42 min

Logic signs to Twitch, Brime has a rough start, and Rocket League makes huge moves Patch Notes

    • Entertainment News

In this week's pod, we talk about the massive contract deal between Logic and Twitch, and what it means for the industry going forward.  Brime has a horrible alpha sign up phase, causing more controversy over the up and coming streaming platform.  People are still doubting this is real.  We end the last segment talking about Rocket League's newest announcement of Free to Play, what it means for the growth of the game and its esport, as well as the free to play market in general.

In this week's pod, we talk about the massive contract deal between Logic and Twitch, and what it means for the industry going forward.  Brime has a horrible alpha sign up phase, causing more controversy over the up and coming streaming platform.  People are still doubting this is real.  We end the last segment talking about Rocket League's newest announcement of Free to Play, what it means for the growth of the game and its esport, as well as the free to play market in general.

42 min