment. 
    So gear up, sit back, and get ready to deepen your understanding of your intuition and how to harness it. 
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    Email: info@iheartmylife.com

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    "Trust yourself and your higher power for co-creation and exceeding expectations." - Nicole

    "Everyone has intuition, it's just a matter of recognizing and understanding how your intuition works for you." - Nicole

    "Connecting with nature and getting enough sleep are some daily practices to strengthen your intuition." - Nicole

    "Follow your intuition, even if it seems crazy. Trusting yourself is the first step in taking action." - Nicole

    "Consider your unique energy in finding the marketing strategy that works best for you. Don't just blindly follow what you've been taught." - Nicole

    "Supporting your children in developing intuition involves teaching them to feel into their bodies and express their emotions." - Nicole

    "Understanding your human design and authorities brings compassion and understanding into your relationships." - Nicole

    "Something feeling out of alignment is a sign that it's time to trust yourself and make a change." - Nicole

    "Trust your intuition when making business decisions, especially when conventional methods don't resonate with you." - Nicole

    "Shift from the intellectual mind to the heart for decision-making. The heart has intuitive knowledge." - Nicole

    "When making big decisions, take your time. Don't let society's expectations rush you." - Nicole

    "Use the power of the 'eye of the heart' together with your third eye for intuitive guidance." - Nicole

    • 39 min
    Navigating Love, Growth, and Balance in Relationships with Monika Zands

    Navigating Love, Growth, and Balance in Relationships with Monika Zands

    In this episode, you'll meet the incredible Monika Zands. She's one of my dear friends, an incredible transformational coach and a true life teacher who always has so much wisdom to share. 

    She's one of those humans who really sees you when you're in her presence, and there's never anything surface-level about the conversation. 

    For that reason, it's difficult to convey just how beautiful this episode was. My husband James said it was one of his favorites to date (out of 300+)! Even the first few minutes (where we talked about the different levels of relationships) were very powerful. 

    Here are some of the topics we covered together…

    Navigating Relationship Dynamics Balancing Family and Business (and Multiple Businesses) Love Languages and Communication The Power of Awareness Techniques for Staying Grounded

    Trust me, it's full of wisdom and inspiration that will not only leave you with tons of notes and action steps, but empower you on your own transformational journey. I know you'll love it…

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    Connect with Monika Zands

    The Art of Friendship: "Keep your mouth shut, Monica. Be quiet until asked and become really good at listening."— Monika Zands

    Navigating Relationship Dynamics: "One of the things we got really clear of probably about ten years into our marriage, and we've been married 22 years, but together 30. So about ten years into our marriage, we started saying, hey, I don't want to make an assumption that who you've always been is who you are today. So there are going to be times when I think you'll do this, but I'm going to still ask, and I want you to know that I'm simply asking to honor you."— Monika Zands 

    "Balancing Family and Business: 'Okay, can we breathe?' Even if it gets a little scary, because we're spending a lot of the focus time on our daughter because the clock is ticking."— Monika Zands 

    Butterflies and the Beauty of Life: "I said to Jan, what a beautiful reminder and metaphor for life that we every season has its day by day nuances. That one day there were no butterflies, and the very next day there's thousands of butterflies coming out of their cocoons. And what if we could relate to each other? Like, who's the you I'm meeting today? And how do I nurture what we need to have a beautiful reflection, like gratitude at the end of a day?"— Monika Zands 

    Love Languages and Communication:"We have very different love languages. I'm an Acts of Service love language, and he's a words of affirmation. So what fills him and has him feel reassured is not the same as what fills me."— Monika Zands 

    The Power of Awareness: "But the awareness knows the need doesn't need to be met to feel whole."— Monika Zands 

    The Power of Inner Resources: "Everyone was born with their own inner resources to do the work they need to do."— Monika Zands 

    Deeper Sense of Breathing: "When I listen to these recordings, it stops me because the whole premise of these recordings is the distinction of the wanter and the longing and the more and the not enough. And the observer of all is well, and how cute or how sweet or how tender of that girl who's doing those things. And when I can see both of those sides of me, this beautiful walk between both, actually, it strengthens and softens my nervous system. So I'm not having the natural stress response. I'm actually going into a deeper sense of breathing."— Monika Zands 

    Ping Pong in Relationships: "And what tends to happen is we were modeled by our parents or modeled by whoever did relationship around us that someone's right and someone's wrong."— Monika Zands 

    • 1 hr
    10 Ways to Know If You Have Money Blocks

    10 Ways to Know If You Have Money Blocks

    Welcome to another episode of the I Heart My Life Show! In today's episode, we are diving into a topic that is near and dear to our hearts - money blocks and money mindset. 
    Many of us may not even realize that our internal beliefs about money are holding us back from reaching our financial goals and success. We often find ourselves stuck at the same financial level, despite making money. But fear not, because we're here to help you identify and overcome these money blocks. 
    In this episode, we will explore ten different ways to know if you have money blocks, and we guarantee that at least one of them will resonate with you. 
    From not making the money you want, to being negative about money, to surrounding yourself with people who are stuck in lack, we will help you uncover the signs of money blocks in your life. 
    But we won't leave you hanging - we will also share practical strategies and mindset shifts to help you overcome these blocks. 
    Shifting your mindset and expanding your capacity to receive are key to unlocking your financial potential. 
    So, get ready to free yourself from the limitations of your money mindset and step into a new level of abundance. Let's dive in!
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    • 22 min

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